Eui Joo Kim
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  • SpecialtyPancreatic biliary diseases, General gastroenterology
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Pancreatic biliary diseases

Konkuk University College of Medicine, M.D.
Gachon University College of Medicine, M.S.
Department of Internal Medicine, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Resident
Department of Gastroenterology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Clinical Instructor
Department of Gastroenterology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Gastroenterology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Assistant Professor
Department of Gastroenterology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Associate Professor
Internal Medicine Specialist
Gastroenterology Specialist
Endoscopy Specialist
Clinical Ultrasonography Society Accreditation
Eui Joo Kim
2023 Yang, MJ, Kim, J, Park, SW, Cho, JH, Kim, EJ, Lee, YN, ... & Lee, SS (2023). Comparison between three types of needles for endoscopic ultrasound-guided tissue acquisition of pancreatic solid masses: a multicenter observational study. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 3677.
2023 Cho, IR, Jeong, SH, Kang, H, Kim, EJ, Kim, YS, Jeon, S, & Cho, JH (2023). Diagnostic performance of endoscopic ultrasound elastography for differential diagnosis of solid pancreatic lesions: A propensity score-matched analysis. Pancreatology, 23(1), 105-111.
2023 Lee, SH, Choe, JW, Cheon, YK, Choi, M, Jung, MK, Jang, DK, ... & Lee, HS (2023). Revised Clinical Practice Guidelines of the Korean Pancreatobiliary Association for Acute Pancreatitis. Gut and Liver, 17(1), 34-48.
2022 Park, YT, Kang, J, Kim, JS, Jung, MK, Kim, SH, Cho, JH, ... & Kim, HJ (2022). Multi-Center Study on Gender Difference in Resectability and Pathologic Prognosis of Gallbladder Cancer. The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract, 27(3), 121-127.
2021 Jang, SI, Kim, YJ, Kim, EJ, Kang, H, Shon, SJ, Seol, YJ, ... & Cho, JH (2021). Diagnostic performance of endoscopic ultrasound‐artificial intelligence using deep learning analysis of gallbladder polypoid lesions. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 36(12), 3548-3555.
2021 Lee, SH, Kim, YS, Kim, EJ, Lee, HS, Park, JY, Park, SW, ... & Bang, S (2021). Long-term outcomes of fully covered self-expandable metal stents versus plastic stents in chronic pancreatitis. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-8.
2021 Do, MY, Jang, SI, Kang, HP, Kim, EJ, Lee, KJ, Park, GE, ... & Cho, JH (2021). Comparison of the clinical features and outcomes of gallbladder neuroendocrine carcinoma with those of adenocarcinoma: A propensity score-matched analysis. Cancers, 13(18), 4713.
2021 Cho, IR, Jeong, SH, Kang, H., Kim, EJ, Kim, YS, & Cho, JH (2021). Comparison of contrast-enhanced versus conventional EUS-guided FNA/fine-needle biopsy in diagnosis of solid pancreatic lesions: A randomized controlled trial. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 94(2), 303-310.
2020 KIM, EJ, et al. Upregulation of Peroxiredoxin-2 in Well-Differentiated Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors and Its Utility as a Biomarker for Predicting the Response to Everolimus. Antioxidants, 2020, 9.11: 1104.
2020 KIM, EJ, et al. NRF2 knockdown resensitizes 5-fluorouracil-resistant pancreatic cancer cells by suppressing HO-1 and ABCG2 expression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21.13: 4646.
2020 KIM, EJ, et al. Stenting as a bridge to surgery for extra-colonic malignancy induced colorectal obstruction: preliminary experience. BMC gastroenterology, 2020, 20: 1-7.
2019 Kim, EJ, et al. Intraductal temperature-controlled radiofrequency ablation in malignant hilar obstruction: A preliminary study in animals and initial human experience. Endoscopy international open, 2019, 7.10: E1293-E1300.
2019 KIM, EJ, et al. Autologous blood, a novel agent for preoperative colonic localization: a safety and efficacy comparison study. Surgical endoscopy, 2019, 33.4: 1080-1086
2019 Kim, EJ, et al. Early experience with Watson for oncology in Korean patients with colorectal cancer. PloS one 14.3 (2019): e0213640
2018 KIM, EJ, et al. Endobiliary radiofrequency ablation for distal extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: A clinicopathological study. PloS one, 2018, 13.11: e0206694.
2018 KIM, EJ, et al. Korean red ginseng extract reduces hypoxia-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition by repressing NF-κB and ERK1/2 pathways in colon cancer. Journal of ginseng research, 2018, 42.3: 288-297.
2017 KIM, EJ; CHO, JH. Efficacy of Endobiliary Radiofrequency Ablation for Malignant Biliary Obstruction. The Korean Journal of Medicine, 2017, 92.5: 437-442.
2017 KIM, EJ, et al. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation in inconspicuous hepatocellular carcinoma on B-mode ultrasound. The Turkish journal of gastroenterology: the official journal of Turkish Society of Gastroenterology, 2017, 28.6: 446-452.
2017 KIM, EJ, et al. The Risk Factors for Moderately Severe and Severe Post Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Pancreatitis According to the Revised Atlanta Classification. Pancreas, 2017, 46.9: 1208-1213.
2017 KIM,EJ, et al. Safety and efficacy of glycopyrrolate as a premedication for endoscopic submucosal dissection: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Endoscopy, 2017, 49.10: 949-956.
2017 Kim EJ, Yeon JE, Kwon OS, et al. Rapid Alanine Aminotransferase Normalization with Entecavir and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Hepatitis B Virus-Associated Cirrhosis. Dig Dis Sci. 2017;62(3):808-816.
2016 Kim EJ, Kim YS, Cho JH. Incomplete Pancreas Divisum Presented with Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Pancreatitis in a Young Female. Korean J Gastroenterol. 2016;67(5):282.
2016 Kim EJ, Kim YJ. Stents for colorectal obstruction: Past, present, and future. World J Gastroenterol. 2016;22(2):842-852.
2010 Kim EJ, Shin M-S, Oh KY, et al. Successful management of portopulmonary hypertension with beraprost. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010;22(12):1503-1505.
2010 Kim EJ, Seo MR, Park SK, et al. A Case of Necrotizing Fasciitis Caused by Raoultella ornithinolytica. Infect Chemother. 2010;42(6):411.
2010 Kim EJ, Yi HS, Yo I, et al. A Case of Adrenal Actinomycosis that Mimicked a Huge Adrenal Tumor. Endocrinol Metab. 2010;25(2):147.