Ji Yong Jung
Nephrology Ji Yong Jung Favorite Doctor
  • SpecialtyAcute renal failure, Chronic renal failure, Dialysis, Water/Electrolytes/Acid-based disorder
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Clinical Interests

Acute renal failure
Chronic renal failure
Water/Electrolyte/Acid-based disorder
Chronic kidney disease-Mineral and bone disorder
Genetic renal tubular disorder (Gitelman syndrome)

Chosun University College of Medicine, Ph.D.
Chosun University College of Medicine, M.S.
Chosun University College of Medicine, M.D.
Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Professor
Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Associate Professor
Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Assistant Professor
Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Clinical Assistant Professor
Seoul National University Hospital, Clinical Instructor
Chosun University Hospital, Resident
Chosun University Hospital, Intern
2016~2017 Harvard Medical School / Brigham and Women's Hospital - Visiting Scientist
Nephrology, Specialist
Hemodialysis, Specialist
Internal Medicine, Specialist
License of Medical Doctor
Ji Yong Jung
2024 Kim H, Lee EJ, Woo S, Rho S, Jung JY: Effect of Denosumab on Bone Health, Vascular Calcification, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients with Osteoporosis: A Prospective Observational Study. J Clin Med 13, 2024
2024 Jung JY: Which blood pressure metrics should be used in patients on dialysis? Kidney Res Clin Pract 43: 133-142, 2024
2024 Suh SH, Oh TR, Choi HS, Kim CS, Bae EH, Ma SK, Oh KH, Lee KB, Jeong JC, Jung JY, Kim SW: Circulating osteoprotegerin levels and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease: results from the KNOW-CKD study. Sci Rep 14: 4136, 2024
2024 Suh SH, Oh TR, Choi HS, Kim CS, Bae EH, Ma SK, Oh KH, Jung JY, Hyun YY, Kim SW: Circulating osteoprotegerin as a cardiac biomarker for left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease: the KNOW-CKD study. Clin Res Cardiol, 2024
2024 Park CH, Kim HW, Park JT, Chang TI, Yoo TH, Park SK, Lee KB, Jung JY, Jeong JC, Oh KH, Kang SW, Han SH: Association between progression of coronary artery calcification and development of kidney failure with replacement therapy: Findings from KNOW-CKD study. Atherosclerosis: 117563, 2024
2024 Min HK, Sung SA, Jung JY, Oh YK, Lee KB, Park SK, Oh KH, Ahn C, Lee SW: Relationship between urinary potassium excretion, serum potassium levels and cardiac injury in non-dialysis chronic kidney disease: KoreaN cohort study for Outcome in patients With Chronic Kidney Disease (KNOW-CKD). Br J Nutr 131: 429-437, 2024
2024 Lee HH, Ro H, Jung JY, Chang JH, Chung W, Kim AJ: The Fatty Liver Index's Association with Incident Chronic Kidney Disease in Korean Middle-Aged Adults: A Community-Based Cohort Study. J Clin Med 13, 2024
2024 Kim J, Jeong B, Ha ID, Oh KH, Jung JY, Jeong JC, Lee D: Bias reduction for semi-competing risks frailty model with rare events: application to a chronic kidney disease cohort study in South Korea. Lifetime Data Anal 30: 310-326, 2024
2024 Kim H, Hyun YY, Joo YS, Yun HR, Kim Y, Jung JY, Jeong JC, Kim J, Park JT, Yoo TH, Kang SW, Oh KH, Han SH: Proteinuria, measured or estimated albuminuria for risk prediction in patients with chronic kidney disease? Nephrol Dial Transplant 39: 473-482, 2024
2024 Ahn SY, Ko GJ, Hwang HS, Jeong KH, Jin K, Kim YG, Moon JY, Lee SH, Lee SY, Yang DH, Jung JY, Oh KH, Lee YK, Kim GH, Kim SW, Kim YH, Lee DY, Hong YA, Park HC, Yoon SA, Choi BS, Ban TH, Kim HJ, Kwon YJ: Understanding the Korean Dialysis Cohort for Mineral, Vascular Calcification, and Fracture (ORCHESTRA) Study: Design, Method, and Baseline Characteristics. Kidney Blood Press Res 49: 326-335, 2024
