Jeong-Ho Kim
Отделение радиологии Jeong-Ho Kim Favorite Doctor
  • SpecialtyInterventional Radiology, Cardiovascular Imaging, Emergency Radiology
  • Site Naver Blog
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Clinical Interests

TACE (HCC), Aortic stent-graft placement, Lower extremity artery PTA (DM foot), DVT recanalization, Traumat intervention, Hemodialysis access intervention, Bile duct dilatation, Embolization (hemoptysis, GI bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage, tumor), Central venous catheterization, PCD, PTBD, PTGBD, PCN etc.

2001 Master of Medical Science (M.M.) Degree, Inha University Graduate School
1993 Medical Doctor (M.D.) Degree, Inha University, College of Medicine
2013~2024present Chairman of Department of Radiology, Gachon University of Medicine and Science and Gachon University Gil Hospital
2011~ Professor, Department of Radiology, Gachon University of Medicine and Science and Gachon University Gil Hospital
2006 Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, Gachon University of Medicine and Science and Gachon University Gil Hospital
2005 Clinical Instructor, Department of Radiology, Gachon University Gil Hospital
2003~2004 Clinical Instructor, Department of Radiology, Inha University, College of Medicine and Inha University Hospital
2002 Clinical Fellowship, Department of Radiology, Wonkwang University School of Medicine & Hospital
2001 Clinical Fellowship, Department of Radiology, Asan Medical Center
2020 Korean Society of Emergency Radiology (KSER), Member
2020 Society of Interventional Radiology, Member
2019 Asia Pacific Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology (APSCVIR), Lifetime Member
2017 Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine (KSUM), Member
2013 Korean Society of Traumatology, Lifetime Member
2012 Korean Society for Dialysis Access, Member
2011 Korean Liver Cancer Study Group, Lifetime Member
2011 Korean Society of Image-Guided Tumor Ablation (KSITA), Member
2011 Society of Gastrointestinal Intervention (SGI), Member
2010 Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE), Member
2009 European Society of Radiology (ESR), Member
2004 Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (ASCI) Founding, Member
2004 Korean Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (KOSCI), Member
2001 Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (KSMRM), Member
2001 Korean Society of Interventional Radiology (KSIR), Member
2001 The Korean Society of Radiology (KSR), Member
1993 Korean Medical Association (KMA), Member
2014 Certification of Training Interventional Radiologist
2014 Certification of Interventional Radiologist
2001 Korean Board of Diagnostic Radiology
Jeong-Ho Kim
2024 YH Lee, S Park, JH Kim, JH Hwang, YS Shim, DK Kim. Use of antegrade wire guidance for retrograde transjugular/transfemoral venous access in the treatment of dysfunctional hemodialysis access: A retrospective analysis. J Vasc Access 2024;25(6):1948-1952
2024 DH Yang, S Park, JH Kim, JH Hwang. Endovascular treatment of iatrogenic iliac vein rupture during total hip arthroplasty: a case report. J Korean Soc Radiol 2024;85(5):981-985
2024 S Park, JH Kim, JH Hwang, WS Choi. Thyroid artery embolization for tracheostomy site bleeding: a report of three cases. J Korean Soc Radiol 2024;85(5):976-980
2024 Y Park, S Park, JH Hwang, JH Kim, SH Park. Radiologic insertion of a covered esophageal stent using the rendezvous technique: a case report. J Korean Soc Radiol 2024;85(4):780-784
2023 S Park, JH Kim, JH Hwang, SH Yu, ST Choi. Percutaneous creation of new bilioenteric anastomosis in a patient with accidentally failed hepaticojejunostomy. J Minim Access Surg 2024;20(2):222-224
2023 JH Hwang, JH Kim, S Park. Interventional Management for Pelvic Trauma. J Korean Soc Radiol 2023;84(4):835-845
2023 JH Kim. Role of Interventional Radiologists in Trauma Centers. J Korean Soc Radiol 2023;84(4): 784-791
2023 S Park, JH Kim, JH Hwang, J Cho. Endovascular treatment of traumatic iliac venous injury combined with phlegmasia cerulea dolens in Korea: a case report. J Trauma Inj 2023;36(2):157-160
