2024 | Epidemiology, timing, technique, and outcomes of tracheostomy in patients with trauma: a multi-centre retrospective study, ANZ Journal of Surgery, 26 December 2024. |
2024 | Nutritional support for critically ill patients by the Korean Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition — part I: a clinical practice guideline, Ann Clin Nutr Metab 2024;16(3):89-111 |
2024 | Automated Association for Osteosynthesis Foundation and Orthopedic Trauma Association classification of pelvic fractures on pelvic radiographs using deep learning. Sci Rep 14, 20548 (2024). |
2024 | Machine learning model based on radiomics features for AO/OTA classification of pelvic fractures on pelvic radiographs. PLoS One. 2024 May 30;19(5):e0304350 |
2024 | The Efficacy of Intraosseous Access for Initial Resuscitation in Patients with Severe Trauma: A Retrospective Multicenter Study in South Korea. J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 3702. |
2023 | Changes in incidence and severity of commercial motorcycle accidents due to the use of delivery service platforms in Korea: a retrospective cohort study, J Trauma Inj. 2023;36(2):121-127 |
2023 | Hyperbilirubinemia as a Risk Factor for Mortalityand Morbidity in Trauma Patients, J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 4203 |
2022 | Use of venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in trauma patients with severe adult respiratory distress syndrome: A retrospective study. The International Journal of Artificial Organs. [First Published August 2, 2022] |
2022 | Comparison of mortality according to hemorrhage control methods performed for hemodynamically unstable patients with traumatic pelvic fractures: A multi-center study. Asian Journal of Surgery. June 2022 |
2021 | Management of Traumatic Pancreatic Injuries: Evaluation of 7 Years of Experience at a Single Regional Trauma Center, Journal of Trauma and Injury 2021;34(3):177-182 |
2021 | Blunt Cardiac Injuries That Require Operative Management: A Single-Center 7-Year Experience. Journal of Trauma and Injury. [Published online July 14, 2021] |
2021 | A nomogram to predict arterial bleeding in patients with pelvic fractures after blunt trauma: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. 2021;16:122 |
2020 | 10 Years of Acute Care Surgery: Experiences in a Single Tertiary University Hospital in Korea. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 2020;10(3):96-100 |
2020 | The Effectiveness of Simulation Training in an Advanced Trauma Life Support Program for General Surgery Residents: A Pilot Study. Journal of Trauma and Injury, 2020; 33(4): 219-226 |
2020 | Pulmonary Contusion Similar to COVID-19 Pneumonia. Journal of Trauma and Injury 2020;33(2):119-123. |
2019 | Management of an Open Abdomen Considering Trauma and Abdominal Sepsis: A Single-Center Experience. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 9/2:39-44,2019 |
2019 | Laparoscopic appendectomy versus open appendectomy for suspected appendicitis during pregnancy: A systematic review and updated meta-analysis. BMC SURGERY 19/1:19-41,2019 |
2018 | Factors predicting the need for hemorrhage control intervention in patients with blunt pelvic trauma: a retrospective study. BMC SURGERY 18/1:101-108,2018 |
2018 | Association of Inadequate Caloric Supplementation with 30-Day Mortality in Critically Ill Postoperative Patients with High Modified NUTRIC Score. NUTRIENTS 10/11:1,589-1,597,2018 |
2018 | Predictors of early weaning failure from mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients after emergency gastrointestinal surgery: A retrospective study. MEDICINE 97/40:e12,741-e12,746,2018 |
2018 | Severe persistent hypocholesterolemia after emergency gastrointestinal surgery predicts in-hospital mortality in critically ill patients with diffuse peritonitis. PLOS ONE 13/7:200,187-200,202,2018 |
2018 | Addition of lactic acid levels improves the accuracy of quick sequential organ failure assessment in predicting mortality in surgical patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections: a retrospective study. WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY SURGERY 13/ :1-7,2018 |
2017 | A Case of Traumatic Cervical Braun-Sequard Syndrome. Journal of Trauma and Injury 30/3:103-106,2017 |
2017 | Management of Perirectal Laceration without Fecal Diversion: A Case Report. Journal of Trauma and Injury 30/2:55-58,2017 |
2017 | A nomogram predicting the need for abdominal and pelvic computed tomography in blunt trauma patients: A retrospective cohort study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY 47/:127-134,2017 |
2017 | Sequential Changes in Body Composition Using Bioelectrical Analysis during the Metabolic Response in Critically Ill Surgical Patients. Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition 8/1 :13-16,2017 |
2017 | Serum oxygen radical activity and total antioxidation capacity are related with severities of surgical patient with sepsis: Prospective pilot study. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 39/ :131-136,2017 |
2016 | Prevalences of Incidental Findings in Trauma Patients by Abdominal and Pelvic Computed Tomography. Journal of Trauma and Injury 29/3 :61-67,2016 |
2016 | Early enteral nutrition still has advantages in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy. JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE 8/10 :1,340-1,342,2016 |