2023 Ryu H, Hong Y, Kang E, Kang M, Kim J, Park HC, Oh YK, Chin HJ, Park SK, Jung JY, Hyun YY, Sung SA, Ahn C, Oh KH: Comparison of outcomes of chronic kidney disease based on etiology: a prospective cohort study from KNOW-CKD. Sci Rep 13: 3570, 2023
2023 Park CH, Kim HW, Park JT, Chang TI, Yoo TH, Park SK, Kim Y, Jung JY, Jeong JC, Oh KH, Kang SW, Han SH: The 2021 KDIGO blood pressure target and the progression of chronic kidney disease: Findings from KNOW-CKD. J Intern Med 294: 653-664, 2023
2023 Park CH, Kim HW, Park JT, Chang TI, Yoo TH, Lee J, Sung S, Jung JY, Hyun YY, Oh KH, Kang SW, Han SH: Intrarenal Renin-Angiotensin System Activation Alters Relationship Between Systolic Blood Pressure and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease. Hypertension 80: 1024-1034, 2023
2023 Kim KW, Koh HB, Kim HW, Park JT, Yoo TH, Kang SW, Oh KH, Hyun YY, Jung JY, Sung SA, Kim J, Han SH: Systolic blood pressure, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, and adverse kidney outcome: results from KNOW-CKD. Hypertens Res 46: 1395-1406, 2023
2023 Kim H, Hyun YY, Yun HR, Joo YS, Kim Y, Jung JY, Jeong JC, Kim J, Park JT, Yoo TH, Kang SW, Oh KH, Han SH: Predictive performance of the new race-free Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equations for kidney outcome in Korean patients with chronic kidney disease. Kidney Res Clin Pract 42: 501-511, 2023
2023 Ban TH, Choi BS, Yoon SA, Kim Y, Jin K, Kim GH, Lee YK, Oh KH, Lee SH, Jung JY, Park HC, Ahn SY, Ko GJ, Kwon YJ, Hong YA: Clinical significance of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio on the risk of abdominal aortic calcification and decreased bone mineral density in patients with end-stage kidney disease. PLoS One 18: e0286612, 2023
2022 Suh SH, Oh TR, Choi HS, Yang EM, Kim CS, Bae EH, Ma SK, Oh KH, Jung JY, Hyun YY, Kim SW: Urinary Angiotensinogen and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease: Results from KNOW-CKD Study. Biomolecules 12, 2022
2022 Suh SH, Oh TR, Choi HS, Kim CS, Bae EH, Oh KH, Lee J, Oh YK, Jung JY, Ma SK, Kim SW, On Behalf Of The Korean Cohort Study For Outcomes In Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Know-Ckd I: Abdominal Aortic Calcification and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease: Findings from KNOW-CKD Study. J Clin Med 11, 2022
2022 Suh SH, Oh TR, Choi HS, Kim CS, Bae EH, Oh KH, Lee J, Jung JY, Lee KB, Ma SK, Kim SW: Association Between Left Ventricular Geometry and Renal Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: Findings From Korean Cohort Study for Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Study. Front Cardiovasc Med 9: 848692, 2022
2022 Oh YJ, Ro H, Chung W, Hyun YY, Park SK, Kim YS, Kim SW, Oh YK, Oh KH, Jung JY: Urine creatinine concentration influences the prognostic value of proteinuria for MACE prediction from the findings of the KNOW-CKD study. Sci Rep 12: 15924, 2022
2022 Lee T, Kim WK, Kim AJ, Ro H, Chang JH, Lee HH, Chung W, Jung JY: Low-Osmolar vs. Iso-Osmolar Contrast Media on the Risk of Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury: A Propensity Score Matched Study. Front Med (Lausanne) 9: 862023, 2022
2022 Kim H, Kim AJ, Ro H, Chang JH, Lee HH, Chung W, Jung JY: Serum calcification propensity and its association with biochemical parameters and bone mineral density in hemodialysis patients. Kidney Res Clin Pract, 2022
2022 Jung JY, Yoo KD, Kang E, Kang HG, Kim SH, Kim H, Kim HJ, Park TJ, Suh SH, Jeong JC, Choi JY, Hwang YH, Choi M, Kim YL, Oh KH: Executive summary of the Korean Society of Nephrology 2021 clinical practice guideline for optimal hemodialysis treatment. Korean J Intern Med 37: 701-718, 2022
