Jeong-Woong Park
(Lung Center) Pulmonology-Allergy Medicine Jeong-Woong Park Favorite Doctor
  • SpecialtyChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD), Bronchiectasis, Pulmonary thromboembolism
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의료진 진료일정
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Clinical Interests

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD)
Pulmonary thromboembolism
Interstitial lung disease

2001~2003 Inha University College of Medicine, Ph.D.
1992~1998 Hallym University College of Medicine, M.S.
1983~1989 Hallym University College of Medicine, M.D.
Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Pofessor
Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Associate Professor
Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Assistant Professor
Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Full-time Instructor
Samsung Medical Center, Fellow
Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Resident
Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Intern
2005~2007 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Postdoctoral Associate
Medical License
Pulmonology, Specialist
Critical Care Medicine, Specialist
Jeong-Woong Park
2022 Jeong SH, Son ES, Lee YE, Kyung SY, Park JW, Kim SH. Histone deacetylase 3 promotes alveolar epithelial–mesenchymal transition and fibroblast migration under hypoxic conditions. Experimental & Molecular Medicine (2022) 54:922–931;
2022 Seo H, Sim YS, Min KH, Lee JH, Kim BK, Oh YM, Ra SW, Kim TH, Hwang YI, Park JW. The Relationship Between Comorbidities and Microbiologic Findings in Patients with Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2022 Apr 20;17:855-867. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S360222. eCollection 2022.
2020 Son ES, Park JW, Kim SH. Park HR, Han WJR, kwon OC, Nam JY, Jeong SH, Lee CS. Anti inflammatory activity of 3,5,6,7,3',4' hexamethoxyflavone via repression of the NF κB and MAPK signaling pathways in LPS stimulated RAW264.7 cells. Molecular Medicine REPORTS 22: 1985-1993, 2020
2020 Son ES, Park JW, Kim YJ, Jeong SH, Kim SH, Kyung SY. Effects of antioxidants on oxidative stress and inflammatory responses of human bronchial epithelial cells exposed to particulate matter and cigarette smoke extract. Toxicology in Vitro 67 (2020) 10488.
2019 Son ES, Kim SH, Kim YO, Lee YE, Kyung SY, Jeong SH, Kim YJ, Park JW. Coix lacryma-jobi var. ma-yuen Stapf sprout extract induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human cervical carcinoma cells. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2019) 19:312
2018 Son ES, Kim SH, Ryter SW, Yeo EJ, Kyung SY, Kim YJ, Jeong SH, Lee CS, Park JW. Quercetogetin protects against cigarette smoke extract-induced apoptosis in epithelial cells by inhibiting mitophagy.Toxicol In Vitro. 2018 Apr;48:170-178.
2017 Son ES, Kim YO, Park CG, Park KH, Jeong SH, Park JW, Kim SH. Coix lacryma-jobi var. ma-yuen Stapf sprout extract has anti-metastatic activity in colon cancer cells in vitro. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017 Nov 6;17(1):486. doi: 10.1186/s12906-017-1990-y.
2015 Hwang H, Shin JY, Park KR, Shin JO, Song KH, Park J, Park JW. Effect of a Dose-Escalation Regimen for Improving Adherence to Roflumilast in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.Tuberc Respir Dis (Seoul). 2015 Oct;78(4):321-5.
2015 Son ES, Kyung SY, Lee SP, Jeong SH, Shin JY, Ohba M, Yeo EJ, Park JW. Role of protein kinase C-η in cigarette smoke extract-induced apoptosis in MRC-5-cells .Hum Exp Toxicol. 2015 Sep;34(9):869-77.
2013 Park JW, Ryter SW, Kyung SY, Lee SP, Jeong SH.The phosphodiesterase 4inhibitor rolipram protects against cigarette smoke extract-induced apoptosis in human lung fibroblasts. Eur J Pharmacol. 2013 Apr 15;706(1-3):76-83.
2011 Yu J. Kim, Ju-Young Kim, Jin Y. Yoon, Sun Y. Kyung, Sang P. Lee, Sung H. Jeong, Chanil Moon and Jeong-Woong Park: Protective Effect of Aminophylline against Cigarette Smoke Extract Induced Apoptosis in Human Lung Fibroblasts(MRC-5 Cells). Basic Clinical Pharmacology Toxicology. 2011 109: 17-22
2010 Park JW, Yoon JY, Kim YJ, Kyung SY, Lee SP, Jeong SH, Moon CI: ERK inhibition attenuates cigarette smoke extract induced-death inducing signaling complex formation in MRC-5 cells. J Toxicol Sci. 2010 Jan 35(1): 33-39
2008 Park JW, Kim HP, Lee SJ, Wang X, Wang Y, ifedigbo E,Watkins SC, Ohba M, Ryter SW, Vyas YM, Choi AM: Protein Kinase C{alpha} and {zeta} Differentially Regulate Death-Inducing Signaling Complex Formation in Cigarette Smoke extract-Induced Apoptosis. J Immunol. 2008 Apr 1;180(7):4668-78
2007 Park JW, Ryter SW, Choi MKA: Functional Significance of Apoptosis in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Journal of COPD. 2007 Dec;4(4):347-353.
2007 Ryter SW, Kim HP, Hoetzel A, Park JW, Nakahira K, Wang X, Choi A: Mechanisms of cell death in oxidative stress. ARS. 2007 Jan;9(1):49-89.