2020 | Tae Hee Kim, Oh Kyung Lim, Ki Deok Park, Ju Kang Lee. Comparison of Two Static Stretching Techniques for the Triceps Surae in Healthy Individuals: Wall and Inclined Board Stretchings. Ann Rehabil Med. 2020;44(2):125-130 |
2019 | Choi C, Kim T, Park KD, Lim OK, Lee JK. Subacute combined degeneration caused by nitrous oxide intoxication: a report of two cases. Ann Rehabil Med. 2019;43(4):530–534 |
2017 | Kim P., Lee J.K., Lim O.K., Park H.K., Park K.D.: Quantitative lymphoscintigraphy to predict the possibility of lymphedema development after breast cancer surgery: retrospective clinical study.Ann Rehabil Med 2017; 41: pp. 1065-1075 |
2017 | Kim TH, Kim HS, Park JW, et al. Falsely elevated postvoid residual urine volume in uterine myoma. Ann Rehabil Med. 2017;41(2):332-6 |
2016 | kim P., Kim T.H., Lee S.W., Lee J.K., Park K.D., Lim O.K. Rhabdomyolysis and Multiple Peripheral Neuropathies in Lower Legs following Heavy Alcohol Abuse - A Case Report -. 2016;18(1):22-27 |
2016 | Park K. D., Lim O. K., Yoo C. J., Kim Y. W., Lee S., Park Y., et al. (2016). Voxel-based statistical analysis of brain metabolism in patients with growth hormone deficiency after traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj. 30 407–413 |
2015 | Lee JY, Lim OK, Lee JK, et al. The association between serum leptin levels and post-stroke depression: a retrospective clinical study. Ann Rehabil Med. 2015;39(5):786–792 |
2014 | Yoon, JW, Lim, OK, Park, KD, Lee, JK. Occipital condyle fracture with isolated unilateral hypoglossal nerve palsy. Ann Rehabil Med. 2014;38(5):689–93 |
2013 | Shim, HY, Lim, OK, Bae, KH, Park, SM, Lee, JK, Park, KD. Sciatic nerve injury caused by a stretching exercise in a trained dancer. Ann Rehabil Med. 2013;37:886–890 |
2012 | Lee HL, Lee JK. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with an acute hypertensive crises. Ann Rehabil Med. 2012;36:418–422 |
2012 | Lee K.L., Kim W.H., Kim E.J., Lee J.K. Is swallowing of all mixed consistencies dangerous for penetration-aspiration? Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 2012;91:187–192 |
2012 | Lee KL, Lim OK, Lee JK, Park KD. Treatment of dysphagia with pyridostigmine bromide in a patient with the pharyngealcervical-brachial variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Ann Rehabil Med. 2012;36:148–53 |