Seon-Tae Kim
Чих хамар хоолойн тасаг Seon-Tae Kim Favorite Doctor
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Clinical Interests


1997.09~1999.08 Korea University College of Medicine, Ph.D.
1992.09~1996.08 Korea University College of Medicine, M.S.
1982.03~1988.02 Korea University College of Medicine, M.D.
2017.06~ Member of Medical Devices Committee, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
2017.03~ Professor, Head of Biomedical Engineering, Gachon University College of Medicine
2015.01~ Director of Medical Device Convergence Center, Gachon University Gil Medical Center
2014.09~2017.03 Director of Instittute for Reserch & Industry Cooperation, Gachon Biomedical Reserch Institute
2013.10~2014.08 Director of Planning R&D, Gachon Biomedical Reserch Institute
2012.09~2013.08 Director of Planning R&D, Gachon Biomedical Reserch Institute
2009.08~2012.02 Head of Otolaryngology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center
2008.09~2012.08 Manager of Academic Affairs Team, Gachon University School of Medicine
2002~2004 University of California, Sanfrancisco, USA
1988 License of Medical Doctor
1993 Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Specialist
Seon-Tae Kim
2020 The Effect of Korean Red Ginseng on Symptoms and Inflammation in Patients With Allergic Rhinitis.
2019 Comparison of Sublingual Immunotherapy in Patients With Allergic Rhinitis Sensitive to House Dust Mites in Korea.
2019 he Effects of Obstructive Sleep Apnea on Risk factors for Cardiovascular diseases.
2019 Genetic Mutation Analysis Can Supplement Clinically Confirmed Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Populations.
2018 ROS Is Involved in Disruption of Tight Junctions of Human Nasal Epithelial Cells Induced by HRV16.
2018 Anti-inflammatory effect of wogonin on allergic responses in ovalbumin-induced allergic rhinitis in the mouse.
2018 Allergen Microarrays for In Vitro Diagnostics of Allergies: Comparison with ImmunoCAP and AdvanSure.
2015 Outcome of Sublingual Immunotherapy in Patients With Allergic Rhinitis Sensitive to House Dust Mites
2015 The effect of Korean red ginseng on allergic inflammation in a murine model of allergic rhinitis
2015 Comparison of Component-Resolved Diagnosis by Using Allergen Microarray With the Conventional Tests in Allergic Rhinitis Patients: The First Using in Korea.
2014 The Effect of PM10 on Allergy Symptoms in Allergic Rhinitis Patients During Spring Season
2013 Comparison of titanium and biodegradable plates for treating midfacial fractures.
2013 he effect of obstructive sleep apnea on DNA damage and oxidative stress
2013 The effect of maxillary sinus irrigation on early prognostic factors after endoscopic sinus surgery: a preliminary study.
2013 The effect of Asian sand dust-activated respiratory epithelial cells on activation and migration of eosinophils.
2013 Preventive effects of polyurethane foam and polyvinyl acetate on bleeding and pain in young patients undergoing conchotomies.
2013 Effect of endoscopic marsupialization of paranasal sinus mucoceles involving the orbit: a review of 27 cases.