2022 Jung JY: Blood pressure management in treatment-naïve hypertensive patients. Kidney Res Clin Pract 41: 1-3, 2022
2022 Yun HR, Joo YS, Kim HW, Park JT, Chang TI, Son NH, Yoo TH, Kang SW, Sung S, Lee KB, Lee J, Oh KH, Han SH: Coronary Artery Calcification Score and the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease. J Am Soc Nephrol 33: 1590-1601, 2022
2022 Suh SH, Oh TR, Choi HS, Yang EM, Kim CS, Bae EH, Ma SK, Oh KH, Jung JY, Hyun YY, Kim SW: Urinary Angiotensinogen and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease: Results from KNOW-CKD Study. Biomolecules 12, 2022
2022 Suh SH, Oh TR, Choi HS, Kim CS, Bae EH, Oh KH, Lee J, Oh YK, Jung JY, Ma SK, Kim SW, On Behalf Of The Korean Cohort Study For Outcomes In Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Know-Ckd I: Abdominal Aortic Calcification and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease: Findings from KNOW-CKD Study. J Clin Med 11, 2022
2022 Suh SH, Oh TR, Choi HS, Kim CS, Bae EH, Oh KH, Lee J, Jung JY, Lee KB, Ma SK, Kim SW: Association Between Left Ventricular Geometry and Renal Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: Findings From Korean Cohort Study for Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Study. Front Cardiovasc Med 9: 848692, 2022
2022 Kim HJ, Kim Y, Kang M, Kim S, Park SK, Sung S, Hyun YY, Jung JY, Ahn C, Oh KH: Low Klotho/Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 Ratio Is an Independent Risk Factor for Renal Progression in Chronic Kidney Disease: Finding From KNOW-CKD. Front Med (Lausanne) 9: 904963, 2022
2022 Kang E, Lee SW, Ryu H, Kang M, Kim S, Park SK, Jung JY, Lee KB, Han SH, Ahn C, Oh KH: Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease: Analysis of KNOW-CKD Data. J Am Heart Assoc 11: e025554, 2022
2021 Jung JY, Yoo KD, Kang E, Kang HG, Kim SH, Kim H, Kim HJ, Park TJ, Suh SH, Jeong JC, Choi JY, Hwang YH, Choi M, Kim YL, Oh KH: Korean Society of Nephrology 2021 Clinical Practice Guideline for Optimal Hemodialysis Treatment. Kidney Res Clin Pract 40: S1-s37, 2021
2021 Jung JY, Yoo KD, Kang E, Kang HG, Kim SH, Kim H, Kim HJ, Park TJ, Suh SH, Jeong JC, Choi JY, Hwang YH, Choi M, Kim YL, Oh KH: Executive Summary of the Korean Society of Nephrology 2021 Clinical Practice Guideline for Optimal Hemodialysis Treatment. Kidney Res Clin Pract 40: 578-595, 2021
2021 Oh Y J, Kim A J, Ro H, Chang J H, Lee H H, Chung W, Hyun Y Y, Lee J, Kim Y H, Han S H, Chae D W, Ahn C, Oh K H and Jung J Y: Low-dose aspirin was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events in patients with chronic kidney disease patients and low bodyweight: results from KNOW-CKD study. Scientific reports 11:6691, 2021
2021 Kim A J, Ro H, Kim H, Ko K P, Chang J H, Lee H H, Chung W and Jung J Y: Elevated levels of soluble ST2 but not galectin-3 are associated with increased risk of mortality in hemodialysis patients. Kidney research and clinical practice 40:109-119, 2021
2021 Kim A J, Ro H, Kim H, Chang J H, Lee H H, Chung W and Jung J Y: Soluble ST2 and Galectin-3 as Predictors of Chronic Kidney Disease Progression and Outcomes. American journal of nephrology:1-12, 2021
2021 Zhou Y, Kim C, Pablo JLB, Zhang F, Jung JY, Xiao L, Bazua-Valenti S, Emani M, Hopkins CR, Weins A, Greka A: TRPC5 Channel Inhibition Protects Podocytes in Puromycin-Aminonucleoside Induced Nephrosis Models. Front Med (Lausanne) 8: 721865, 2021
2021 Suh SH, Oh TR, Choi HS, Kim CS, Oh KH, Lee J, Oh YK, Jung JY, Choi KH, Ma SK, Bae EH, Kim SW, On Behalf Of The Korean Cohort Study For Outcomes In Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Know-Ckd I: Association of Circulating Osteoprotegerin Level with Blood Pressure Variability in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. J Clin Med 11, 2021
