2020 | Comparative Analyses of mTOR/Akt and Muscle Atrophy-Related Signaling in Aged Respiratory and Gastrocnemius Muscles. Int J Mol Sci |
2020 | A Rare Combination of CYP2C9*3/*3 and VKORC1 1639AA in a Patient Who Had Myxoma and Thromboembolism. Ann Thorac Surg |
2019 | Analysis of the Molecular Signaling Signatures of Muscle Protein Wasting Between the Intercostal Muscles and the Gastrocnemius Muscles in db/db Mice. Int J Mol Sci |
2019 | Does the Prognostic Nutritional Index Have a Predictive Role in the Outcomes of Adult Cardiac Surgery? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. |
2019 | Optimization of Electrospun Poly(caprolactone) Fiber Diameter for Vascular Scaffolds to Maximize Smooth Muscle Cell Infiltration and Phenotype Modulation. Polymers (Basel) |
2012 | Son KH, Choi DJ, Park HY. Cross-sectional investigation to design a prospective occupational cohort study of women’s health in Korea. Women health 2012 <April, 2012> |
2011 | Son KH, Son HS, Sun K. Are Non-Invasive Tests Enough to Decide upon a Hybrid Coronary Artery Revascularization Strategy? Annals of thoracic surgery, 2011:91(4):1306 (SCI) |
2011 | Son KH, Ahn CB, Lee SH, Noh IS, Shin EK, Kim HA, Sun K, Kim KT. Changes in RBC deformability and oxygen-delivering ability in cold blood cardioplegia. 2011:48(4):223-9 (SCI) |
2011 | Jung JS, Son KH, Ahn CB, Lee JJ, Son HS, Sun K. Analysis of pulsatile and nonpulsatile blood flow effects in different degrees of stenotic vasculature. Artif Organs. 2011;35(11):1118-23. (SCI) |
2011 | Ahn CB, Son KH, Lee JJ, Choi J, Song SJ, Jung JS, Lee SH, Son HS, Sun K. The effect of fluid viscosity on the hemodynamic energy changes during operation of the pulsatile ventricular assist device. Artif Organs. 2011;35(11):1123-63. (SCI) |
2011 | Choi H, Lee HM, Nam KW, Choi J, Lee JJ, Kim HC, Song SJ, Ahn CB, Son HS, Lim CH, Son KH, Park YD, Jeong GS, Sun K. A durability study of a paracorporeal pulsatile electro-mechanical pneumatic biventricular assist device. Artif Organs. 2011;35(6):614-24. (SCI) |
2010 | Son KH, Sun K. Partial defect incidentally discovered during coronary artery bypass surgery. Journal of Korean Medical Science 2010 Jan;25(1):145-7 (SCI) |
2010 | Son KH, Lim CH, Song EJ, Sun K, Son HS, Lee SH. Inter-species hemorheologic differences in arterial and venous blood. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2010;44(1):27-33. (SCI) |
2010 | Son KH, Fang YH, Choi YJ, Won JK, Park YD, Lee SH, Sun K, Son HS. Evaluation of the Hemodynamics of a Tissue-engineered Hybrid Graft. Artificial organs 2010 :34(1):E17–E21. (SCI) |
2010 | Son KH, Ahn CB, Lee SH, Son HS, Choi JS, Jung JS, Sun K, Kim KT. Measurement of Hemodynamic Energy at Different Vessels in an Adult Swine Model. ASAIO J. 2010;56(5):397-402. (SCI) |
2010 | Ahn CB, Son KH, Jang HS, Lee JH, Choi JS, Son HS, Lee SH, Sun K. Hemodynamic Energy Changes after Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in a Aortic Cross-clamping Model of Rabbits. ASAIO J, 2010;56(4):296-300. (SCI) |
2010 | Son KH, Ahn CB, An HG, Choe GY, Lee SH, Sun K. Stability of CoaguChek XS Test Strip is not Effected by Frequency of Air Exposure. International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, Int J Lab Hematol. 2010;32(6 Pt 1):e248-50 (SCI) |
2010 | Kang YJ, Kim MG, Son KH, Lim CH, Son HS, Yoon SY, Kwon HS, Yang S. Experimental investigation of pulsatility effect on the deformability and hemolysis of blood cells. Artif Organs. 2010;34(4):E103-9. (SCI) |
2010 | Ahn CB., Son KH, Lee SH, Lee JJ, Choi J, Sun K. Study of the hemodynamic energy changes after control algorithm to improve full-filling state of the blood pump for a belloe-type pneumatic ventricular assist device. XXXVII ESAO 2010 Congress in Skopje < Sep, 2010> |
