Cheol-Hyun Moon
Dentistry Oral Health Center for People with Disabilities Cheol-Hyun Moon Favorite Doctor
  • SpecialtyAesthetic correction, pediatric correction, correction of maxillofacial anomalies
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Schedule / Oral Health Center for People with Disabilities
의료진 진료일정
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Clinical Interests

Aesthetic correction
Correction of maxillofacial anomalies

1996 Kyunghee University College of Dentistry, Ph.D.
1987 Chonnam National University College of Dentistry, M.S.
1984 Kyunghee University College of Dentistry, D.D.S.
1999~ Gachon University College of Medicine, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor
1990~ Head of Department of Orthodontics, Gachon University Gil Medical Center
2013~2022 Director of Dental Hospital, Gachon University Gil Medical Center
1987 Medical Officer
1984 Department of Orthodontics, Chonnam National University, Intern & Resident
2004 Visiting Researcher, Dental College, TOHOKU University, Japan
Orthodontics Specialist
Cheol-Hyun Moon
2022 Evaluation of accuracy of 3-dimensional printed dental models in reproducing intermaxillary relational measurements: Based on inter-operator differences. KJO 2022;52:20-28
2022 Three-dimensional morphologic evaluation of the changes in the pharyngeal airway and hyoid bone after bimaxillary surgery in patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion with facial asymmetry: A preliminary study. AJODO 2022;162:42-50
2022 Orthodontic treatment in a patient with Mobius syndrome: A Case report. KJO;52:451-460.
2017 Lip line changes in Class III facial asymmetry patients after orthodontic camouflage treatment, one-jaw surgery, and two-jaw surgery: A preliminary study. Angle Orthod 2017;87;239-45.
2015 Comparison of cone-beam computed tomography cephalometric measurements using a midsagittal projection and conventional two-dimensional cephalometric measurements. KJO 2015;45:282-288.
2014 Three-dimensional cone beam computed tomographic image reorientation using soft tissue as reference for facial asymmetry diagnosis. Angle Orthod. 2014;84:38-47.
2011 낭종성 법랑모세포종으로 인하여 매복된 하악 구치의 교정-외과 치료: 증례보고. 대한악안면성형재건외과학회지 2011;33:435-439.
2011 가천의대 길병원 교정과에 내원한 매복치 환자의 특성과 치료기간 및 방법에 관한 연구(2005년 ~2008년) 대한치과의사협회지 2011;49:211-218.
2010 상악 가철식 보정장치인 circumferential comfortable retainer (CRR)에 대한 불편감 평가. 대한치과교정학회지 2010;40:325-333.
2010 Relationship between vertical skeletal pattern and success rate of orthodontic mini-implants. AJODO 2010;138:51-7.
2009 성인 환자에서 구치부 압하를 통한 개방교합의 치료와 유지. 대한치과교정학회지. Vol 39, No 6 2009.
2009 자가결찰 브라켓과 골신장술을 이용한 구순구개열 환자의 치험례. 대한치과의사협회지. Vol 47, No10, 2009, 656-668.
2008 흡연에 따른 간이구강위생지수와 구강환경관리능력지수. J of the Korean Society of Health Information and Health Statistics Vol. 33, No 1, 2008.
2008 성장기 III급 환자에서 MTA(Modified Tandem Appliance)를 이용한 교정치료. 대한치과의사협회지;46(2): 2008, 88-99.
2008 Factors associated with the success rate of orthodontic miniscrews placed in the upper and lower posterior buccal region. Angle Orthodontist;78(1):2008,101-106.
2007 Modified Nance appliance를 이용한 매복치의 교정치료. 대한치과의사협회지 Vol,45 No.4 2007,p228-p247.
2006 상악에서 발생한 법랑아세포 섬유-치아종의 치험례. 대한구강악안면외과학회지. Vol 32 No.6 2006.p594.
2006 Forced eruption of impacted molars with a modified lingual arch appliance. J of Korean Dental association Vol.44 No.2 2006 p123
2005 A case report of alveolar bone change after the forced eruption treatment with surgical luxation of the ankylosed tooth. J of Korean Dental association Vol.43 No.12 2005 p838
2005 "Long term results of ankylosed teeth treated bysubluxation and orthodontic traction method in a growingpatient. J of Korean Dental association Vol. 43, No.3, 2005p212-p217.
2005 "Epidemic study of the systemic associated anomalies on Cleft lip and/or cleft palate patients. J of Korean Dental association Vol. 43, No.2, 2005 p110-p118.
2004 순측 만곡치근을 갖는 역위 상악 중절치의 교정적 치험례. 대한치과의사협회지 Vol 42 No 2 2004
2004 A 17-year clinicostatistical analysis of Cleft Lip and/or Palate patients in clinics for Maxillo-oral disorders, Tohoku university dental hospital. J of the Korean Cleft lip and palate association Vol. 7, No. 1, 2004 P35.