2021 Suh SH, Oh TR, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee J, Oh YK, Jung JY, Lee KB, Oh KH, Ma SK, Bae EH, Kim SW: Association of High Serum Adiponectin Level With Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes and Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification in Patients With Pre-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease. Front Cardiovasc Med 8: 789488, 2021
2021 Shin YH, Kim AJ, Ro H, Chang JH, Jung JY, Chung WK, Lee HH: Concomitant Mitochondrial Diabetes and Myopathy Mistook for Complications of Immunosuppressants After Kidney Transplant. Exp Clin Transplant 19: 736-738, 2021
2021 Oh TR, Song SH, Choi HS, Suh SH, Kim CS, Jung JY, Choi KH, Oh KH, Ma SK, Bae EH, Kim SW: Predictive Model for High Coronary Artery Calcium Score in Young Patients with Non-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease. J Pers Med 11, 2021
2021 Kim HJ, Ryu H, Kang E, Kang M, Han M, Song SH, Lee J, Jung JY, Lee KB, Sung S, Seong EY, Ahn C, Oh KH: Metabolic Acidosis Is an Independent Risk Factor of Renal Progression in Korean Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: The KNOW-CKD Study Results. Front Med (Lausanne) 8: 707588, 2021
2021 Kim H, Park JT, Lee J, Jung JY, Lee KB, Kim YH, Yoo TH, Kang SW, Choi KH, Oh KH, Ahn C, Han SH: The difference between cystatin C- and creatinine-based eGFR is associated with adverse cardiovascular outcome in patients with chronic kidney disease. Atherosclerosis 335: 53-61, 2021
2021 Jung CY, Heo GY, Park JT, Joo YS, Kim HW, Lim H, Chang TI, Kang EW, Yoo TH, Kang SW, Lee J, Kim SW, Oh YK, Jung JY, Oh KH, Ahn C, Han SH: Sex disparities and adverse cardiovascular and kidney outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease: results from the KNOW-CKD. Clin Res Cardiol 110: 1116-1127, 2021
2020 Oh Y J, Kim H, Kim A J, Ro H, Chang J H, Lee H H, Chung W, Jun H S and Jung J Y: Reduction of Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 5 Drives Vascular Calcification through Wnt3a-Mediated Rho/ROCK/JNK Signaling in Chronic Kidney Disease. Int J Mol Sci 21, 2020
2020 Lee C, Park K H, Joo Y S, Nam K H, Chang T I, Kang E W, Lee J, Oh Y K, Jung J Y, Ahn C, Lee K B, Park J T, Yoo T H, Kang S W and Han S H: Low High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Level in Korean Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease and Its Predictive Significance for Cardiovascular Events, Mortality, and Adverse Kidney Outcomes: Results From KNOW-CKD. J Am Heart Assoc 9:e017980, 2020
2020 Kim S M and Jung J Y: Nutritional management in patients with chronic kidney disease. The Korean journal of internal medicine 35:1279-1290, 2020
2020 Jung J Y, Ro H, Chang J H, Kim A J, Lee H H, Han S H, Yoo T H, Lee K B, Kim Y H, Kim S W, Park S K, Chae D W, Oh K H, Ahn C and Chung W: Mediation of the relationship between proteinuria and serum phosphate: Insight from the KNOW-CKD study. PloS one 15:e0235077, 2020
2020 Jhee J H, Joo Y S, Park J T, Yoo T H, Park S K, Jung J Y, Kim S W, Oh Y K, Oh K H, Kang S W, Choi K H, Ahn C and Han S H: Intensity of statin therapy and renal outcome in chronic kidney disease: Results from the Korean Cohort Study for Outcome in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease. Kidney research and clinical practice 39:93-102, 2020
2019 Jung J Y: Vascular Calcification in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Korean J Med 94:159-169, 2019
2019 Chun K, Chung W, Kim A J, Kim H, Ro H, Chang J H, Lee H H and Jung J Y: Association between acute kidney injury and serum procalcitonin levels and their diagnostic usefulness in critically ill patients. Scientific reports 9:4777, 2019