2010 | 손진성, 이성호, 손국희, 정재승, 이은주, 채진언, 선경, 김광택. 하지정맥류에서 냉동수술법의 효과 및 단기성적. 대한흉부외과 42차 추계학술대회 |
2009 | Jeong GS, Hwang CM, Nam KW, Ahn CB, Kim HC, Lee JJ, Choi J, Son HS, Fang YH, Son KH, Lim CH, Sun K. Development of a closed air loop electropneumatic actuator for driving a pneumatic blood pump. Artif Organs. 2009;33(8):657-62 (SCI) |
2009 | Son KH, The Safety and Effectiveness of Adhesion Barrier for Preventing Intrapericardial Adhesion, Abstract book of The 19th Biennial Congress of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon of Asia in conjunction with The 41th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. < Oct, 2009> |
2009 | Son KH, The Effect of Pulsatile vs Non pulsatile Blood Flow on Blood Viscoelasticity and Red Blood Cell Aggregation during Extracorporeal Circulation. Abstract book of The 19th Biennial Congress of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon of Asia in conjunction with The 41th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. < Oct 2009> |
2009 | Jae Seung Jung, Hyung Song, Young Tak Lee, Kuk Hui Son, Moon Chul Kang, Ho Sung Son, Sung Ho Lee, Kyung Sun, Kwang Taik Kim. A management of coronary artery disease on Takayasu's arteritis. The 19th biennial conress of the association of thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon of Asia < Oct 2009> |
2008 | Son KH, Chung JH, Sun K, Son HS. Cardiac perforation and tricuspid regurgitation as a complication of percutaneous vertebroplasty. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2008;33(3):508-9. (SCI) |
2008 | Son KH, Matsumori M, Okada K, Okida Y, Plication of the Sinotubular Junction for Reducing Aortic Regurgitation In Ascending Aortic Aneurysm, abstract book of aortic symposium 2008 < May, 2008> |
2008 | 정재호, 이성호, 강문철, 김광택, 이경민, 이은주, 손호성, 손국희, 선경. 하지정맥류 환자에서 혈관레이저 수술 후 남겨진 guidewire 로 인한 급성두통. 제 16차 대한 정맥학회 추계학술대회 |
2008 | 강문철, 이성호, 김광택, 정재호, 이경민, 이은주, 손호성, 손국희, 선경. 소복재 정맥의 혈관레이저 치료에서 tumescent local anesthesia 의 역할. 제 16차 대한 정맥학회 추계학술대회 |
2008 | 이성호. 김광택. 강문철. 정재호. 정원재. 이경민, 손국희. 손호성. 선경. 엎드린 자세에서 흉강경을 이용한 식도절제 수술 수기의 고찰. 제 49차 대한기관식도학회 춘계학술대회 |
2007 | Son KH, Fan YH, Choi YJ, Park DH, Kang YM, Noh IS, Choi JB, Sun K, Son HS, In Vivo Study of Hybrid ePTFE Vascular Graft. Astract book of 2007 JSAO-IFAO Joint Congress <October, 2007> |
2007 | Sung Ho Lee, M.D., Moon Chul Kang. M.D., Kwang Taik Kim, M.D., Soo Yeon Ham, M.D., Ho Sung Son, M.D., Kuk Hui Son, M.D., Jae Ho Jung, M.D. Study on Effectiveness of Percutaneous Cryoablation Using Lung Cancer Animal Models. JSAO & IFAO Joint Congress 2007 |
2007 | 이성호, 김광택, 정원재, 강문철, 이경민, 손호성, 손국희, 선경, 김호철. 기관지폐색환자에서굴곡형 기관지내시경을 이용한 냉동수술의 효과와 안전성의 분석. 39차 대한흉부외과학술대회 |
2007 | 손호성, 방영호, 손국희, 박용두, 윤소정, 강문철, 이성호, 김광택, 선경. 흰쥐 심근경색 모델에서 하일루론산을 이용한 하이드로젤 치료가 심장재생과 심실기능에 미치는 영향. 39차 대한흉부외과학술대회 |
2006 | Son KH, Cho KR, Kim KB. Awake OPCAB: Initial Experience. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006;39:598-603 (학진등재지) |
2006 | Kim KC, Choi SH, Son KH, Cho KR, Kim KH, Ahn H. Extraanatomic Ascending-to-Descending Aorta Bypass Graft for Atypical Coarctation; A case report. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006;39:317-319 (학진등재지) |
2006 | Son KH, Park JY, Cho JH, Son HS, Lee SH, Kim KT, Sun K, The side hole of cannula can change the flow during CPB? Abstract book of 38th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Association for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery <November, 2006> |
2006 | Lee SH, Cho JH, Kim KT, Ham SY, Jung YJ, Jung JH, Son KH, Son HS, Sun K, The effect of cryotherapy with animal model. Abstract book of 38th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Association for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery <November, 2006> |
