Seung Hwan Lee
Trauma Surgery Seung Hwan Lee Favorite Doctor
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Clinical Interests

Trauma Surgery, Critical Care Medicine

2023 PhD, Gachon University College of Medicine
2010 MS, Gachon University College of Medicine
2005 MD, Seonam University College of Medicine
2005 Internship, Gachon University Gil Medical Center
2006-2010 Residency, Department of Surgery, Gachon University Gil Medical Center
2013-2015 Fellowship, Division of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care, Department of Surgery, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine
2015-2019 Clinical assistant professor, Division of Trauma Surgery, Department of Surgery, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine
2020-present Clinical assistant professor, Department of Trauma Surgery, Gachon University Gil Medical Center
Member, Korean Surgical Society
Member, Korean Society of Acute Care Surgery
Member, Korean Surgical Ultrasound Society
Member, Korean Society of Traumatology
Member, Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine
Editorial Board, Journal of Trauma and Injury
Member of Clinical Research Committee, Korean Society of Acute Care Surgery
KTAT (Korean Trauma Assessment and Treatment) instructor
DSTC (Definitive Surgical Trauma Care) provider (2015, Netherlands)
ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) provider (2015, Canada)
2005 Korean Medical License (MD)
2010 Korean Board of Surgery
2014 Critical Care Medicine (subspecialty)
2015 Trauma Surgery (subspecialty)
2019 Surgical Ultrasound(Abdomen/Emergency/Critical Care)
Seung Hwan Lee
2024 Epidemiology, timing, technique, and outcomes of tracheostomy in patients with trauma: a multi-centre retrospective study, ANZ Journal of Surgery, 26 December 2024.
2024 Nutritional support for critically ill patients by the Korean Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition — part I: a clinical practice guideline, Ann Clin Nutr Metab 2024;16(3):89-111
2024 Automated Association for Osteosynthesis Foundation and Orthopedic Trauma Association classification of pelvic fractures on pelvic radiographs using deep learning. Sci Rep 14, 20548 (2024).
2024 Machine learning model based on radiomics features for AO/OTA classification of pelvic fractures on pelvic radiographs. PLoS One. 2024 May 30;19(5):e0304350
2024 The Efficacy of Intraosseous Access for Initial Resuscitation in Patients with Severe Trauma: A Retrospective Multicenter Study in South Korea. J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 3702.
2023 Changes in incidence and severity of commercial motorcycle accidents due to the use of delivery service platforms in Korea: a retrospective cohort study, J Trauma Inj. 2023;36(2):121-127
2023 Hyperbilirubinemia as a Risk Factor for Mortalityand Morbidity in Trauma Patients, J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 4203
2022 Use of venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in trauma patients with severe adult respiratory distress syndrome: A retrospective study. The International Journal of Artificial Organs. [First Published August 2, 2022]
2022 Comparison of mortality according to hemorrhage control methods performed for hemodynamically unstable patients with traumatic pelvic fractures: A multi-center study. Asian Journal of Surgery. June 2022
2021 Management of Traumatic Pancreatic Injuries: Evaluation of 7 Years of Experience at a Single Regional Trauma Center, Journal of Trauma and Injury 2021;34(3):177-182
2021 Blunt Cardiac Injuries That Require Operative Management: A Single-Center 7-Year Experience. Journal of Trauma and Injury. [Published online July 14, 2021]
2021 A nomogram to predict arterial bleeding in patients with pelvic fractures after blunt trauma: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. 2021;16:122
2020 10 Years of Acute Care Surgery: Experiences in a Single Tertiary University Hospital in Korea. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 2020;10(3):96-100
2020 The Effectiveness of Simulation Training in an Advanced Trauma Life Support Program for General Surgery Residents: A Pilot Study. Journal of Trauma and Injury, 2020; 33(4): 219-226