2018 Jin K, Ban T H, Jung J Y, Kim A J, Kim Y, Lee S Y, Yang D H, Choi B S, Oh K H, Kim J, Kwon Y J, Choi J W and Kim G H: Stabilization of serum alkaline phosphatase in hemodialysis patients by implementation of local chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder management strategy: A quality improvement study. Kidney research and clinical practice 37:157-166, 2018
2018 Christov M, Clark A R, Corbin B, Hakroush S, Rhee E P, Saito H, Brooks D, Hesse E, Bouxsein M, Galjart N, Jung J Y, Mundel P, Juppner H, Weins A and Greka A: Inducible podocyte-specific deletion of CTCF drives progressive kidney disease and bone abnormalities. JCI insight 3, 2018
2017 Zhou Y, Castonguay P, Sidhom E H, Clark A R, Dvela-Levitt M, Kim S, Sieber J, Wieder N, Jung J Y, Andreeva S, Reichardt J, Dubois F, Hoffmann S C, Basgen J M, Montesinos M S, Weins A, Johnson A C, Lander E S, Garrett M R, Hopkins C R and Greka A: A small-molecule inhibitor of TRPC5 ion channels suppresses progressive kidney disease in animal models. Science (New York, N.Y.) 358:1332-1336, 2017
2017 Ryu S R, Park S K, Jung J Y, Kim Y H, Oh Y K, Yoo T H and Sung S: The Prevalence and Management of Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: Result from the KoreaN Cohort Study for Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease (KNOW-CKD). Journal of Korean medical science 32:249-256, 2017
2017 Oh Y J, Kim S M, Shin B C, Kim H L, Chung J H, Kim A J, Ro H, Chang J H, Lee H H, Chung W, Lee C and Jung J Y: The Impact of Renin-Angiotensin System Blockade on Renal Outcomes and Mortality in Pre-Dialysis Patients with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease. PloS one 12:e0170874, 2017
2017 Oh Y J, Jung J Y, Kim S S, Chae K S, Rhu J and Lee C: The association of kidney function with repetitive breath-hold diving activities of female divers from Korea, Haenyeo. BMC nephrology 18:75, 2017
2017 Li H Y, Oh Y S, Choi J W, Jung J Y and Jun H S: Blocking lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 signaling inhibits diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice. Kidney international, 2017
2017 Jung E S, Chung W, Kim A J, Ro H, Chang J H, Lee H H and Jung J Y: Associations between Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (sRAGE) and S100A12 (EN-RAGE) with Mortality in Long-term Hemodialysis Patients. Journal of Korean medical science 32:54-59, 2017
2017 Cho E Y, Myoung C, Park H S, Kim A J, Ro H, Chang J H, Lee H H, Chung W and Jung J Y: Efficacy of Statin Treatment in Early-Stage Chronic Kidney Disease. PloS one 12:e0170017, 2017
2016 Han S S, Yang S H, Choi M, Kim H R, Kim K, Lee S, Moon K C, Kim J Y, Lee H, Lee J P, Jung J Y, Kim S, Joo K W, Lim C S, Kang S W, Kim Y S and Kim D K: The Role of TNF Superfamily Member 13 in the Progression of IgA Nephropathy. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, 2016
2016 Hong J, Lee S, Chun G, Jung J Y, Park J, Ahn J Y, Cho E K, Shin D B and Lee J H: Baseline renal function as a prognostic indicator in patients with newly diagnosed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Blood research 51:113-121, 2016
2016 Choi BH, Ro H, Jung ES, Kim AJ, Chang JH, Lee HH, Chung W, Jung JY: Circulating S100A12 Levels Are Associated with Progression of Abdominal Aortic Calcification in Hemodialysis Patients. PloS one, 11: e0150145, 2016
2016 Kim AJ, Ro H, Kim H, Chang JH, Lee HH, Chung W, Jung JY: Klotho and S100A8/A9 as Discriminative Markers between Pre-Renal and Intrinsic Acute Kidney Injury. PloS one, 11: e0147255, 2016
