Ja-Young Seo
Laboratory Medicine Ja-Young Seo Favorite Doctor
  • SpecialtyGenetic Diagnostics, Immunologic Diagnostics, Laboratory Hematology
  • Site Blog
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Clinical Interests

Genetic diseases
Blood cancer

2017 Sungkyunkwan University College of Medicine, Ph.D.
2012 Sungkyunkwan University College of Medicine, M.S.
2007 Gachon University College of Medicine, M.D.
2015~ Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Assistant Professor
2014~2015 Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Clinical Assistant Professor
2013~2014 Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Fellow
2012~2013 Seoul Samsung Medical Center, Fellow
2008.02~2012.02 Seoul Samsung Medical Center, Resident
2007~2008 Seoul Samsung Medical Center, Intern
2012 Diagnostic & Laboratory Medicine, Specialist
2007 License of Medical Doctor
Ja-Young Seo
2019 Yang J, Seo JY, Lee KW, Park HM. Novel Pathogenic Variant of SPAST (c.1413+4A>G) in a Patient with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. J Clin Neurol. 2019 Jan;15(1):120-121.
2017 Seo JY, Jeong JH, Kim KH, Ahn JY, Park PW, Seo YH. Laboratory diagnosis of Clostridium difficile infection: Comparison of Techlab C. diff Quik Chek Complete, Xpert C. difficile, and multistep algorithmic approach. J Clin Lab Anal. 2017 Nov;31(6).
2017 Seo JY, Hong J, Chun K, Jeong J, Cho H, Kim KH, Park J, Ahn JY, Park PW, Lee JH. Prognostic significance of PCR-based molecular staging in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated with R-CHOP immunochemotherapy. Leuk Lymphoma. 2017 Feb;58(2):357-365.
2016 Seo JY1,2, Lee KO3, Yoo KH4, Sung KW4, Koo HH4, Kim SH1, Kang HJ5, Park KD5, Shin HY5, Baek HJ6, Kook H6, Lyu CJ7, Song JS8, Lee MJ9, Kim JY10, Lim YT11, Koh KN12, Im HJ12, Seo JJ12, Kim HJ1; Korea Histiocytosis Working Party.Clin Genet. 2016 Feb;89(2):222-7. Prevalence of type 5 familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in Korea and novel mutations in STXBP2.
2015 Hong JY, Seo JY, Kim SH, Jung HA, Park S, Kim K, Jung CW, Kim JS, Park JS, Kim HJ, Jang JH. Mutations in the Spliceosomal Machinery Genes SRSF2, U2AF1, and ZRSR2 and Response to Decitabine in Myelodysplastic Syndrome. Anticancer Res. 2015 May;35(5):3081-9.
2015 Ja Young Seo, M.D., Young Hee Song, M.D., Mi-Jung Park, M.D., Moon Jin Kim, M.D., Yiel-Hea Seo, M.D., Jeong-Yeal Ahn, M.D,, Kyung-Hee Kim, M.D., Ji-Hun Jeong, M.D., Wookyung Chung, M.D., Pil-Whan Park, M.D. Hepcidin Level and Iron Parameters in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Lab Med Online Vol. 5, No. 3: 149-156, July 2015
2015 Hong JY1, Seo JY2, Kim SH3, Jung HA4, Park S4, Kim K4, Jung CW4, Kim JS5, Park JS6, Kim HJ7, Jang JH8. Mutations in the Spliceosomal Machinery Genes SRSF2, U2AF1, and ZRSR2 and Response to Decitabine in Myelodysplastic Syndrome. Anticancer Res. 2015 May;35(5):3081-9.
2015 Seo JY, Lee ST, Kim SH. Performance evaluation of the new hematology analyzer Sysmex XN-series. Int J Lab Hematol. 2015 Apr;37(2):155-64.
2014 Seo JY1, Lee KO2, Kim SH1, Oh D3, Kim DK4, Kim HJ5. The genomic architecture of the PROS1 gene underlying large tandem duplication mutation that causes thrombophilia from hereditary protein S deficiency. Gene. 2014 Sep 1;547(2):295-9.
2014 Jang JH1, Seo JY, Jang J, Jung CW, Lee KO, Kim SH, Kim HJ. Hereditary gene mutations in Korean patients with isolated erythrocytosis. Ann Hematol. 2014 Jun;93(6):931-5.
2014 Seo JY1, Lee KO, Kim SH, Kim K, Jung CW, Jang JH, Kim HJ.Clinical significance of SF3B1 mutations in Korean patients with myelodysplastic syndromes and myelodysplasia/myeloproliferative neoplasms with ring sideroblasts. Ann Hematol. 2014 Apr;93(4):603-8.
2014 Seo JY, Park HD, Kim JW, Oh HJ, Yang JS, Chang YS, Park WS, Lee SY. . Steroid profiling for congenital adrenal hyperplasia by tandem mass spectrometry as a second-tier test reduces follow-up burdens in a tertiary care hospital: a retrospective and prospective evaluation. J Perinat Med. 2014 Jan;42(1):121-7
2013 Seo JY1, Jang MA, Kim HJ, Lee KO, Kim SH, Kim HJ. Sequence variation data of F8 and F9 genes in functionally validated control individuals: implications on the molecular diagnosis of hemophilia. Blood Res. 2013 Sep;48(3):206-10.
2013 Seo JY, Song JS, Lee KO, Won HH, Kim JW, Kim SH, Lee SH, Yoo KH, Sung KW, Koo HH, Kang HJ, Shin HY, Ahn HS, Han DK, Kook H, Hwang TJ, Lyu CJ, Lee MJ, Kim JY, Park SS, Lim YT, Kim BE, Koh KN, Im HJ, Seo JJ, Kim HJ; Korea Histiocytosis Working Party. Founder effects in two predominant intronic mutations of UNC13D, c.118-308C>T and c.754-1G>C underlie the unusual predominance of type 3 familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL3) in Korea. Ann Hematol. 2013
2012 Seo JY, Huh HJ, Park HK, Choung HK, Kim DW, Koo HH, Sung KW, Kang ES. Evaluation of overnight storage conditions for autologous peripheral blood stem cell products: comparison of three different conditions. Vox Sang. 2012
2012 Seo JY, Lee SH, Kim HJ, Yoo KH, Koo HH, Cho YG, Choi SI, Kim SH. MYC rearrangement involving a novel non-immunoglobulin chromosomal locus in precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Ann Lab Med. 2012
2011 Seo JY, Kim PW, Lee JH, Song JH, Peck KR, Chung DR, Kang CI, Ki CS, Lee NY. Evaluation of PCR-based screening for vancomycin-resistant enterococci compared with a chromogenic agar-based culture method. J Med Microbiol. 2011
2011 Seo JY, Kim HJ, Kim SH. Neutropenia in parvovirus B19-associated pure red cell aplasia. Ann Hematol. 2011
2010 Seo JY, Ma YE, Lee JH, Lee ST, Ki CS, Lee NY. A case of disseminated Penicillium marneffei infection in a liver transplant recipient. Korean J Lab Med. 2010