2023 | Kim, W. S., Jeong, T. S., & Kim, W. K. (2023). Three-column reconstruction through the posterior approach alone for the treatment of a severe lumbar burst fracture: a case report. Journal of the Korean Society of Traumatology. |
2023 | Choi, D. H., Jeong, T. S., & Jang, M. J. (2023). Comparison of preventable trauma death rates in patients with traumatic brain injury before and after the establishment of regional trauma center: a single center experience. Korean journal of neurotrauma, 19(2), 227. |
2023 | Kim, Y. T., Jeong, T. S., Kim, Y. J., Kim, W. S., Kim, K. G., & Yee, G. T. (2023). Automatic Spine Segmentation and Parameter Measurement for Radiological Analysis of Whole-Spine Lateral Radiographs Using Deep Learning and Computer Vision. Journal of Digital Imaging, 1-13. |
2023 | Jeong, T. S., Seong, S. O. N., Lee, S. G., Kim, W. K., Yoo, B. R., & Kim, W. S. (2023). Comparison of Long-Term Follow-Up Outcomes Between Minimally Invasive and Open Surgery for Single-Level Lumbar Fusion. Turkish Neurosurgery, 33(4). |
2023 | Jeong, T. S., Yee, G. T., Kim, K. G., Kim, Y. J., Lee, S. G., & Kim, W. K. (2023). Automatically diagnosing skull fractures using an object detection method and deep learning algorithm in plain radiography images. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 66(1), 53-62. |
2022 | Shim, J. H., Kim, W. S., Kim, K. G., Yee, G. T., Kim, Y. J., & Jeong, T. S. (2022). Evaluation of U-Net models in automated cervical spine and cranial bone segmentation using X-ray images for traumatic atlanto-occipital dislocation diagnosis. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 21438. |
2022 | Choi, D. H., Jeong, T. S., Kim, W. K., & KNTDB Investigators. (2022). Clinical Outcome of Patients Diagnosed Traumatic Intracranial Epidural Hematoma With Severe Brain Injury (Glasgow Coma Scale≤ 8) Who Undergo Surgery: A Report From the Korean Neuro-Trauma Data Bank System. Korean Journal of Neurotrauma, 18(2), 153-160. |
2022 | Jeong, T. S., Choi, D. H., & Kim, W. K. (2022). The relationship between trauma scoring systems and outcomes in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. Korean journal of neurotrauma, 18(2), 169-177. |
2022 | Jeong, T. S., Choi, D. H., & Kim, W. K. (2022). Comparison of outcomes at trauma centers versus non-trauma centers for severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 66(1), 63-71. |
2022 | Jeong, T. S., Yee, G. T., Kim, K. G., Kim, Y. J., Lee, S. G., & Kim, W. K. (2022). Automatically diagnosing skull fractures using an object detection method and deep learning algorithm in plain radiography images. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 66(1), 53-62. |
2022 | Ahn, Y., Park, H. B., Yoo, B. R., & Jeong, T. S. (2022). Endoscopic lumbar foraminotomy for foraminal stenosis in stable spondylolisthesis. Frontiers in Surgery, 9. |
2021 | Jeong, T. S., Son, S., Lee, S. G., Ahn, Y., Jung, J. M., & Yoo, B. R. (2021). Comparison of adjacent segment disease after minimally invasive versus open lumbar fusion: a minimum 10-year follow-up. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 1(aop), 1-9. |
2021 | Son, S., Yoo, C. J., Yoo, B. R., Kim, W. S., & Jeong, T. S. (2021). Learning curve of trans-sacral epiduroscopic laser decompression in herniated lumbar disc disease. BMC surgery, 21(1), 1-10. |
2020 | Jeong, T. S., Yee, G. T., Lim, T. G., Kim, W. K., & Yoo, C. J. (2020). Efficacy and safety of decompressive craniectomy with non-suture duraplasty in patients with traumatic brain injury. PloS one, 15(10), e0232561. |
2020 | Park, T. Y., Son, S., Lim, T. G., & Jeong, T. (2020). Hyperthermia associated with spinal radiculopathy as determined by digital infrared thermographic imaging. Medicine, 99(11), e19483. |
2020 | Lee, I., Park, K., Jeong, T. S., Kim, W. S., Kim, W. K., Rhee, D. Y., & Park, C. W. (2020). Clinical outcomes of diffuse axonal injury after traumatic brain injury according to magnetic resonance grading. |
2020 | Son, S., Lee, S. G., Ahn, Y., Kim, W. K., & Jeong, T. S. (2020). Outcomes of epiduroscopic laser ablation in patients with lumbar disc herniation. Medicine, 99(51). |
2020 | Heo, R. J., Park, K., & Jeong, T. S. (2020). Simultaneous intracranial and spinal subdural hematoma. Journal of Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery, 16(2), 78-81. |
