Gi-Taek Yee
Нейрохирургия Gi-Taek Yee Favorite Doctor
  • SpecialtyBrain tumor, Radiosurgery, Skull base disease, Facial pain, Hemifacial spasm
  • Site Blog
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Clinical Interests

Benign brain tumors (microscopic microsurgery, endoscopic surgery and radiosurgery of vestibular schwannoma, pituitary tumor, meningioma, etc.)
Primary malignant brain tumor
Microscopic microsurgery and radiosurgery of metastatic brain tumor
Microscopic microsurgery of skull base diseases
Pediatric brain tumor surgery
Facial spasm
Microvascular decompression surgery of trigeminal neuralgia

Kyunghee University College of Medicine, M.D.
Kyunghee University College of Medicine, M.S.
Kyunghee University College of Medicine, Ph.D.
Department of Neurosurgery, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Professor
Department of Neurosurgery, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Associate Professor
Department of Neurosurgery, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital, Associate Professor
Department of Neurosurgery, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital, Assistant Professor
Department of Neurosurgery, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital, Full Time Lecturer
Kyunghee University Medical Center, Fellow
Kyunghee University Medical Center, Resident
2007~2008 Moffitt Cancer Center, Brain tumor research Lab. Tampa, Florida, USA. Research fellowship
Neurosurgery, Specialist
Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine, Specialist
Gi-Taek Yee
2012 Spontaneous regression of an unruptured and non-giant intracranial aneurysm. Vol 52, 234-245, 2012, 대한신경외과학회지
2012 Infiltrating spinal angiolipoma. Vol 52, 161-163, 2012, 대한신경외과학회지
2011 Pulsed Radiofrequency Treatment of the Cervical Radiating pain. 7:1-4, 2011, J of The Kor Soc of Ster and Func Neurosur
2011 Novalis Radiosurgery and Fractionated Stereotactic radiotherapy for Non-Benign Meningiomas. . 10:1~5, 2011, J Korean Brain Tumor Soc
2011 Cortical laminar necrosis in an infant with severe traumatic brain injury. Vol 5(5), 472-474, 2011, 대한신경외과학회
2011 Central core of the cerebrum. 114:463-69, 2011, J. Neurosurg
2011 An intracranial malignant solitary fibrous tumor. Vol 8(1), 177-82, 2011 Neuropathology
2011 A case of brachial plexus neurofibroma. Vol 8(1), 63-65, 2011, 대한척추신경외과학회지
2011 Kissing aneurysms of the anterior cerebral artery. J of Clinical Neuroscience. 18:260-2, 2011, J of Clinical Neuroscience
Impairedorthotopic glioma growth and vascularization in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease. Vol 30(34), 11251-11258, the Journal of Neuroscience
2010 Subduroperitoneal shunt for subdural hygromas in adult. Vol 6, 120-124, 대한신경손상학회지, 2010
2010 Pulsed radiofrequency treatment on the forsal medial branches of low back pain patients. Vol 6(1), 45-49, 2010, 대한정위기능학회지,
2010 Escherichia coli subdural empyema following subdural hygroma in elderly patient. Vol 47(6), 470-472, 2010, 대한신경외과학회지
2010 A understanding of the temporal stem. Vol 47(5), 365-369, 2010, 대한신경외과학회지
2010 A case of aberrant abducens nerve in a cadaver and review of its clinical significance. Vol 47(5), 377-380, 2010, 대한신경외과학회지
2009 경접형동수술후 발생한 급성 경막외혈종. Vol 4(2), 19-22, 2009, 대한두개저외과학회지
2009 An unusal cervical post-traumatic pseudomeningocele. Vol 5(2), 115-117, 2009, 대한신경손상학회지
2009 Intracranial cystic esthesioneuroblastoma. Vol 3(2), 101-104, 2009, 대한두개저외과학회지
2009 Post-traumatic middle cerebral artery dissection. Vol 5(1), 22-24, 2009, 대한신경손상학회지
2008 Clinical analysis of decompressive craniectomy and lobectomy in patients with mlignant cerebral infarction. Vol 10(3), 448-453, 2008, 대한뇌혈관학회지