2020 Pulmonary Contusion Similar to COVID-19 Pneumonia. Journal of Trauma and Injury 2020;33(2):119-123.
2019 Management of an Open Abdomen Considering Trauma and Abdominal Sepsis: A Single-Center Experience. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 9/2:39-44,2019
2019 Laparoscopic appendectomy versus open appendectomy for suspected appendicitis during pregnancy: A systematic review and updated meta-analysis. BMC SURGERY 19/1:19-41,2019
2018 Factors predicting the need for hemorrhage control intervention in patients with blunt pelvic trauma: a retrospective study. BMC SURGERY 18/1:101-108,2018
2018 Association of Inadequate Caloric Supplementation with 30-Day Mortality in Critically Ill Postoperative Patients with High Modified NUTRIC Score. NUTRIENTS 10/11:1,589-1,597,2018
2018 Predictors of early weaning failure from mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients after emergency gastrointestinal surgery: A retrospective study. MEDICINE 97/40:e12,741-e12,746,2018
2018 Severe persistent hypocholesterolemia after emergency gastrointestinal surgery predicts in-hospital mortality in critically ill patients with diffuse peritonitis. PLOS ONE 13/7:200,187-200,202,2018
2018 Addition of lactic acid levels improves the accuracy of quick sequential organ failure assessment in predicting mortality in surgical patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections: a retrospective study. WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY SURGERY 13/ :1-7,2018
2017 A Case of Traumatic Cervical Braun-Sequard Syndrome. Journal of Trauma and Injury 30/3:103-106,2017
2017 Management of Perirectal Laceration without Fecal Diversion: A Case Report. Journal of Trauma and Injury 30/2:55-58,2017
2017 A nomogram predicting the need for abdominal and pelvic computed tomography in blunt trauma patients: A retrospective cohort study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY 47/:127-134,2017
2017 Sequential Changes in Body Composition Using Bioelectrical Analysis during the Metabolic Response in Critically Ill Surgical Patients. Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition 8/1 :13-16,2017
2017 Serum oxygen radical activity and total antioxidation capacity are related with severities of surgical patient with sepsis: Prospective pilot study. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 39/ :131-136,2017
2016 Prevalences of Incidental Findings in Trauma Patients by Abdominal and Pelvic Computed Tomography. Journal of Trauma and Injury 29/3 :61-67,2016
2016 Early enteral nutrition still has advantages in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy. JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE 8/10 :1,340-1,342,2016
2016 Hyperchloremia is associated with 30-day mortality in major trauma patients: A retrospective observational study. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA RESUSCITATION & EMERGENCY MEDICINE 24/117 :1-9,2016
2016 Perioperative risk factors for in-hospital mortality after emergency gastrointestinal surgery. MEDICINE 95/35 :e4530-,2016
2015 Relation between Blood Alcohol Concentration and Clinical Parameters in Trauma Patients. Journal of Trauma and Injury 28/4 :256-261,2015
2015 The Influence of How the Trauma Care System Is Applied at the Trauma Center: The Initial Experience at Single Trauma Center. Journal of Trauma and Injury 28/4 :241-247,2015
2015 Single Center Experience of Stab Wound Management. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 5/2 :64-68,2015
2015 Is Single Administration of Prophylactic Antibiotics Enough after Laparoscopic Appendectomy for Uncomplicated Appendicitis? Journal of Acute Care Surgery 5/2 :59-63,2015
2015 Epidemiology and Microbiology of Secondary Peritonitis Caused by Viscus Perforation: A Single-Center Retrospective Study. SURGICAL INFECTIONS 16/4 :436-442,2015
2015 Effects of Nutrition Consultation on Nutritional Status in Critically Ill Surgical Patients. Journal of Clinical Nutrition 7/1 :28-34,2015
2015 Cerebral air embolism following the removal of a central venous catheter in the absence of intracardiac right-to-left shunting. MEDICINE 94/13 :0-0,2015
2014 Effects of Early Enteral Nutrition on Patients After Emergency Gastrointestinal Surgery A Propensity Score Matching Analysis. MEDICINE 93/28:e323-,2014
2014 Patterns of In-hospital Mortality and Causes of Death in Blunt Poly-trauma Patients. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4/2 :67-72,2014
2014 Feasibility of the Short Hospital Stays after Laparoscopic Appendectomy for Uncomplicated Appendicitis. YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 55/6 :1606-1610,2014
2014 A Case of Cardiac Laceration due to Anterior Thoracic Stab Injury. Journal of Trauma and Injury 27/3 :71-74,2014
2014 Management of Enterocutaneous Fistula in the Open Abdomen. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4/1 :39-42,2014
2014 Anterior Rectus Sheath Turnover Method for Abdominal Wall Reconstruction and Enterostomy Formation in Patient with Intra-abdominal Infection due to Anastomotic Leakage. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4/1 :31-34,2014
2014 Importance of early operation for closed loop obstruction. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4/1 :28-30,2014
2014 Serum selenium and zinc levels in critically ill surgical patients : secondary publication. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4/4 :18-23,2014
2014 Infection Control Strategy for Severe Sepsis and septic shock in critically ill surgical patients. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4/1 :1-6,2014
2014 Serum selenium and zinc levels in critically ill surgical patients. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 29/2 :317.e5-e8,2014
2014 The effect of positive balance on the outcomes of critically ill noncardiac postsurgical patients: A retrospective cohort study. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 29/1 :43-48,2014
2013 The choice of management in patients with splenic blunt trauma : a single center study. Journal of Trauma and Injury 26/4 :279-284,2013
2013 Transfer patterns of multiple trauma patients in university hospital after acute phase management. Journal of Trauma and Injury 26/4 :261-265,2013
2013 Nutrition support in trauma patients. Journal of the Korean Society for Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition 5/3 :90-95,2013
2013 Clinical Significance of Postoperative Prealbumin and Albumin Levels in Critically Ill Patients who Underwent Emergency Surgery for Acute Peritonitis. Korean journal of critical care medicine 28/4 :247-254,2013
2013 Nutritional Support for the Patient with Anastomotic Leakage after Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 3/2 :57-59,2013
2013 Management of Traumatic Pancreas Injury. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 3/2 :44-48,2013
2013 Complications and Prevention of the Parenteral Nutritional Support in the Intensive Care Unit. Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition 4/1 :1-5,2013
2013 Application of negative pressure wound therapy in patients with wound dehiscence after abdominal open surgery: a single center experience. JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SURGICAL SOCIETY 85/4 :180-184,2013
2013 Management of Traumatic Pancreas Injury in Korea: Literature Review. Journal of Trauma and Injury 26/3 :207-213,2013
2013 Correlation of the oxygen radical activity and antioxidants and severity in critically ill surgical patients - study protocol. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 8/18 :1-4,2013
2013 Management of Massive Venous Bleeding Caused by Pelvic Fracture- A Case Report. Journal of Surgical Critical Care 3/1 :26-28,2013
2013 Selective Non-operative Management of Blunt Splenic Injury. Journal of Surgical Critical Care 3/1 :29-31,2013