Young-Bo Kim
Нейрохирургия Young-Bo Kim Favorite Doctor
  • SpecialtyStroke, Headache, Dizziness
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Brain tumor

1999~2001 Ajou University Graduate School of Business, Master of Business Administration
1992~1999 Seoul National University College of Engineering, Advanced Industrial Strategy Program
1998 Graduate School of Journalism & Mass Communication, Yonsei University, Advanced Leadership Program
1996 Hanyang University College of Medicine, Ph.D.
1992 Hanyang University College of Medicine, M.S.
1986 Hanyang University College of Medicine, M.D.
2007~2010 Bio & Brain Engineering, KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Adjunct Professor
2008~ Department of Neurosurgery, Gachon University College of Medicine, Professor
1999~2008 Department of Neurosurgery, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Associate Professor
2003~2005 Visiting Research Professor, University of California, Irvine, USA
1986 License of Medical Doctor
1994 Neurosurgery, Specialist
Young-Bo Kim
2010 "- Neurological Research 32, 96-100, 2010 Acute Electroacupuncture inhibits nitric oxide synthase expression in the spinal cord of neuropathic rats
2010 " "- Journal of Korean Amedical Science 1(25), 135-141, 2010 A Proposal of New Reference System for the Standard Axial, Sagittal, Coronal Planes of Brain Based on the Serially-Sectioned Images
2010 " "- Neuroimage 50, 1036-1043, 2010 Functional MR angiography using phase contrast imaging technique at 3T MRI
2010 " "- Journal of Neurosurgery, 2010 Direct visualization of deep brain stimulation targets in Parkinson disease with the use of 7-tesla magnetic resonance imaging
2010 " "- Cerebrovascular Disease 29, 410-411, 2010 Assessment of pial branches using 7-tesla MRI in cerebral arterial disease
2010 " "- NeuroImage 49, 2134-2140, 2010 Quantitative analysis of the hippocampus using images obtained from 7.0 T MRI
2010 " "- Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1-6, 2010 Altered T2star relaxation time of the hippocampus in major depressive disorder_Implications of ultra-high field magnetic resonance Imaging
2010 " "- KOR J CeREBROVASCULAR SURGERY 12(2), 82-86, 2010 Accuracy of the Free Hand Placement of an External Ventricular Drain (EVD)
2010 " "- International Journal of Stroke 5(5), 374-380, 2010 Lenticulostriate Arteries in Chronic Stroke Patients Visualized by 7T MRA
2010 " "- Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 32(3), 544-550, 2010) Non-invasive visualization of basilar artery perforators with 7T MR angiography
2009 " "- Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 61(1), 136-144, 2009 Imaging and Analysis of Lenticulostriate Arteries Using 7.0 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Angiography
2009 " "- Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29(1), 221-228, 2009 Susceptibility compensated fMRI study using a tailored RF echo planar imaging sequence
2009 " "- Neuromodulation 12(2), 85-103, 2009 Evolution of Deep Brain Stimulation: Human Electrometer and Smart Devices Supporting the Next Generation of Therapy
2009 " "- Research in Veterinary Science 87, 300-306, 2009 Detection of cerebral metabolites in a canine model of ischemic stroke using 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy
2009 " "- Comparative Medicine 59(1), 72-77, 2009 Three-Dimensional Time-of-Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography of Intracranial Vessels in a Canine Model of Ischemic Stroke with Permanent Occlusion of the Middle Cerebral Artery
2009 " "- Neuroimage 44(3), 1074-1080, 2009 Neural responses in rat brain during acute immobilization stress: A [F-18]FDG micro PET imaging study
2009 " "- Journal of Neuroscience Research 87, 260-268, 2009 BT-11 Improves Stress-Induced Memory Impairments Through Increment of Glucose Utilization and Total Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule Levels in Rat Brains
2009 " "- Neuroscience Letters 451, 60-64, 2009 Effects of fluoxetine on the rat brain in the forced swimming test: A [F-18]FDG micro-PET imaging study
2009 " "- Behavioural Brain Research 203,43-47, 2009 Neural responses of rats in the forced swimming test: [F-18]FDG micro PET study
2009 " "- Neuroimage 48, 449-457, 2009 Neural substrates of semantic relationships: Common and distinct left-frontal activities for generation of synonyms vs. antonyms
2009 " "- J Korean Neurotraumatol Sco 46, 87-92, 2009 One vs. Two Burr Hole Craniostomy in Surgical Treatment of Chronic Subdural Hematoma
2009 " "- Hypertension 54, 1050-1056, 2009 Hypertension Correlates With Lenticulostriate Arteries Visualized by 7T Magnetic Resonance Angiography
2009 " "- PRoteomics of The IEEE 97(12), 1-9, 2009 Sectioned Images of the Cadaver Head Including the Brain and Correspondences With Ultrahigh Field 7.0T MRIs
2008 " "- STROKE, 39, 2008.1604-1606 Observation of the Lenticulostriate Arteries in the Human Brain in-vivo using 7.0T MR Angiography
2008 " "- Proteomics, 8(6), 2008. 1302-1323 A fusion PET–MRI system with a high-resolution research tomograph-PET and ultra-high field 7.0 T-MRI for the molecular-genetic imaging of the brain
2008 " "- International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, (18) 2-8, 2008 New Brain Atlas-Mapping the Human Brain In Vivo with 7.0T MRI and Comparison with Postmortem Histology: Will These Images Change Modern Medicine?