2016 Lim HJ, Lee HH, Kim AJ, Ro H, Kim HS, Chang JH, Chung W, Jung JY: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Blockade in Critically Ill Patients Is Associated with Increased Risk for Acute Kidney Injury. The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine, 238: 17-23, 2016
2016 Kim A J, Lim H J, Ro H, Jung J Y, Lee H H, Chung W and Chang J H: Liver cirrhosis leads to poorer survival in patients with end-stage renal disease. The Korean journal of internal medicine, 2016
2016 Cho E Y, Kim A J, Jung J Y, Ahn J Y, Kim S Y and Lee J H: A Successful Planned Pregnancy and Delivery with Eculizumab Maintenance in a Woman with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria. Soonchunhyang Med Sci 22:50-53, 2016
2015 Han SY, Lee SI, Lee YH, Kim AJ, Lim HJ, Ro H, Chang JH, Lee HH, Chung W, Jung JY: IgG4-Related Systemic Disease Can Be Easily Mistaken as a Uroepithelial Tumor. Chonnam Med J, 51: 39-42, 2015
2015 Kim AJ, Lee JH, Ko KP, Jung ES, Choi BH, Ro H, Jung JY, Lee HH, Chung W, Chang JH: Outcomes of hepatitis B surface antigenemia in patients with incident end-stage renal disease. Nephrology (Carlton, Vic), 2015
2014 Kim AJ, Lim HJ, Ro H, Ko KP, Han SY, Chang JH, Lee HH, Chung W, Jung JY: Low-dose aspirin for prevention of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease. PloS one, 9: e104179, 2014
2014 Jung ES, Sung JY, Han SY, Kim AJ, Ro H, Jung JY, Lee HH, Chung W, Chang JH: Residual urinary volume is a predictor of overhydration in patients on peritoneal dialysis. The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine, 233: 295-300, 2014
2013 Sung JY, Chung W, Kim AJ, Kim HS, Ro H, Chang JH, Lee HH, Jung JY: Calcitriol treatment increases serum levels of the soluble receptor of advanced glycation end products in hemodialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism. The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine, 230: 59-66, 2013
2013 Kim HS, Chung W, Kim AJ, Ro H, Chang JH, Lee HH, Jung JY: Circulating levels of soluble receptor for advanced glycation end product are inversely associated with vascular calcification in patients on haemodialysis independent of S100A12 (EN-RAGE) levels. Nephrology (Carlton, Vic), 18: 777-782, 2013
2013 Chung W, Kim AJ, Ro H, Chang JH, Lee HH, Jung JY: Hyperuricemia is an independent risk factor for mortality only if chronic kidney disease is present. American journal of nephrology, 37: 452-461, 2013
2013 Jung JY: Erratum Regarding “The Effect of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Blockade on Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury: A Propensity-Matched Study” (Am J Kidney Dis 2012; 60:576-582). American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 61: 849, 2013
2013 Park YH, Kim YS, Chang JH, Jung JY, Ro H, Chung WK, Lee HH: Should we do cardiac stress tests in asymptomatic renal transplant candidates? Transplantation proceedings, 45: 1371-1373, 2013
2013 Chang JH, Sung JY, Ahn SY, Ko KP, Ro H, Jung JY, Lee HH, Chung W, Kim S: Hemodialysis leads to better survival in patients with diabetes or high comorbidity, compared to peritoneal dialysis. The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine, 229: 271-277, 2013
2012 Rim MY, Ro H, Kang WC, Kim AJ, Park H, Chang JH, Lee HH, Chung W, Jung JY: The Effect of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Blockade on Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury: A Propensity-Matched Study. Am J Kidney Dis, 2012
2012 Choi SH, Shin DS, Jung ES, Kim AJ, Park H, Sung J, Ro H, Chang JH, Lee HH, Chung W, Jung JY: Prognostic implication of interdialytic fluid retention during the beginning period in incident hemodialysis patients. The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine, 226: 109-115, 2012