2023 JH Kim, SJ Ahn, SY Nam, YY Kim, YS Chun, HK Park, HY Choi. Breast Pseudoaneurysm in a Woman after Core Biopsy: Intravascular Glue Embolization. J Med Ultrasound 2022;31(2):147-149
2023 JW Seo, S Park, YJ Kim, JH Hwang, SH Yu, JH Kim, KG Kim. Artificial intelligence-based iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis detection using a clinical approach. Sci Rep 2023;13(1):967
2023 JH Hwang, JM Kang, S Park, SH Park, JH Kim, KH Lee, JH Shin, SY Pak. Advanced virtual monoenergetic imaging algorithm for lower extremity computed tomography angiography: effects on image quality, artifacts, and peripheral arterial disease evaluation. Diagn Interv Radiol 2023;29(1):175-182
2023 YH Jung, SH Kim, JH Kim, BH Hwang, SM Lee, EY Kim, JH Kim, HS Hwang. Abdominal Aortic Thrombus Segmentation in Postoperative Computed Tomography Angiography Images Using Bi-Directional Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Architecture. Sensors (Basel) 2022;23(1):175
2022 JS Kim, SH Park, S Park, JH Hwang, JH Kim, SY Pak, K Lee, Bernhard S. Imaging Findings of Peripheral Arterial Disease on Lower-Extremity CT Angiography Using a Virtual Monoenergetic Imaging Algorithm. J Korean Soc Radiol 2022;83(5):1032-1045
2022 SY Nam, SJ Ahn, YR Jang, YS Chun, HK Park, SJ Choi, HY Choi, JH Kim. A Critical Review of Abdominopelvic Computed Tomography for the Detection of Asymptomatic Metastasis in New and Recurrent Breast Cancer. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 2022;18(4):363-370
2022 CS Chen, YJ Cho, JH Shin, JH Kim, SY Park, GS Jeon, A Ibrahim, HL Li, BR Jeong. Transcatheter Arterial Embolization for Hemorrhage after Gynecologic Hysterectomy: a Multicenter Study. Acta Radiol 2022;63(6):822-827
2022 HY Noh, SJ Ahn, SY Nam, YR Jang, YS Chun, HK Park, SJ Choi, HY Choi, JH Kim. Comparison of Diagnostic Performance and Confidence between Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography Scan and Non-Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography Plus Abdomen Ultrasound for Hepatic Metastasis in Patients with Breast Cancer. J Med Ultrasound 2022;30(2):116-124
2022 S Park, JH Kim, JH Hwang, KH Lee, SH Yu. Percutaneous Internal Drainage in Symptomatic Renal Parapelvic Cyst Refractory to Sclerotherapy: A Case Report. Uro J 2022;19(4):339-342
2022 BH Hwang, JH Kim, SM Lee, EY Kim, JH Kim, YH Jung, HS Hwang. Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Thrombi in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Using a Mask Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network with Optimized Loss Functions. Sensors (Basel) 2022;22(10):3643
2022 S Kim, SJ Choi, SJ Ahn, SH Park, YS Shim, JH Kim. Clinical Course of Small Subepithelial Tumors of the Small Bowel Detected on CT. J Korean Soc Radiol 2022;83(3):608-619
2022 JH Hwang, JW Seo, JH Kim, S Park, YJ Kim, KW Kim. Comparison between Deep Learning and Conventional Machine Learning in Classifying Iliofemoral Deep Venous Thrombosis upon CT Venography. Diagnostics (Basel) 2022;12(2):274
2021 114. JH Hwang, JM Kang, SH Park, SY Park, JH Kim, ST Choi. Comparison Study of Image Quality at Various Radiation Doses for CT Venography Using Advanced Modeled Iterative Reconstruction. PLoS One 2021;16(8):e0256564
2021 113. JH Hwang, JH Kim, SY Park, KH Lee. Delayed Splenic Rupture After a Percutaneous Transsplenic Approach to Treat Portal Vein Occlusion. Vasc Endovasc Surg 2021;55(6):623-626
2021 112. JH Hwang, JH Kim, SY Park, KH Lee, SH Park. Feasibility and Outcomes of Bronchial Artery Embolization in Patients with Non-Massive Hemoptysis. Respir Res 2021;22(1):221
2021 111. SH Yu, SH Park, JW Kim, JH Kim, JH Hwang, SY Park, KH Lee. Imaging Features and Interventional Treatment for Liver Injuries and Their Complications. J Korean Soc Radiol 2021;82(4):851-861
2021 110. SY Park, BR Jeong, JH Shin, EH Jang, JH Hwang, JH Kim. Transarterial Embolisation for Gastroduodenal Bleeding Following Endoscopic Resection. Br J Radiol 2021;94(1122):20210062