2007 Novalis radiosurgery of optic gliomas in children : preliminary report. Vol 43, 252-257, 2007, Pediatric neurosurgery
2007 Clinical experience of atypical meningioma. Vol 6(1), 15-18, 2007, 대한뇌종양학회지
2006 Extracranial metastasis of a supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor. Vol 14, 55-58, 2006, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience
2006 Successful treatment of giant pituitary adenoma. Vol 1(2), 103-106, 2006, 대한두개저외과학회지
Novalis Shaped Beam Radistion Treatment for Craniopharyngiomas. Vol 40(4), 245-248, 대한신경외과학회지
2006 Glioblastoma multiforme with long term survival. Vol 5(2), 120-124, 2006, 대한뇌종양학회지
Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in pediatric diffuse intrinsic brain stem gliomas. Vol 40(3), 154-158, 대한신경외과학회지
2006 Choroid Plexus carcinoma in an adult. Vol 40, 122-124, 2006, 대한신경외과학회지
2006 huge size intracranial plasmasytoma treated with surgery and fractionated stereotactic radiosurgerery. Vol 40(2), 110-113, 2006, 대한신경외과학회지
2006 Relationships of the superficial surgical landmarks in the deep internal structures of the temporal lobe. -fiber dissection study- Vol 1(1), 5-10, 2006, 대한두재저외과학회지
2006 Novlais radiosurgery of primary central nervous system lymphoma in elderly patients : preliminary report. Vol 39(6), 2006, 대한신경외과학회지
2005 Distal middle cerebral artery aneurysm. Vol 7(4), 333-337, 2005, 대한뇌혈관학회지
2005 Spinal metastases from supratentorial glioblastoma, Vol 38, 475-477, 2005, 대한신경외과학회지
2005 Spinal intramedullary ependymoma-Myxopapillary ependymoma vs ependymoma. Vol 2(3), 199-203, 2005, Korean journal of spine
2005 Surgical outcome and complications of lateral ventricular tumors. Vol 4(2), 2005, 대한뇌종양학회지
2005 Intradural invasion of extracranial clival chordoma. Vol 38, 245-247, 2005, 대한신경외과학회지
2005 An unusual stab injury of the cervical spine. Vol 2(2), 184-187, 2005, Korean Journal of spine
2005 Aneurysmal bone cyst of a thoracic vertebra. Vol 37, 459-461, 2005,대한신경외과학회지
2005 Novlais radiosurgery for glomus jugulare tumor (case report). Vol 1(1), 101-104, 2005, 대한정위기능신경외과학회지
2004 Intracranial Erdheim-Chester disease. Vol 36, 496-498, 2004, 대한신경외과학회지
2004 First experience in using Novalis shaped beam radiosurgery in Korea, Vol 101 supple, 341-345, 2004, Journal of Neurosurgery
2004 Fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery for sellar and parasellar tumors adjacent to optic apparatus. Vol 36, 281-283, 2004, 대한신경외과학회지
Successful total removal of the huge hemangioblastoma in the cerebellopontine angle. Vol 3(2), 138-142, 대한뇌종양학회지
2004 Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor in the central nervous system. Vol 3(2), 156-159. 2004, 대한뇌종양학회지
2004 A case of ganglion cyst arising from ligamentum flavul in the lumbar spine. Vol 1(3), 371-374, 2004, Korean journal of spine
2004 Giant serpentine intracranial aneurysm treated with wrapping under the extracorporeal circulation and hypothermia. Vol 35, 514-516, 2004, 대한신경외과학회지
2004 측뇌실 상의하세포종. Vol 3(1). 50-52, 2004, 대한뇌종양학회지
2004 Extracranial Stereotactic radiosurgery using Novalis. Vol 3(1), 25-28, 2004, 대한뇌종양학회지
2002 일체형 방사선 수술장비 노발리스의 특성. Vol 23(4), 224-231, 2002, 인제의학
2002 시교차-사상하부 신경교종의 정위적 분할 방사선 수술. Vol 23(4), 403-409, 2002, 인제의학
2002 노발리스 ExacTract system을 이용한 척추정위 방사선수술 방법 평가. Vol 13(4), 218-223, 2002, 의학물리
2002 정위 마스크 시스템을 이용한 방사선 수술시 회전중심의 재현성. Vol 13(3), 135-138, 2002, 의학물리
2002 두 개인두종에 대한 정위적 분할방사선 수술 -증례보고-. Vol 1(2), 170-172, 2002, 대한뇌종양학회지
2002 영상유도장비를 이용한 연수부해면상 혈관종의 제거 1례. Vol 23(2), 849-852, 2002, 인제의학
2002 Novlais system을 이용한 정위적 방사선수술. Vol 23(1), 149-156, 2002, 인제의학
2002 Novlais system을 이용한 분할 정위적 방사선수술. Vol 23(1), 63-72, 2002, 인제의학