2012 Chang JH, Ro H, Kim S, Lee HH, Chung W, Jung JY: Study on the relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and vascular calcification in hemodialysis patients with consideration of seasonal variation in vitamin D levels. Atherosclerosis, 220: 563-568, 2012
2012 Jung JY, Joo KW: Reply to "Letter to the Editor: 'How does potassium supplementation lower blood pressure?'". American journal of physiology Renal physiology, 303: F1251-1252, 2012
2012 Jung JY, Joo KW: Reply to "Letter to the Editor: 'How does potassium supplementation lower blood pressure?'". American journal of physiology Renal physiology, 303: F1251-1252, 2012
2012 Na SY, Sung J, Jung JY, Chang JH, Kim S, Chung W, Lee HH: A Case of Exercise-Induced Hematuria Presenting as Gross Hematuria Lasting One Week. Korean J Med, 82: 95-99, 2012
2012 Lee YJ, Chang JH, Choi HN, Jung JY, Kim YS, Chung WK, Park YH, Lee HH: Donor-recipient age difference and graft survival in living donor kidney transplantation. Transplantation proceedings, 44: 270-272, 2012
2012 Chung W, Jung ES, Shin D, Choi SH, Jung JY, Chang JH, Lee HH, Kim DK, Kim S: Low Resistin Level is Associated with Poor Hospitalization-Free Survival in Hemodialysis Patients. Journal of Korean medical science, 27: 377-381, 2012
2012 Choi HN, Kim YS, Chang JH, Jung JY, Chung WK, Park YH, Lee HH: Metastatic sarcomatoid carcinoma to liver and bone marrow in renal transplant recipient: due to exacerbation of quiescent renal cancer? A case report. Transplantation proceedings, 44: 299-302, 2012
2012 Chang JH, Sung JY, Nam HE, Jeong H, Jo MY, Hwang YH, Jung JY, Lee HH, Chung W, Sung YM, Kim S: Role of coronary artery calcification score on the decrease in GFR among subjects with CT coronary angiography. Clin Exp Hypertens, 34: 24-30, 2012
2012 Chang JH, Sung JY, Jung JY, Lee HH, Chung W, Sung YM, Kim S: The Relationship between Coronary Artery Calcification and Renal Function in Nondialyzed Patients. Yonsei Med J, 53: 685-690, 2012
2012 Chang JH, Rim MY, Sung J, Ko KP, Kim DK, Jung JY, Lee HH, Chung W, Kim S: Early start of dialysis has no survival benefit in end-stage renal disease patients. Journal of Korean medical science, 27: 1177-1181, 2012
2011 Na SY, Sung JY, Chang JH, Kim S, Lee HH, Park YH, Chung W, Oh KH, Jung JY: Chronic kidney disease in cancer patients: an independent predictor of cancer-specific mortality. American journal of nephrology, 33: 121-130, 2011
2011 Jung JY, Oh KH: Reply to "Factors associated with increasing vascular stiffness in PD". Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 26: 2060-2061; author reply 2061, 2011
2011 Jung JY, Kim S, Lee JW, Jung ES, Heo NJ, Son MJ, Oh YK, Na KY, Han JS, Joo KW: Effects of potassium on expression of renal sodium transporters in salt-sensitive hypertensive rats induced by uninephrectomy. American journal of physiology Renal physiology, 300: F1422-1430, 2011
2011 Sung J, Chang JH, Chung WJ, Jung JY, Na SY, Lee HH, Sung YM, Moon CI, Hwang YH, Chung W, Kim S: Association between renal dysfunction and the mixed plaque of coronary artery on computed tomographic angiography. The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine, 225: 171-177, 2011
2011 Lee H, Hwang YH, Jung JY, Na KY, Kim HS, Son MJ, Park JY, Cho EJ, Ahn C, Oh KH: Comparison of vascular calcification scoring systems using plain radiographs to predict vascular stiffness in peritoneal dialysis patients. Nephrology (Carlton, Vic), 16: 656-662, 2011
2011 Chung W, Choi SH, Sung J, Jung ES, Shin DS, Jung JY, Chang JH, Lee HH, Lee SH, Kim S: Volume control by using the body composition monitor in a puerperal patient on hemodialysis. Electrolyte Blood Press, 9: 63-66, 2011
