2021 | Gil Jae Lee, Hangjoo Cho et al. Current status of initial antibiotic therapy and analysis of infections in patients with solitary abdominal trauma: a multicenter trial in Korea |
2020 | Clinical Practice Guideline for Surveillance and Imaging Studies of Trauma Patients in the Trauma Bay from the Korean Society of Traumatology |
2020 | Seung Hwan Lee, Gil Jae Lee, et al. Pulmonary Contusion Similar to COVID-19 Pneumonia. Journal of Trauma and Injury 2020; 33(2): 119-123. |
2020 | Kang Kook Choi, Gil Jae Lee, et al. Immediate Post-laparotomy Hypotension in Patients with Severe Traumatic Hemoperitoneum.Journal of Trauma and Injury 2020; 33(1): 38-42. |
2017 | MA Lee, MJ Jang, GJ Lee. Management of high-grade blunt renal trauma. Journal of Trauma and Injury 30 (4), 192-196 |
2017 | Min A Lee, Byungchul Yu, Gil Jae Lee. Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II Score and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score as Predictors for Severe Trauma Patients in the Intensive Care Unit. Korean J Crit Care Med 2017. 32(4):340-346 |
2017 | JW Na, JN Lee, BC Yu, MA Lee, JJ Park, GJ Lee. Treatment Option for High Grade Spleen Injury and Predictive Factors for Non-operative Management.Journal of Trauma and Injury 30 (3), 91-97 |
2015 | Gil Jae Lee, Won-Suk Lee, Sung Won Park, Jung Nam Lee and Jeong-Heum Baek. Outcomes of Laparoscopic versus Open Colorectal Cancer Surgery in Elderly Patients: A Case-matched Control Study. Int J Cancer Immunol Immun 2015, 1: 103. |
2015 | Jeong-Heum Baek, Gil-Jae Lee, Won-Suk Lee. Comparison of long-term oncologic outcomes of stage III colorectal cancer following laparoscopic versus open surgery. Ann Surg Treat Res. 2015 Jan;88(1):8-14. |
2015 | G. J. Lee, G. Son, B. C. Yu, J. N. Lee, M. Chung. Efficacy of computed tomography for abdominal stab wounds: a single institutional analysis. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2015. 41: 69-74. |
2014 | GJ Lee, YH Park, TH Lee, JN Lee, WS Lee. Outcomes of nonagenarians for elective operation: A single institutional analysis. European Geriatric Medicine 5 (2014) 55-57 |
2013 | Lee GJ, Kim HJ, Baek JH, Lee WS, Kwon KA. Comparison of short-term outcomes after elective surgery following endoscopic stent insertion and emergency surgery for obstructive colorectal cancer. Int J Surg. 2013;11(6):442-6. |
2013 | Gil Jae Lee, Min Chung, Byung Chul Yu. Traumatic Lumbar Hernia: Report of a Case. J Korean Soc Traumatol 2013;26(3): 222-225. |
2008 | Lee GJ, Lee JN, Oh JH, Baek JH. Mid term Results of Laparoscopic Surgery and Open Surgery for Radical Treatment of Colorectal Cancer. J Korean Soc Coloproctol. 2008 Oct;24(5):373-379. |