2008 " - Neuroimage (42) 70-75, 2008 Functional MR angiography with 7.0T Is direct observation of arterial response during neural activity possible?
2008 "- Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 60(2) 330-338, 2008 Evaluation of MR Angiography at 7.0 Tesla MRI Using Birdcage Radio Frequency Coils With End Caps
2008 " "- Neuroimage 43, 236-244, 2008 Multitracer PET imaging of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease
2008 " "- Langmuir 24(21), 12107-12111, 2008 Controlled Magnetic Nanofiber Hydrogels by Clustering Ferritin
2007 " "-IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 26(6), 2007. 789-803x Ultra Fast Symmetry and SIMD Based Projection –backprojection (SSP) Algorithem for 3D PET Image Reconstruction.
2007 " "- Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 31(11), 2007. 1–6 Decreased Plasma Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Patients With Alcohol Dependence.
2007 " - Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research,28(4),2007.477-483The influence of eye movement for acquiring BOLD signal in V1 : a study of simultaneous measurement of EOG and fMRI.
2007 "- NEUROREPORT, 18(17), 2007. 1787-1791 Shape Deformation of the Insula in Alcoholics: Reduction of Left-Right Asymmetry
2007 " -최신의학지, 50(7), 2007. 11-19 Comparison Between the Preoperative and Postoperative Target Coordinates with a Target Planning Software in Deep Brain Stimulation
2007 - neuroscience letters, 428, 2007. 21-26 The relationship between brain morphometry and neuropsychological performance in alcohol dependence
2007 - Journal of Veterinary Science, 8(4), 2007. 369-376 Canine model of ischemic stroke with permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion: clinical and histopathological findings
2007 -International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 17(4), 2007 252-265 A Hybrid PET-MRI: An Integrated Molecular-Genetic Imaging System with HRRT-PETand 7.0-T MRI
2007 - J Kor Neurotraumatol Sco, 3(2), 2007. 77-81 A seven-Uear Analysis of Incidence and Cause in Patients Underwent Surgical Evacuation of an Epidural Hematoma After Head Injury
2006 - Minim Invas Neurosurg 46, 2006. 296-301 Comparison between Transuncal Approach and Upper Vertebral Transcorporeal Approach for Unilateral Cervical Radiculopathy – A Preliminary Report.
2006 - Korean Jouranal Of Cerebrovsscular Surger. 8(4), 2006. 260-266 Cost Analysis for the Management of Cerebral Aneurysms : Comparison between clipping and Coiling.
2006 - Acta Neurol Scand. 113, 2006. 370-377 Neural Substrates, Experimental Evidences, and Functional Hypothesis of Acupuncture Mechanisms.
2005 - 정보의학회지23(10), 2005. 5-12 뇌영상기기의 발전 동향(뇌기능 분자영상의 미래).
2004 -대한신경외과학회지 35(2), 2004. 142-146 Technical Evolytion of Anterior Microforaminotomy for Unilateral Cervical Radiculopathy.
2004 -대한침구학회지 21(5), 2004. 57-71 Acupuncture Analgesia: A Sensory Stimulus Induced Analgesia Observed by functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
2003 - Neurosurg Focus 15, 2003. 1-6 Neurotrophic factor in the treatment of Parkinson disease.
2003 -대한의료정보학회지 9(1), 2003. 7-16 Development and Experimental Application of an Emergency Patient Information Delivery System Using a PDA.
2003 -최신의학지 46(10), 2003. 64-70 Clinical Analysis of Contralateral Hematoma after Traumatic Epidural or Subdural Hematoma Evacuation.
2002 - 대한신경외과학회지 32(2), 2002. 112-117 One Stage Decompression and Circumferential Stabilization by Posterior Approach in the Unstable Burst Fracture of Thoracolmbar and Lumbar Spine.
2002 - 대한신경외과학회지 32(5), 2002. 403-407 Transfacet Pedicle Sparing Approach in High Lumbar Disc Herniation.
