- Beom-Koo Lee Favorite Doctor
Specialty : Cruciate ligament damage, Artificial joint replacement and reoperation of knee, Partial knee replacement, Osteotomy, Knee Cartilage transplantation
예약가능 스케줄 Week M T W T F S AM PM ※ Date : 2025-02-15 ~ 2025-02-21
- Byung-Hoon Lee Favorite Doctor
Specialty : Knee ligament reconstruction, Cartilage regeneration, Cartilage damage, Sports medicine and arthroscopic surgery, Fracture of knee and lower extremity, Knee osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
예약가능 스케줄 Week M T W T F S AM PM ※ Date : 2025-02-15 ~ 2025-02-21
- Deuk-Soo Jun Favorite Doctor
Specialty : Spine diseases, Damage, Deformity, Osteoporosis
예약가능 스케줄 Week M T W T F S AM PM ※ Date : 2025-02-15 ~ 2025-02-21
- Doh-Hyun Moon Favorite Doctor
Specialty : Hip joint, Pelvis
예약가능 스케줄 Week M T W T F S AM PM ※ Date : 2025-02-15 ~ 2025-02-21
- Dong-Uk Jin Favorite Doctor
Specialty : 손, 전완부 질환(건, 말초 신경, 골관절염, 류마티스 관절염 및 변형), 수부 외상(소아 및 성인), 수부 종양, 미세 수술, 연부 조직 재건, 소아 수부 질환, 선천성 수부 기형
예약가능 스케줄 Week M T W T F S AM PM ※ Date : 2025-02-15 ~ 2025-02-21
- Hong-Gi Park Favorite Doctor
Specialty : Foot, Ankle
예약가능 스케줄 Week M T W T F S AM PM ※ Date : 2025-02-15 ~ 2025-02-21
- Jae-Ang Sim Favorite Doctor
Specialty : Knee, Osteoarthritis of the knee, Inflammatory arthritis, Artifial joint replacement, Reoperation of failed artificial joint surgery, Sports medicine and arthroscopy, Lower extremity fractures, Failed fracture treatment and osteomyelitis
예약가능 스케줄 Week M T W T F S AM PM ※ Date : 2025-02-15 ~ 2025-02-21
- Jong-Min Baik Favorite Doctor
Specialty : Cervical spine disease, Lumbar disease, Spinal deformity, Osteoporosis
예약가능 스케줄 Week M T W T F S AM PM ※ Date : 2025-02-15 ~ 2025-02-21
- Jung-Eun Lee Favorite Doctor
Specialty : Hand, Microsurgery, Congenital hand deformities
예약가능 스케줄 Week M T W T F S AM PM ※ Date : 2025-02-15 ~ 2025-02-21
- Kyu-Hak Jung Favorite Doctor
Specialty : Shoulder and elbow disease and damage, Sports damage and arthroscopic surgery, Osteoarthritis and artificial joint replacement, Rheumatoid arthritis, Inflammatory arthritis including gout
예약가능 스케줄 Week M T W T F S AM PM ※ Date : 2025-02-15 ~ 2025-02-21