2021 109. HJ Lim, JH Hwang, JH Kim, SY Park, KH Lee, SH Park. Fistula from Right and Left Coronary Arteries to Pulmonary Artery: Coronary CT Angiography and Coronary Angiography Findings. Radiol Case Rep 2021;16(7):1790-1793
2021 108. SH Lee, HJ Cho, EJ Kim, YH Cho, JH Kim, KJ Chung, DW Son. Successful Treatment of Bilateral-Obstructive Renal Fungal Balls with Continuous Liposomal Amphotericin B Irrigation Using Pairs (Upper and Lower Pole) of Percutaneous Nephrostomy Tubes in an Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant. Perinatology 2021;32(1):42-47
2021 107. YR Jang, SJ Ahn, SJ Choi, JK Eom, YK Cho, YS Shim, SH Park, JH Kim, HS Kim. Clinical and Computed Tomography Factors Associated with Sepsis in Women with Clinically Uncomplicated Pyelonephritis. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2021;46(2):723-731
2021 106. SY Nam, SJ Ahn, YR Jang, YS Chun, HK Park, SJ Choi, HY Choi, JH Kim. Diagnostic Accuracy of Non-Contrast Abdominopelvic Computed Tomography Scans in Follow-Up of Breast Cancer Patients. Br J Radiol 2021;94(1118):20201087
2021 105. SY Park, SH Park, JH Hwang, JH Kim, KH Lee, SH Park, JH Shin, SY Pak, JM Kang. Low-dose CT Angiography of the Lower Extremities: a Comparison Study of Image Quality and Radiation Dose. Clin Radiol 2021;76(2):156e19-156e26
2020 104. JW Kim, JH Kim, SS Byun, JM Kang, JH Shin. Paclitaxel-Coated Balloon Versus Plain Balloon Angioplasty for Dysfunctional Autogenous Radiocephalic Arteriovenous Fistulas: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial. Korean J Radiol 2020;21(11):1239-1247
2020 103. HJ Lim, JH Hwang, JH Kim, SY Park, KH Lee, SH Park. Spontaneous Renal Artery Thrombosis: A Rare Cause of Acute Flank Pain. Radiol Case Rep 2020;16(1):9-12
2020 102. SH Park, YM Jeong, HY Lee, EY Kim, JH Kim, HK Park, HK Ahn. Opportunistic Use of Chest CT for Screening Osteoporosis and Predicting the Risk of Incidental Fracture in Breast Cancer Patients: A Retrospective Longitudinal Study. PLoS One 2020;15(10):e0240084
2020 101. SH Yu, JH Hwang, JH Kim, SY Park, KH Lee, ST Choi. Duplication of Superficial Femoral Artery: Imaging Findings and Literature Review. BMC Med Imaging 2020;20(1):99-102
2020 100. JH Park, JH Yeo, YS Kim, HK Ahn, SJ Sym, DB Shin, JH Hwang, IK Park, JH Kim. Portal Vein Sent for Symptomatic Malignant Portal Vein Stenosis: A Single-Center Experience. Curr Probl Cancer 2020;44(2):100476
2020 99. S Park, B Jeong, JH Shin, JH Kim, JW Kim, DI Gwon, GY Ko, CS Chen. Interventional Treatment of Arterial Injury During Blind Central Venous Catheterisation in the Upper Thorax: Experience from Two Centres. Clin Radiol 2020;75(2):158e1-158e7
2019 998. HM Kim, YK Cho, JH Kim, TS Seo, MG Song, YS Jeon, SB Cho, NY Im. Clinical Outcomes of the Seal Thoracic Stent Graft for Traumatic Aortic Injury in a Korean Multicenter Retrospective Study. Ann Vasc Surg 2019;61:400-409
2019 97. JH Park, YK Cho, K Her, YS Jeon, JH Kim, TS Seo, MG Song. Histologic Analysis with the Newly Designed Exoskeleton Seal Stent-Graft in the Porcine Abdominal Aorta. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2019;42(9):1331-1342
2019 96. SJ Kim, SJ Ahn, SJ Choi, DH Park, HS Kim, JH Kim. Optimal CT Protocol for the Diagnosis of Active Bleeding in Abdominal Trauma Patients. Am J Emerg Med 2019;37(7):1331-1335
2019 95. EY Kim, IK Park, YS Kim, HK Ahn, HW Lee, JH Kim. Unusual Radiologic Manifestation of Pseudoprogression in Pulmonary Metastases after Durvalumab Treatment in Metastic Bladder Urothelial Cancer. Thorac Cancer 2019;10(4):1016-1018
2018 94. EY Kim, YS Kim, IK Park, HK Ahn, HY Lee, JH Kim. Radiologic Presentation of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Anti-PD-1 Therapy. J Thorac Dis 2018;10S33:S3930-S3932
2018 93. EY Kim, HY Lee, KW Kim, JI Lee, YS Kim, WJ Choi, JH Kim. Preoperative Computed Tomography-Determined Sarcopenia and Postoperative Outcome after Surgery for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Scand J Surg 2018;107(3):244-251