2001 - 대한신경외과학회지 30(1) : 95-98, 2001 심한 요통과 급성 양하지 마비증상으로 나타난 복부 대동맥 폐쇄증
2001 - 가천의과대학 건강보험 심사평가원 연구프로젝트 2001. 1 응급의료정보센터 기능활성화 방안 개발 연구보고서
2001 - 대한병원협회지 (Joural of the Korean Hospital Association) 2001. March, April. ISSN 1227-5298
2001 - 대한신경외과학회지 30(8) 998-1003 척추 결핵의 전방유합술시 titanium Mesh Cage의 효과
2001 - 대한신경외과학회지 39(10) 1233-1236 경맥내 요추 추간반 탈출증
2000 - 대한의료정보학회지 197-200 Development of a medical informatics Course in Premedical Curriculum
2000 - 대한의료정보학회지 6(4) : 17-127 병원 내 의료인터넷 방송국 시스템 구축사례
2000 - 대한신경외과학회지 29(11) : 1415-1420 본태성 수전증과 파킨슨병 환자에서 미토콘드리아 DNA 분석
1999 - 대한신경외과학회지 28(1) : 55-60 진행된 파킨슨병 환자에서 동시에 시행한 담창구 절단술과 시상핵 파괴술
1999 - 대한신경외과학회지 28(2) : 143-148 냉동 보관된 백서태자 중뇌신경세포의 생존율과 신경돌기 형성율에 대한 연구
1999 - 대한의료정보학회지 1999 5(3) 159-167 인터넷병원의 Frequent Questions & Answers를 활용한 알기 쉬운 멀티미디어 의학정보 Web DB 구축
1999 - 가천의학지 1(1) 11-20 본태성 수전증 환자의 미토콘드리아 DNA 분석
1999 - 한국보건산업진흥원 연구 프로젝트 1999. 12 권역별 응급의료센터 및 응급의료정보센터 기능 개발 연구 보고서
1998 - 대한신경외과학회지 27(3) : 299­304 냉동보관제의 농도변화가 신경세포 생존율에 미치는 영향
1998 - 대한신경외과학회지 27(5) : 689-694 척수손상을 동반한 정복되지않는 제1-2경추 탈구환자의 경구적감압술 및 후방경유 나사 경고정과 후두-경추 고정술
1998 - 대한신경외과학회지 27(6) : 825­830 해면상 기형 수술후 발생한 교모세포종 (증례)
1998 - 대한의료정보학회지 4(1) : 57-6 인터넷을 이용, 언론기관과 함께 한 원격의료상담 예의 분석
1998 - 임상이비인후과 9(1) 내시경을 이용한 뇌하수체 미세선종의 비내 경접동 접근법
1998 - 중앙 길병원 멀티미디어 센터 인터넷 활용컨텐트 분야 INFORMATION 부문 (건강/의학)
1997 - 대한신경외과학회지 26(1) : 5 - 10 C6 Glioma Cell에 대한 Tamoxifen의 효과
1997 - 대한신경외과학회지 26(4) : 548­554 척추전방유합술 및 전방기기 고정술로 치료한 흉요추결핵 6례
1997 - 대한신경외과학회지 26(5) : 662­668 두개저부 골절에 대한 임상적 분석
1997 - 대한신경외과학회지 제 37차 정기 학술대회 파킨슨 환자의 미토콘드리아 DNA 염기서열 분석에 관한 연구
1997 - 대한뇌혈관내수술연구회지 2(1) : 63­66 뇌혈관 질환에서 혈전용해 치료법
1996 - 대한신경외과학회지 25(1) : 99 - 105 본태성 진전증 환자의 뇌정위적 시상핵 파괴술에 대한 임상적 고찰
1996 - 대한신경외과학회지 25(6) : 1217 - 1222 흉요추 이행부 파열골절시 전측방 진입법에 의한 기구고정 및 골융합
1995 - 대한신경외과학회지 24(9) : 1056 - 1060 기능적 뇌정위 수술시 이용되는 기준점 (Reference Point)에 대한 분석- 한국인 169인에 대한 계측 통계 -
1995 - 대한신경외과학회지 24(11) : 1221 - 1227 극외측 요추부 추간판탈출증의 임상체험
1995 - 박사학위 논문 백서태자 중뇌조직 배양에서 두부손상 환자 뇌척수액의 신경향성(Neurotropic) 효과
1994 - 대한신경외과학회지 23(3) : 295­298 태아중뇌이식수술에 대한 윤리 강령 (원저)
1992 - 대한신경외과학회지 21(4) : 387­393 정상인에서 뇌척수액의 뇌실내로의 역류 정보에 대한 연구