Trauma Surgery Sung-Youl Hyun Favorite Doctor
Clinical Interests
Chest Trauma
Heart Trauma
Cervical Trauma
2055 | Chosun University College of Medicine, Ph.D. |
1988 | Chosun University College of Medicine, M.D. |
2015~ | Department of Traumatology, Gachon University College of Medicine, Professor |
2011~2013 | Head of General Intensive Care Unit, Gachon University Gil Medical Center |
2000~2013 | Head of Emergancy Intensive Care Unit, Gachon University Gil Medical Center |
2002~2015 | Department of Thoracic Surgery, Gachon University College of Medicine, Professor |
1999~2013 | Trauma & Acute surgery, Department of Emergancy medicine, Gachon University Gil Medical Center |
2013~2014 | Research for Trauma, Critical care, Burn & Emergency surgery, University of Arizona Banner Medical Center , USA |
1988 | Medical License |
1999 | Thoracic Surgery Specialist |
2009 | Critical Care Medicine Specialist |
2011 | Traumatology Specialist |

2019 | The Successful Removal of a Foreign Body in the Spleen via Diaphragm Laceration Site by Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery |
2019 | Comparison of Penetrating and Blunt Traumatic Diaphragmatic Injuries |
2019 | 경증 두부외상을 가진 소아환자의 뇌 전산화단층시행 감소를 위한 PECARN rule 교육의 효과 |
2019 | Effect of Age on Severity of Injuries in Traffic Accidents Involving Elderly Drivers |
2018 | Combination of S100B and procalcitonin improves prognostic performance compared to either alone in patients with cardiac arrest |
2018 | Relationship between age and injury severity in traffic accidents involving elderly pedestrians |
2018 | Comparative Analysis between Spinning and Other Causes in Exercise-Induced Rhabdomyolysis |
2018 | The New Recreational Transportation on the Street: Personal Mobility, Is It Safe? |
2018 | 목욕시설에서 발생한 열사병의 임상양상 및 열사병의다발성 주요 합병증에 관한 예측인자 분석 |
2018 | 병원 내 심정지 상황에서 응급의학과 이외 전공의에 의해 시행된전문 심장소생술의 현황 |
2018 | Performance on the APACHE II, SAPS II, SOFA and the OHCA score of post-cardiac arrest patients treated with therapeutic hypothermia |
2018 | Delayed Surgical Management of Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of the Ascending Aorta in Multiple Trauma |
2018 | Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis after Clavicle Fracture and Immobilization |
2017 | Prognosis of Pulmonary Function in Patients with Multiple Rib Fractures |
2017 | The Value of X-ray Compared with Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Traumatic Vertebral Fractures |
2017 | The Relationship Between the Decreased Rate of Initial Blood Glucose and Neurologic Outcomes in Survivors of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Receiving Therapeutic Hypothermia |
2016 | A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Before and After the Regional Trauma Center’s Establishment |
2015 | 소아 두부외상 환자에서의 반복적인 두부 CT 검사의 유용성 |
2015 | 고속도로 위 긴 구간에 걸친 연쇄 추돌 사고에 대한 재난 대응의 경험-영종대교 106중 추돌 사고에서의 현장응급의료소 운영과 소셜네트워크서비스를 이용한 재난 통신 |
2014 | Closed suction drainage for deep neck infections |
2014 | Factors associated with pneumonia in post-cardiac arrest patients receiving therapeutic hypothermia |