2019 | Jeong, T. S., Kim, W. K., & Jang, M. J. (2019). Cranioplasty Results after the Use of a Polyester Urethane Dural Substitute (Neuro-Patch®) as an Adhesion Prevention Material in Traumatic Decompressive Craniectomy. Journal of Trauma and Injury, 32(4), 195-201. |
2019 | Jeong, T. S., Lee, U., Kim, W. K., Kim, T. H., & Choi, J. Y. (2019). Effects of Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation on Balance, Gait, and Leg Strength in Elderly Patients with Parkinson, s Disease. Journal of Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery, 15(1), 29-34. |
2019 | Jeong, T. S., Ahn, Y., Lee, S. G., Kim, W. K., & Son, S. (2019). Intradural Lumbar Disc Herniation: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings and Surgical Results with a Literature Review. Journal of Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery, 15(1), 13-17. |
2018 | Jeong, T. S., & Yee, G. T. (2018). Prospective Multicenter Surveillance Study of Surgical Site Infection after Spinal Surgery in Korea: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 61(5), 608. |
2018 | Jeong, T. S., & Yee, G. T. (2018). Prospective multicenter surveillance study of surgical site infection after intracranial procedures in Korea: a preliminary study. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 61(5), 645. |
2018 | Jeong, T. S., Lee, S. G., Kim, W. K., Ahn, Y., & Son, S. (2018). Predictive Values of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features for Tracheostomy in Traumatic Cervical Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 61(5), 582. |
2018 | Hwang, H., Jeong, J. E., Lee, H. K., Yun, K. N., An, H. J., Lee, B., ... & Yoo, J. S. (2018). Identification of missing proteins in human olfactory epithelial tissue by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of proteome research, 17(12), 4320-4324. |
2018 | Jeong, T. S., Lee, S. G., Kim, W. K., & Kim, N. R. (2018). Malignant melanotic schwannoma of the vertebral body in a patient with Carney complex: A case report. Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, 81(2). |
2018 | Jeong, T. S., Lee, S. G., Kim, W. K., & Kim, N. R. (2018). Malignant melanotic schwannoma of the vertebral body in a patient with Carney complex: A case report. Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, 81(2). |
2018 | Ahn, Y., Jeong, T. S., Lim, T., & Jeon, J. Y. (2018). Grading system for migrated lumbar disc herniation on sagittal magnetic resonance imaging: an agreement study. Neuroradiology, 60(1), 101-107. |
2017 | Jeong, T. S., Yee, G. T., Kim, W. K., Yoo, C. J., Kim, E. Y., & Kim, M. J. (2017). Frameless stereotactic brain biopsy: Techniques and limitations. Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, 80(6). |
2017 | Jeong, T. S., Ahn, Y., Lee, S. G., Kim, W. K., Son, S., & Kwon, J. H. (2017). Correlation between MRI Grading System and Surgical Findings for Lumbar Foraminal Stenosis. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 60(4), 465. |
2017 | Jeong, T. S., Yee, G. T., Kim, W. K., Yoo, C. J., Kim, E. Y., & Kim, M. J. (2017). Frameless Image-guided Stereotactic Brain Bio psy–Advantages, Limitations, and Technical Tips. CESKA A SLOVENSKA NEUROLOGIE A NEUROCHIRURGIE, 80(6), 722-723. |
2017 | Jeong, T. S., Yoo, C. J., Kim, W. K., Yee, G. T., Kim, E. Y., & Kim, M. J. (2017). Factors related to the development of shunt-dependent hydrocephalus following subarachnoid hemorrhage in the elderly. Turk Neurosurg, 19752-16. |
2017 | Jeong, T. S., Yee, G. T., & Kim, N. R. (2017). Malignant transformation of craniopharyngioma without radiation therapy: case report and review of the literature. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 60(1), 108. |
2016 | Choi, H. S., Lee, S. G., Kim, W. K., Son, S., & Jeong, T. S. (2016). Is surgical drain useful for lumbar disc surgery?. Korean Journal of Spine, 13(1), 20. |
2015 | Choi, S. Y., Lee, S. G., Kim, W. K., Son, S., & Jeong, T. S. (2015). The actual level of symptomatic soft disc herniation in patients with cervical disc herniation. Korean Journal of Spine, 12(3), 130. |
2014 | Jeong, T. S., & Yee, G. T. (2014). Glioblastoma in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1: a case report and review of the literature. Brain tumor research and treatment, 2(1), 36-38. |
2013 | Jeong, T. S., Park, C. W., Yoo, C. J., Kim, E. Y., Kim, Y. B., & Kim, W. K. (2013). Association between the daily temperature range and occurrence of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. Journal of cerebrovascular and endovascular neurosurgery, 15(3), 152-157. |