2006 | Son KH, Son HS, Cho JH, Jung JH, Kim JT, Sun K. Oucome of minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass grafting; midterm follow up . Abstract book of 59th Annual Socientific Meeting of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery |
2006 | 이성호,조종호,김광택, 함수연,정원재,손국희,손호성,선경. 폐암동물실험모델을 이용한 냉동수술치료효과에 대한 연구. 38차 대한흉부외과학술대회 |
2005 | Kim KB, Cho KR, Son KH. Awake Off-Pump CABG; Initial Experience. Abstract book of 49th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Association for Circulation <September, 2005> |
2005 | Kim KB, Cho KR, Son KH. Awake Off-Pump CABG; Initial Experience Abstract book of 37th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Association for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery <November, 2005> |
2005 | Kim KB, Cho KR, Son KH. Compare of Dor operation and injection of peripheral stem cell for chronic infartion with heart failure. Update in coronary artery surgery, 2005. <December, 2005> |
2004 | Son KH, Kim JH, Kim JT, Yoon YH, Kim JT, Kim KH, Baek WK. Effect of Preoperative White Blood Cell Count on Postoperative Course in Patients with Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005;38:669-674 (학진등재지) |
2004 | Yoon YH, Kim KH, Baek WK, Kim JT, Son KH, Han JY, Lee JI. Lymphangioma of the esophagus; surgical treatment. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004;78(3):e51-3. (SCI) |
2004 | Son KH, Kim KH, Baek WK, Kim JT, Kim HT, Kim YS, Yoon YH. Intermediate Term Follow Up for R3 Sympathicotomy in Palmar Hyperhidrosis. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004;37:530-535 (학진등재지) |
2004 | Yoon YH, Kim KH, Baek WK, Kim JT, Son KH, Kim YS, Han HS, Cho JH. Pulmonary artery pseudoaneurysm in a patient with Behçet disease. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2004 Feb;127(2):590-2 (SCI) |
2004 | Son KH, Kim YS, Baek WK, Yoon YH, Kim KW, Sung TJ, Jun YH, Kim JT. Neonatal Tension Pneumopericardium. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004;37:464-466 (학진등재지) |
2004 | Baek WK, Son KH, Kim YS, Kim JT, Yoon YH et al. Is Skeletonized Internal Mammary Artery Harvesting better than Pedicled Harvesting in Respect of the Sternal Blood Flow?: An Estimation Using Bone Scan. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004;37:511-516 (학진등재지) |
2004 | Kim JT, Bae WK, Son KH, Kim YS, Yoon YH, Kim HS, Lim HK, Lee CS et al Wan. Use of Undiluted Potassium Solution in Intermittent Antegrade Warm Blood Cardioplegia (IAWBC). Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004;37:660-664 (학진등재지) |
2004 | Kim HT, Son KH, Kim YS, Kim JT, Baek WK, Kim KH, Yoon YH. A Case of Gastrobronchial Fistula after Esophagectomy. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004;37:193-196 (학진등재지) |
2004 | Son KH, Kim JT, Kim Ht, Sun K, Yoon YH, Kim KH, Baek WK. Surgical treatment of traumatic aortic rupture. Korean J Vasc Surg 2004;20(2):311-317 |
2004 | Son KH, Kim JT, Yoon YH, Kim KH, Baek WK, The association between preoperative white blood cell counts and postoperative result of coronary artery bypassing surgery patients Abstract book of 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Association for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery <November, 2004> [Participation of scientific meeting and educational programs] |
2010 | XXXVII ESAO 2010 Congress - Skopje, Macedonia April 15-18. Women health 2012 - Washington DC, USA |
2009 | The 19th Biennial Congress of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon of Asia in conjunction with The 41th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.- Seoul, Korea |
2008 | Aortic symposium 2008 - New York, USA |
2007 | JASO-IFAO Joint Congress - Osaka, Japan |
2006 | European school, cardiac level C, European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons.- Bergamo, Italy |
2006 | 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery - Tokyo, Japane |