2016 | Hyperchloremia is associated with 30-day mortality in major trauma patients: A retrospective observational study. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA RESUSCITATION & EMERGENCY MEDICINE 24/117 :1-9,2016 |
2016 | Perioperative risk factors for in-hospital mortality after emergency gastrointestinal surgery. MEDICINE 95/35 :e4530-,2016 |
2015 | Relation between Blood Alcohol Concentration and Clinical Parameters in Trauma Patients. Journal of Trauma and Injury 28/4 :256-261,2015 |
2015 | The Influence of How the Trauma Care System Is Applied at the Trauma Center: The Initial Experience at Single Trauma Center. Journal of Trauma and Injury 28/4 :241-247,2015 |
2015 | Single Center Experience of Stab Wound Management. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 5/2 :64-68,2015 |
2015 | Is Single Administration of Prophylactic Antibiotics Enough after Laparoscopic Appendectomy for Uncomplicated Appendicitis? Journal of Acute Care Surgery 5/2 :59-63,2015 |
2015 | Epidemiology and Microbiology of Secondary Peritonitis Caused by Viscus Perforation: A Single-Center Retrospective Study. SURGICAL INFECTIONS 16/4 :436-442,2015 |
2015 | Effects of Nutrition Consultation on Nutritional Status in Critically Ill Surgical Patients. Journal of Clinical Nutrition 7/1 :28-34,2015 |
2015 | Cerebral air embolism following the removal of a central venous catheter in the absence of intracardiac right-to-left shunting. MEDICINE 94/13 :0-0,2015 |
2014 | Effects of Early Enteral Nutrition on Patients After Emergency Gastrointestinal Surgery A Propensity Score Matching Analysis. MEDICINE 93/28:e323-,2014 |
2014 | Patterns of In-hospital Mortality and Causes of Death in Blunt Poly-trauma Patients. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4/2 :67-72,2014 |
2014 | Feasibility of the Short Hospital Stays after Laparoscopic Appendectomy for Uncomplicated Appendicitis. YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 55/6 :1606-1610,2014 |
2014 | A Case of Cardiac Laceration due to Anterior Thoracic Stab Injury. Journal of Trauma and Injury 27/3 :71-74,2014 |
2014 | Management of Enterocutaneous Fistula in the Open Abdomen. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4/1 :39-42,2014 |
2014 | Anterior Rectus Sheath Turnover Method for Abdominal Wall Reconstruction and Enterostomy Formation in Patient with Intra-abdominal Infection due to Anastomotic Leakage. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4/1 :31-34,2014 |
2014 | Importance of early operation for closed loop obstruction. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4/1 :28-30,2014 |
2014 | Serum selenium and zinc levels in critically ill surgical patients : secondary publication. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4/4 :18-23,2014 |
2014 | Infection Control Strategy for Severe Sepsis and septic shock in critically ill surgical patients. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4/1 :1-6,2014 |
2014 | Serum selenium and zinc levels in critically ill surgical patients. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 29/2 :317.e5-e8,2014 |
2014 | The effect of positive balance on the outcomes of critically ill noncardiac postsurgical patients: A retrospective cohort study. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 29/1 :43-48,2014 |
2013 | The choice of management in patients with splenic blunt trauma : a single center study. Journal of Trauma and Injury 26/4 :279-284,2013 |
2013 | Transfer patterns of multiple trauma patients in university hospital after acute phase management. Journal of Trauma and Injury 26/4 :261-265,2013 |
2013 | Nutrition support in trauma patients. Journal of the Korean Society for Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition 5/3 :90-95,2013 |
2013 | Clinical Significance of Postoperative Prealbumin and Albumin Levels in Critically Ill Patients who Underwent Emergency Surgery for Acute Peritonitis. Korean journal of critical care medicine 28/4 :247-254,2013 |
2013 | Nutritional Support for the Patient with Anastomotic Leakage after Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 3/2 :57-59,2013 |
2013 | Management of Traumatic Pancreas Injury. Journal of Acute Care Surgery 3/2 :44-48,2013 |
2013 | Complications and Prevention of the Parenteral Nutritional Support in the Intensive Care Unit. Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition 4/1 :1-5,2013 |
2013 | Application of negative pressure wound therapy in patients with wound dehiscence after abdominal open surgery: a single center experience. JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SURGICAL SOCIETY 85/4 :180-184,2013 |
2013 | Management of Traumatic Pancreas Injury in Korea: Literature Review. Journal of Trauma and Injury 26/3 :207-213,2013 |
2013 | Correlation of the oxygen radical activity and antioxidants and severity in critically ill surgical patients - study protocol. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 8/18 :1-4,2013 |
2013 | Management of Massive Venous Bleeding Caused by Pelvic Fracture- A Case Report. Journal of Surgical Critical Care 3/1 :26-28,2013 |
2013 | Selective Non-operative Management of Blunt Splenic Injury. Journal of Surgical Critical Care 3/1 :29-31,2013 |