2003 The orthopedic correction of mandibular protrusion with TTBA in growing patients: report of two cases. J of Korean Dental association Vol. 41, No.10, 2003 p720-p727
2002 Clinical use and failure of Skeletal Anchorage system. J of Korean Dental association Vol. 40, No.1, 2002 p68-p74.
2001 A study on the gap between the opinions of various specialties in treating CLP patients. J of Korean Dental association Vol. 39, No.11, 2001 p947-p953.
2000 골유착대구치의 교정적 치험례. 대한치과의사협회지 Vol 38, No10 2000 p962-968.
2000 Free gingival graft for Orthognathic surgery patients. J of Korean Dental association Vol. 38, No.79, 2000 p672-p678
2000 A study of post-operative changes in facial height and width of mandibular prognathic patients. Korean J of Orthodontics Vol. 30, No. 3, 2000 p367-p375.
출판 Publication
2020 Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics(공저). John Wiley & Sons (출판예정)
2018 多 알려주는 교정치료의 임상(제2판). 대한나래출판사
2012 多 알려주는 덧니와 돌출의 교정치료, 대한나래출판사
2009 多 알려주는 교정치료의 임상. 대한나래출판사
2008 스피드교정. 지성출판사
2007 매복치 치료를 위한 교정술식, 신흥인터내셔날
2007 다양한 mini-implant교정치료 (공저)/지성출판사
2002 Clinical use of Skeletal Anchorage System and its failure. Narae Publishing Inc.
1999 Color atlas Clinical Orthodontics. 지성출판사.
국제학회 Major Activities at International Societies
"3rd Asian-Pacific Orthodontic Conference 1998 at TaiwanSurgical Management of impacted tooth for Orthodontic Treatment""100th AAO 2000Orthodontic treatment for Ankylosed tooth – Table clinic""104th AAO 2004 (Orlando)Success rate according to the Implanted place of Skeletal anchorage system – Scientific PosterbordsClinical use of Skeletal Anchorage system – Table clinic""105th AAO 2005 (SanFrancisco California USA)Clinical use of Skeletal Anchorage system – Table clinicA 17-year clinicostatistical analysis of Cleft lip and/or palate patients – Scientific Posterbords""106th AAO (Las Vegas Nevada USA / May 5-9, 2006)The forced eruption treatment with surgical luxation of the ankylosed tooth-Scientific poster boardEpidemiologic study of the Associated Anomalies on Cleft Patients- Scientific poster boardClinical use of Skeletal anchorage system-Table Clinic""107th AAO (Seattle Washington, USA / May 18-22, 2007 )Clinical use of Skeletal Anchorage System – Table ClinicFactors associated with the clinical success ofMiniscrews – Oral Presentation""108th AAO (Denver Colorado, USA/May 16-20, 2008)Skeletal and Clinical factors associated with the success of mini implant. – Oral presentationOpen bite correction with orthodontic mini-implant. – Table ClinicsEpidemiologic characteristics of impacted tooth – Scientific Poster board""109th AAO(Boston/ May 1-5, 2009)Patient and OMI(orthodontic mini implant) factors associated with the success of OMI.""110th AAO(Washington, DC/ April 30~May 4, 2010)Open bite correction with orthodontic mini-implant. – Table ClinicsSFR(Skeletal Fixed Retainer)-the Open bite retainer – Poster""111th AAO(Chicago, Il/ May 13-17. 2011)Open bite correction and retention with Orthodontic Mini-Implant (OMI) – Table clinicReserch on characteristics of patients with tooth impaction who visited Gachon University Gil Hospital Orthodontic Department (Year 2005-2009) - E-Poster""112th AAO (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA)Application of temporary anchorage device for the open bite correction and retention.-Table clinicPain in Orthodontic Clinic-E poster.""113th AAO (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) Factors associated with orthodontic pain – E-Poster.""13. 114th AAO(New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)The maxillofacial skeletal factors affecting the airway size – E Poster""14. 115th AAO(San Francisco, California, USA)Comparison of 3D CBCT cephalometric measurements using midsagittal projection and conventional 2D cephalometric measurements. –E Poster""15. 116th AAO(Orlando, Florida, USA/ April 29-May 3)Comparison of lip line cant correction between 1-jaw and 2-jaw orthognathic surgery in Class III facial asymmetry patients.""16. 117th AAO(San Diego, California, USA/ April 21-25) Precision of direct digital impression with Trios 3 intraoral scanner –E Poster""17. 118th AAO(Washington DC USA/ May 408, 2018) A study on the clinical usefulness of the RP Model made by using intraoral scan images –E PosterOpen bite correction and retention by using Temporary Anchorage Devices (TAD)-Table clinic""18. 119th AAO(Los Angeles, California, USA) Can the Rapid Prototyping model replace the Plaster model in the Orthodontic Clinic? –E Poster"