2018 92. MK Lee, EY Kim, YS Kim, SJ Sym, JH Kim. Acute Aortic Thrombosis Following Capecitabine Chemotherapy in a Patient with Colon Cancer. J Korean Soc Radiol 2018;79(3):166-170
2018 91. KH Lee, YM Jeong, JY Jeon, TS Im, SW Lee, SH Park, JH Kim. Sonographic Diagnosis of Neuritis Ossificans of the Median Nerve. J Clin Ultrasound 2018;46(5):358-360
2018 90. YS Jeon, YK Cho, MG Song, TS Seo, JH Kim, SY Song, SY Lee. Clinical Outcomes of Endovascular Aneurysm Repair with the Kilt Technique for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms with Hostile Aneurysm Neck Anatomy: A Korean Multicenter Retrospective Study. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2018;41(4):554-563
2018 89. CR Kim, EY Kim, YS Kim, HK Ahn, KW Kim, YM Jeong, JH Kim. Histologic Subtypes are not Associated with the Presence of Sarcopenia in Lung Cancer. PLoS One 2018;13(3):e0194626
2018 88. EY Kim, HY Lee, YS Kim, IK Park, HK Ahn, EK Cho, YM Jeong, JH Kim. Prognostic Significance of Cachexia Score Assessed by CT in Male Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer. Eur J Cancer Care 2018;27(1):101111
2018 87. JY Jeon, YM Jeong, SW Lee, JH Kim, HY Choi, Y Ahn. The Termination Level of the Dural Sac Relevant to Caudal Epidural Block in Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebrae: A Comparison between Sacralization and Lumbarization Groups. Pain Physician 2018;21(1):73-82
2017 86. A Han, MA Lee, YG Park, JM Kang, JH Kim, JN Lee. Type B Aortic Dissection with Visceral Artery Involvement Following Blunt Trauma: A Case Report. J Trauma Inj 2017;30(4):206-211
2017 85. CR Kim, JW Kim, SS Byun, JH Kim. Embolization of a Life-Threatening Hemorrhage from Meckel’s Diverticulum in an Adult. J Korean Soc Radiol 2017;77(5):309-312
2017 84. EY Kim, YS Kim, JH Kim. Thermal Ablation for the Treatment of Primary and Secondary Pulmonary Malignancies. J Thorac Dis 2017;9(10):3641-3644
2017 83. EY Kim, K Kim, YS Kim, HK Ahn, YM Jeong, JH Kim, WJ Choi. Prevalence of and Factors Associated with Sarcopenia in Korean Cancer Survivors: Based on Data Obtained by the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2008-2011. Nutr Cancer 2017; 69(3):394-401
2017 82. MG Song, TS Seo, BH Kim, JH Kim. Mechanical Recanalization for Clot Occlusion of Venous Access Ports: Experimental Study Using Ports with Clot Occlusion. J Vasc Access. 2017;18(2):158-162
2017 81. YJ Cho, YT Oh, SY Kim, JY Kim, SY Jung, SJ Chon, JH Kim, SS Byun. The Efficacy of Pre-delivery Prophylactic Trans-catheter Arterial Balloon Occlusion of Bilateral Internal Iliac Artery in Patients with Suspected Placental Adhesion. Obstet Gynecol Sci 2017;60(1):18-25
2016 80. EY Kim, YS Kim, IK Park, HK Ahn, EK Cho, YM Jeong, JH Kim. Evaluation of Sarcopenia in Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients by Routine Chest CT. Support Care Cancer 2016;24(11):4721-4726
2016 79. JH Kim, YK Cho, TS Seo, MG Song, YS Jeon, YM Han, MH Kang, HG Lim. Clinical Outcomes for Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm with the Seal Stent Graft. J Vasc Surg 2016;64(5):1270-1277
2016 78. JH Ann, EY Kim, YM Jeong, JH Kim, HS Kim, HY Choi. Morphologic Evaluation of Ductus Diverticulum Using Multi-Detector Computed Tomography: Comparison with Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of the Aortic Isthmus. Iran J Radiol 2016;13(4):e38016
2016 77. EY Kim, NB Kim, YS Kim, JY Seo, IK Park, HK Ahn, YM Jeong, JH Kim. Prognostic Significance of Modified Advanced Lung Cancer Inflammation Index (ALI) in Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer_Comparison with Original ALI. PLoS One 2016;11(10): e0164056
2016 76. SJ Ahn, YM Jeong, BG Lee, JA Sim, HY Choi, JH Kim, SW Lee. Using Three-Dimensional Isotropic SPACE MRI to Detect Posterolateral Corner Injury of the Knee. Acta Radiol 2016;57(10):1251-1260
2016 75. EY Kim, HJ Cho, DW Son, HS Kim, HY Choi, JH Kim. CT Evaluation of Cavoatrial Junction for Optimal Placement of Central Venous Catheter in Infants. J Med Imaging Health Inf 2016;6(5):1135-1138