2011 Choi W, Choi H, Jung JY, Chang JH, Chung W, Lee HH: Drug-induced Skin Hyperpigmentation after Usual Dosage of Bismuth-Containing Compound Medication in a Kidney Transplant Patient. Korean J Nephrol, 30: 682-685, 2011
2011 Chang JH, Jung JY, Lee HH, Chung W, Joo KW, Kim S: Serum resistin as a novel marker of erythropoietin resistance in nondiabetic patients on hemodialysis. The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine, 224: 281-285, 2011
2010 Kim BH, Na SY, Sung JY, Chang JH, Kim S, Lee HH, Chung W, Jung JY: A Case of Acute Toxic Hepatitis and Acute Kidney Injury after Ingestion of Ulmus davidiana var. japonica Extracts. Korean J Nephrol, 29: 136-139, 2010
2010 Jung JY, Hwang YH, Lee SW, Lee H, Kim DK, Kim S, Oh YG, Yang J, Joo KW, Ahn C, Oh KH: Factors associated with aortic stiffness and its change over time in peritoneal dialysis patients. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 25: 4041-4048, 2010
2010 Jung JY, Hwang YH, Lee H, Ro H, Chung W, Chae DW, Joo KW, Ahn C, Oh KH: Association of AHSG gene polymorphisms and aortic stiffness in peritoneal dialysis patients. American journal of nephrology, 31: 510-517, 2010
2010 Oh KH, Jung JY, Yoon MO, Song A, Lee H, Ro H, Hwang YH, Kim DK, Margetts P, Ahn C: Intra-peritoneal interleukin-6 system is a potent determinant of the baseline peritoneal solute transport in incident peritoneal dialysis patients. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 25: 1639-1646, 2010
2010 Kim S, Heo NJ, Jung JY, Son MJ, Jang HR, Lee JW, Oh YK, Na KY, Joo KW, Han JS: Changes in the sodium and potassium transporters in the course of chronic renal failure. Nephron Physiol, 115: p31-41, 2010
2010 Jeong Sh, Oh Ky, Shin DS, Choi SH, Jung ES, Park JS, Na SY, Sung JY, Jung JY, Kim S, Lee HH, Chung WK, Park SH, Chang JH: Kaposi's Sarcoma in a Patient on Hemodialysis. Korean J Nephrol, 29: 525-528, 2010
2010 Jang HR, Lee JW, Kim S, Heo NJ, Lee JH, Kim HS, Jung JY, Oh YK, Na KY, Han JS, Joo KW: High dose vitamin D3 attenuates the hypocalciuric effect of thiazide in hypercalciuric rats. Journal of Korean medical science, 25: 1305-1312, 2010
2010 Chung WK, Zheng ZL, Kim HS, Park JW, Lee HJ, Chang JH, Jeong JY, Kim S, Lee HH, Yang J: Serial testing of interferon-gamma-release assays for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis in hemodialysis patients. J Infect, 61: 144-149, 2010
2010 Chang JH, Seo MR, Na SY, Sung JY, Jung JY, Kim S, Chung WK, Lee HH: A Case of Peritonitis due to Comamonas testosteroni in a Patient on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis. Korean J Nephrol, 29: 175-177, 2010
2010 Ahn SY, Park JY, Lee SW, Jeong JC, Jung JY, Oh KH, Kim YS, Ahn C, Han JS, Kim S, Moon KC, Joo KW: Clinicopathologic Characteristics of C1q nephropathy. Korean J Nephrol, 29: 208-214, 2010
2009 Jung JY, Lee JW, Kim S, Jung ES, Jang HR, Han JS, Joo KW: Altered regulation of renal sodium transporters in salt-sensitive hypertensive rats induced by uninephrectomy. Electrolyte Blood Press, 7: 58-66, 2009
2009 Jung JY, Lee C, Ro H, Kim HS, Joo KW, Kim Y, Ahn C, Han JS, Kim S, Oh KH: Sequential occurrence of life-threatening hypokalemia and rebound hyperkalemia associated with barbiturate coma therapy. Clin Nephrol, 71: 333-337, 2009
2009 Jung JY, Chang JH, Lee HH, Chung W, Kim S: De novo hypokalemia in incident peritoneal dialysis patients: a 1-year observational study. Electrolyte Blood Press, 7: 73-78, 2009
2009 Oh KH, Kim C, Lee H, Jung JY, Kim NJ, Yu KS, Shin KH, Jang IJ, Ahn C: Pharmacokinetics of intravenous piperacillin administration in patients undergoing on-line hemodiafiltration. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 53: 3266-3268, 2009