Ядерная медицина Kyung-Hoon Hwang Favorite Doctor
Clinical Interests
Diagnosis of coronary artery diseases
Diagnosis of kidney diseases
Seoul National University College of Medicine, Ph.D. | |
Ajou University College of Medicine, M.S. | |
Seoul National University College of Medicine, M.D. |
Seoul National University Hospital, Fellow | |
Ajou University Hospital, Resident | |
Seoul Asan Medical Center, Intern |
Asia-Oceanian Young Investigator Award |
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), RCA training |
Nuclear Medicine, Specialist | |
Special License for Radioisotope Handlers | |
License for the Supervisor of Radiation Handling |
2004 | 흡연자에서 관상동맥 내피세포 의존성 심근 혈류 예비능: H2O-15 PET 찬물자극 검사에 의한 평가. 대한핵의학회지 2004;38(1):21-29. |
2002 | 감쇠보정, 산란보정 및 해상도복원이 정량적 심근SPECT의 관상동맥질환 진단성능에 미치는 효과. 대한핵의학회지 2002;36(5):288-297. |
2001 | Tc-99m DISIDA scan findings in two large choledochal cysts in the same patient. Clin Nucl Med. 2001;26(12):1047-1048. |
2000 | Imaging of malignant lymphomas with F-18 FDG coincidence detection positron emission tomography. Clin Nucl Med 2000;25(10):789-795. |