2016 74. YS Kim, EY Kim, HK Ahn, EK Cho, YM Jeong, JH Kim. Prognostic Significance of CT-Emphysema Score in Patients with Advanced Squamous Cell Lung Cancer. J Thorac Dis 2016;8(8):1966-1973
2016 73. EY Kim, YS Kim, JY Seo, IK Park, HK Ahn, YM Jeong, JH Kim, NB Kim. The Relationship between Sarcopenia and Systemic Inflammatory Response for Cancer Cachexia in Small Cell Lung Cancer. PLoS One 2016;11(8): e0161125
2016 72. MK Lee, EY Kim, YM Jeong, JH Kim, HY Choi. Paratracheal Air Cysts are Uncommon Findings in the Pediatric Population. Jpn J Radiol 2016;34(8):579-584
2016 71. MJ Jung, YM Jeong, BG Lee, JA Sim, HY Choi, JH Kim, SW Lee. Evaluation of Knee Joint after Double-Bundle ACL Reconstruction with Three-Dimensional Isotropic MRI. Investig Magn Reson Imaging 2016;20(2):95-104
2016 70. SH Kwon, SE Ahn, JS Shin, HC Youn, JH Kim, JH Oh. A Phantom Model Study to Identify the Most Effective Manual Aspiration Thrombectomy for Acute Deep-Vein Thrombosis of the Lower Extremity. Clin Radiol 2016;71(4):321-327
2016 69. SM Jeong, JH Kim, SS Byun, JM Kang, ST Choi, JW Kim, HS Kim, HY Choi, JH Park. Effect of Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty on the Stenosis of Autogenous Radiocephalic Arteriovenous Fistula for Hemodialysis. J Korean Soc Radiol 2016;74(2):105-113
2015 68. JH Ann, JH Kim, SS Byun, JM Kang, HS Kim, HY Choi. Percutaneous Ethanol Sclerotherapy for Recurrent Adventitial Cystic Disease of External Iliac Vein after Surgical Treatment: A Case Report. J Korean Soc Radiol 2015;73(6):384-388
2015 67. KH Lee, HJ Cho, EY Kim, DW Son, HS Kim, HY Choi, JH Kim. Variation between Residents and Attending Staff Interpreting Radiographs to Verify Placement of Nutrition Access Devices in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Nutr Clin Pract 2015;30(3):398-401
2015 66. SS Byun, JH Park, JH Kim, YM Sung, YK Kim, EY Kim, EA Park. Coronary CT Findings of Coronary to Bronchial Arterial Communication in Chronic Pulmonary Disease. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2015;31 Suppl 1:69-75
2015 65. KW Kim, JI Lee, EY Kim, HC Kim, SH Lee, SM Kang, YS Kim, JH Kim. A Rare Presentation of Catamenial Hemoptysis as a Solitary Pulmonary Nodule. Emerg Radiol 2015;22(2):207-209
2015 64. KH Lee, KW Kim, EY Kim, HS Kim, JH Kim, JS Cho, HJ Yang. Proper Compression Landmark and Depth for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Patients with Pectus Excavatum: a Study Using CT. Emerg Med J 2015;32(4):301-303
2015 63. MJ Kim, YM Jeong, SW Lee, SJ Choi, JH Kim, HG Park. The Value of MRI in Idiopathic Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome by Measuring the Cross-Sectional Area of Tarsal Tunnel. J Korean Soc Radiol 2015;72(3):164-170
2015 662. SY Park, JH Kim, SS Byun, JM Kang, ST Choi, JH Park. Endovascular Therapy for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and Iliac Artery Aneurysm Using SEAL Aortic Stent-Graft: a Single Center Experience. J Korean Soc Radiol 2015;72(3):156-163
2014 61. SY Park, EY Kim, HK Park, YS Chun, SY Nam, JH Kim, HY Choi. Computed Tomographic Findings of Postoperative Seroma in Breast Cancer Patients. J Breast Dis 2014;2(2):64-68
2014 60. KH Son, JS Kim, JH Kim, WJ Chung, SJ Ahn, CH Park. Endovascular Rescue of a Narrowed Aorto-Aortic Bypass Graft in a Patient with Takayasu’s Arteritis. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014;47(6):556-559
2014 59. KH Lee, KW Kim, EY Kim, JI Lee, YS Kim, SY Hyun, HS Kim, JH Kim. Detection of Blebs and Bullae in Patients with Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax by Multi-Detector CT Reconstruction Using Different Slice Thickness. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol 2014;58(6):663-667
2014 58. PK Jang, YJ Kim, DK Park, JY Han, PH Park, SH Kim, HS Woo, JH Kim. A Case of Gastric Ulcer Bleeding by Direct Connection to Splenic Artery. Koran J Helicobacter Up Gastrointest Res 2014;14(3):211-214
2014 57. MJ Kim, SJ Choi, YS Shim, HS Kim, JH Kim, HY Choi, HC Kim. Intrascrotal and Extratesticular Schwannoma: a Case Report. J Korean Soc Radiol 2014;71(3):136-138
2014 56. EY Kim, WJ Chung, YM Sung, SS Byun, JH Park, JH Kim, JG Moon. Normal Range and Regional Heterogeneity of Myocardial Perfusion in Healthy Human Myocardium: Assessment on Dynamic Perfusion CT Using 128-Slice Dual-Source CT. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2014;30S1:33-40
2014 55. SJ Ahn, EY Kim, JH Kim, SS Byun, HS Kim, HY Choi, YH Sun. Successful Endovascular Treatment of Bilateral Intralobar Pulmonary Sequestration with a Bridging Isthmus in a Child. Pediatr Pulmonol 2014;49(6):E126-E129
2014 54. SJ Ahn, SJ Choi, HS Kim, JH Kim, HY Choi. Well-Differentiated Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor with Solitary Hepatic Metastasis Presenting as a Benign Cystic Mass: a Case Report. J Korean Soc Radiol 2014;70(5):351-354
2014 53. HY Oh, SJ Choi, HS Kim, JH Kim, HY Choi. Primary Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Developing at the Ileocolonic Anastomosis Site after Right Hemicolectomy for Adenocarcinoma: a Case Report. J Korean Soc Radiol 2014;70(4):279-282
2014 52. YK Kim, YM Sung, JH Kim, SS Byun, YN Park, SP Lee. Aortic Stent-Graft for a Giant Bronchial Artery Aneurysm with Ultrashort Neck. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014;20 Suppl:781-785
2014 51. SH Cho, YM Sung, JH Kim, YK Kim, JI Lee. Axillary Artery to Pulmonary Artery Fistula Following Nuss Procedure for Pectus Excavatum. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014;20 Suppl:570-573
2013 50. SJ Choi, HS Kim, JH Kim, HY Choi, HJ Park. Use of Arterial to Equilibrium Enhancement Washout to Predict Viability in Liver Cancers Treated with Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization. J Korean Phys Soc 2013;62(8):1204-1210
2013 49. DH Park, SS Byun, JH Kim, KK Kim, HY Hwang, HS Kim, HY Choi, JH Park. Percutaneous Balloon Dilatation and Catheter Maintenance Method in the Patients with Biliary Strictures after Living Donor Liver Transplantation. J Korean Soc Radiol 2013;68(4):305-313
2012 48. HH Yoon, YK Jung, DH Chung, SJ Choi, JH Kim, KK Kim. Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Drug-Eluting Beads Chemoembolization and Liver Transplantation. Korean J Gastroenterol 2012;60(5):335-338
2012 47. DH Park, JH Kim, SS Byun, HS Kim. Efficacy of Transcatheter Arterial Embolization in the Traumatic Injury. J Korean Soc Radiol 2012;67(5):333-340
2012 46. HM Lee, JH Kim, SS Byun, HS Kim. Relationship of Pelvic Bone Fracture Pattern and Bleeding Foci on Angiography. J Korean Soc Radiol 2012;67(4):277-284
2012 45. HY Oh, EY Kim, JS Cho, HJ Yang, JH Kim, HS Kim, HY Choi. Trends of CT Use in the Adult Emergency Department in a Tertiary Academic Hospital of Korea During 2001-2010. Korean J Radiol 2012;13(5):536-540
2012 44. KH Lee, MJ Son, ST Choi, JH Kim, SS Byun, JM Kang. Relative Risk of Peripheral Arterial Disease for Patients Registered in a Tertiary Referral Centre. Korean J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2012;28(3):119-125
2012 43. EY Kim, HJ Yang, YM Sung, KH Hwang, JH Kim, HS Kim. Sternal Fracture in the Emergency Department: Diagnostic Value of Multidetector CT with Sagittal and Coronal Reconstruction Images. Eur J Radiol 2012;81(5):e708-e711
2012 42. JM Kang, WC Kang, ST Choi, WS Lee, JH Kim. Symptomatic Renal Artery Aneurysm Dealt with Aneurysmectomy and Patch Closure. Korean J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2012;28(1):48-51
2011 41. MS Kwon, JH Kim, SS Byun, ST Choi, JM Kang. Initial Experience of Hybrid Vascular Operation. Korean J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2011;27(4):168-172
2011 40. EY Kim, HJ Yang, YM Sung, SH Cho, JH Kim, HS Kim, HY Choi. Multidetector CT Findings of Skeletal Chest Injuries Secondary to Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Resuscitation 2011;82(10):1285-1288
2010 39. YN Park, JH Kim, ST Choi, SS Byun, JM Kang, HS Kim, HW Hwang. Endovascular Therapy of a Traumatic Chronic Popliteal Arteriovenous Fistula Using an AMPLATZER Vascular Plug. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2010;21(11):1779-1782
2010 38. SJ Choi, JH Kim, SS Byun, YM Jeong, HY Hwang, HS Kim. Evaluation of the Optimal Site for Retrograde Common Femoral Arterial Puncture. J Korean Soc Radiol 2010;63(4):359-364
2010 37. SJ Choi, HY Hwang, NR Kim, SW Lee, JH Kim, HY Choi, HS Kim. The Radiologic Features of Cystic versus Noncystic Glioblastoma Multiforme as Significant Prognostic Factors. J Korean Soc Radiol 2010;63(4):299-306
2010 36. SH Lee, SH Lee, KC Lee, YH Park, GK Kim, JN Lee, YS Goo, YS Kim, SJ Shim, DB Shin, JH Kim, DH Chung. Analysis of Outcomes and Prognostic Factors Associated with Surgical Treatment Plus Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Stage II/III Pancreatic Cancer. Korean J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 2010;14(3):191-198
2010 35. WC Kang, EK Shin, TH Ahn, KH Lee, CI Moon, SH Han, CH Park, KY Park, JM Kang, JH Kim. Combined Open and Endovascular Repair for Aortic Arch Pathology. Korean Circ J 2010;40(8):399-404
2010 34. MK Lee, JH Kim, MK Yoon, KH Whang, IS Choi, SJ Choi, W Choe. Reverse Redistribution in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Revisited with 64-Slice MDCT. Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2010;44(2):154-156
2009 33. JH Sun, JK Kim, YS Lim, JJ Kim, JS Jo, SY Hyun, HS Jeong, HJ Yang, G Lee, JH Kim. Clinical Profiles of Patients who Undergone Emergency Angiographic Embolization at Emergency Department. J Korean Soc Traumatol 2009;22(2):248-253
2009 32. CH Ku, JS Lee, JH Kim. A Case using Uterine Artery Embolization for the Patient with Uterine Artery Bleeding after Transobturator Tape Operation. J Korean Continence Soc 2009;13(2):173-176
2009 31. GH Kim, YS Kim, HO Kim, KH Kim, YK Hung, DH Jung, JH Kim, OS Kwon, DJ Choi, JH Kim. A Case of Primary Hepatic Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma with Spontaneous Rupture. Korean J Hepatol 2009;15(4):510-516
2009 30. CH Park, SS Byun, JH Kim, HY Hwang, HN Kim, DJ Chung, HS Kim. Arterial Bleeding of a Thyroid Mass after Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy: A Case Report. J Korean Soc Radiol 2009;60(6):397-401
2009 29. YM Jeong, JH Kim, CH Park, KY Park, SS Byun, HY Hwang, CH Park, HS Kim. Evaluation of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts in the Early Postoperative Period Using 64-Slice MDCT. J Korean Soc Radiol 2009;60(5):303-312
2008 27. SS Byun, JH Kim, CH Park, YS Jeon, HY Hwang, HS Kim, WH Kim. Arteriovenous Fistula Complicated by Popliteal Venous Access for Endovascular Thrombolytic Therapy of Deep Vein Thrombosis. J Korean Radiol Soc 2008;59(4):235-239
2008 26. KK Koh, CI Moon, JH Kim, W Choe, SM Park, YS Kim. Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery Myocardial Bridging Detected by 64-Multidetector Computed Tomography. Int J Cardiol 2008;128(2):e62-e64
2008 25. SM Park, KK Koh, JH Kim, KH Yoon, WJ Chung, WC Kang. Myocardial Infarction with Huge Mural Thrombus due to Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Detected by 64-Multidetector Computed Tomography. Int J Cardiol 2008;127(2):e73-e75
2009 28. KK Koh, SM Park, WJ Chung, JH Kim, JI Kim, YJ Jo, CH Park. Different Clinical Course of Ascending Aortic Aneurysm in Monozygotic Twins. Int J Cardiol 2009;133(2):e47-e49
2008 24. SS Byun, JH Kim, YJ Kim, YS Chun, CH Park, WH Kim. Evaluation of Deep Vein Thrombosis with Multidetector Row CT after Orthopedic Arthroplasty: a Prospective Study for Comparison with Doppler Sonography. Korean J Radiol 2008;9(1):59-66
2008 23. MH Kim, JH Kim, SS Byun, HY Hwang, DM Yang, HS Kim. Evaluation of Atherosclerotic Plaque in Patients without Coronary Artery Calcification Using Multidetector Row Computed Tomography: a Preliminary Report of 110 Patients. J Korean Radiol Soc 2008;58(1):29-37
2007 22. DS Kim, JH Kim, CH Park, SY Park, SJ Choe, HY Hwang, HS Kim. The Relationship between Aortic Calcification Volume and Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: Comparison with Coronary Calcification Volume. J Korean Radiol Soc 2007;57(6):511-518
2007 21. BS Roh, MY Choi, SJ Jean, SH Park, HW Kim, JH Kim. Diagnosis of Arteriovenous Fistulas following a Lumbar Discectomy. J Korean Radiol Soc 2007;57(1):15-20
2007 20. GH Kim, WJ Chung, MS Shin, KJ Oh, SJ Lee, SM Park, SJ Zeon, BC Oh, JH Kim, EK Shin. External Compression of the Inferior Vena Cava by Tortuous Abdominal Aorta in the Elderly. J Cardiovasc Ultrasound 2007;15(1):13-15
2007 19. KW Kim, JI Lee, JH Kim, SJ Choi, KY Park, CH Park. Traumatic Systemic Artery to Pulmonary Vessel Fistula. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2007;40(1):74-78
2006 18. CH Park, JH Kim, SJ Choi, W Jin, DM Yang, HS Kim. Usefulness of Abdominal Aortic Calcification for Screening of Peripheral Vascular Disease. J Korean Radiol Soc 2006;55(6):557-564
2006 17. KK Kho, SH Han, JH Kim, SJ Lee, JY Kim. Neovascularization from Coronary Artery Leaking to Fungus Ball in the Lung. Circulation 2006;114(17):e551-e552
2006 16. SJ Choi, JH Kim, IY Hyun. F-18 FDG Uptake in Respiratory Muscle Mimicking Metastasis in Patients with Gastric Cancer. Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2006;40(4):233-236
2006 15. YG Lee, MK Kim, KJ Cho, HG Kim, JM Cho, YS Jeon, JH Kim. The Diagnostic Availability of Multidetector-Row Computed Tomography (MDCT) in Deep Vein Thrombosis Developed after Joint Arthroplasty. J Korean Orthop Assoc 2006;41(1):134-139
2004 14. JH Kim, HJ Kim, KH Lee, KH Kim, HL Lee. Solitary Pulmonary Nodules: A Comparative Study Evaluated with Contrast-Enhanced Dynamic MR Imaging and CT. J Comput Assist Tomogr 2004;28(6):766-775
2004 13. JH Kim, GY Ko, HK Yoon, HY Song, SG Lee, KB Sung. Causes of Arterial Bleeding after Living Donor Liver Transplantation and the Results of Transcatheter Arterial Embolization. Korean J Radiol 2004;5(3):164-170
2004 12. JH Kim, BS Roh, YH Lee, SS Choi, BJ So. Isolated Spontaneous Dissection of the Superior Mesenteric Artery: Percutaneous Stent Placement in Two Patients. Korean J Radiol 2004;5(2):134-138
2003 11. SS Byun, HJ Kim, MK Lim, WH Kim, YS Jeon, JH Kim, ST Kim. Postnatal Development of the Atlas and Axis: CT Study. J Korean Radiol Soc 2003;49(4):345-354
2003 10. GY Ko, KB Sung, HK Yoon, JH Kim, YC Weon, HY Song. Preoperative Portal Vein Embolization with a New Liquid Embolic Agent. Radiology 2003;227(2):407-413
2002 9. JH Kim, IY Hyun, YS Kim, ZH Woo. Tc-99m HMPAO White Blood Cell SPECT of an Enterovesical Fistula Complicating Crohn’s Disease. Clin Nucl Med 2002;27(12):887-888
2002 8. HS Lim, SK Juhng, EA Kim, JH Kim, HH Song, DM Shim. Hip and Pelvis Diseases on Lumbar AP Radiographs Including Both Hip Joints. J Korean Radiol Soc 2002;47(6):651-655
2002 7. JH Kim, GY Ko, HK Yoon, KB Sung. Transcatheter Shunt Embolotherapy in Multiple Myeloma with High Output Heart Failure. J Korean Radiol Soc 2002;47(6):597-600
2002 6. JH Kim, GY Ko, HK Yoon, KB Sung. Massive Tumor Pulmonary Embolism Following Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. J Korean Radiol Soc 2002;47(6):591-595
2002 5. SH Park, EA Kim, KH Yoon, KJ Yun, JH Kim, JJ Won. Assessment of Mural Invasion Depth of Gastric Carcinoma with High-Resolution Compound Sonographic Imaging in Vitro. J Korean Radiol Soc 2002;47(5):491-497
2002 4. GY Ko, KB Sung, HK Yoon, JH Kim, HY Song, TS Seo, SG Lee. Endovascular Treatment of Hepatic Venous Outflow Obstruction after Living-donor Liver Transplantation. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2002;13(6):591-599
2000 3. JH Kim, IY Hyun, YS Kim, W Choe, ZH Woo. Tc-99m HMPAO White Blood Cell Scintigraphy of an Enterovesical Fistula Complicating Crohn’s Disease. Korean J Nucl Med 2000;34(1):99-105
1999 2. JH Kim, HJ Kim, H Han, HL Lee, KH Kim, CH Suh. Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Solitary Pulmonary Nodules: Value of Contrast-Enhanced Dynamic MR Imaging. J Korean Radiol Soc 1999;40(6):1133-1139
1998 1. KD Yoh, JH Kim, SG Cho, WH Kim, CH Suh. The Value of Multi-Shot Echoplanar MR Imaging in the Diagnosis of Focal Hepatic Lesions: Comparison with Other Standard MR Imagings. J Korean Radiol Soc 1998;38(3):491-496