Yong-Kyun Cho
感染内科 Yong-Kyun Cho Favorite Doctor
  • SpecialtyUrinary tract infection, HIV infection, Hospital infection, Pyrexia disease
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Clinical Interests

Pyrexia disease
Fever of unknown origin
Urinary tract infection
Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs)
Flu and pneumonia
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
Nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) disease
Gastrointestinal infections
Vascular Infection
Malaria/Tsutsugamushi/Rickettsia typhi
Epidemic hemorrhagic fever
HIV infection

Seoul National University College of Medicine, Ph.D.
Seoul National University College of Medicine, M.S.
Seoul National University College of Medicine, M.D.
Vice President, Gachon University Gil Medical Center
Director of Computer Center, Gachon University Gil Medical Center
Head of Department of Medical Planning, Gachon University Gil Medical Center
Asan Medical Center, Infectious Diseases, Clinical Instructor
Infection Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Internal Medicine Specialist
Infectious Diseases Specialist
Preventive Medicine Doctor
Yong-Kyun Cho
2018 Jiwon Jung, Song Mi Moon, Hee-Chang Jang, Cheol-In Kang, Jae-Bum Jun, Yong Kyun Cho, Seung-Ji Kang, Bo-Jeong Seo, Young-Joo Kim, Seong-Beom Park, Juneyoung Lee, Chang Sik Yu & Sung-Han Kim. Incidence and risk factors of postoperative pneumonia following cancer surgery in adult patients with selected solid cancer: results of “Cancer POP” study. Cancer Medicine 2018; 7(1) : 261-269
2017 Yong Kyun Cho, Seung Ju, Jeong Joo Woo, Hyekyung Lee, Hojung Lee. Cytokeratin7 expression in histologic and cytologic specimens of cystic neck metastasis from HPV positive squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil: A case report. Diagnostic Cytopathology. 2017 : 1-5
2017 Hojung Lee , Hyekyung Lee and Yong Kyun Cho. Cytokeratin7 and cytokeratin19 expression in high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasm and squamous cell carcinoma and their possible association in cervical carcinogenesis. Diagnostic Pathology 17;12(1):18
2016 최혜아, 이명진, 조용균, 문송미. Parvimonas micra에 의한 다발성 간농양. Korean Journal of Medicine. Vol.2016 No.1 pp368-368(S637)
2016 Su Jung Park, Ji Hun Jeong, Yiel Hae Seo, Song Mi Moon, Yong Kyun Cho, Myung Jin Lee. A case of Cutaneous Nocardia farcinica infection in an immunocompetent host. 대한내과학회지(2016), pp367-367
2016 Sarah E. Graham, Lixin Zhang, Ihsan Ali, Yong Kyun Cho, Miriam D. Ismail, Heather A. Carlson, Betsy Foxman. Prevalence of CTX-M extended-spectrum beta-lactamases and sequence type 131 in Korean blood, urine, and rectal Escherichia coli isolates. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 41 (2016) 292-295
2015 Hyeseung Yoo, Yoon Soo Park, Yong Kyun Cho, Song Mi Moon. The first co-infection of scrub typhus and SFTS. 대한내과학회지(2015), pp.265-265
2015 Sang Min Lee, Yong Kyun Cho, Yon Mi Sung, Dong Hae Chung, Sung Hwan Jeong, Jeong-Woong Park, Sang Pyo Lee. A Case of Pneumonia Caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii Resistant to Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole. Korean J Parasitol Vol. 53, No. 3: 321-327
2014 Kim Y, Wie SH, Chang UI, Kim J, Ki M, Cho YK, Lim SK, Lee JS, Kwon KT, Lee H, Cheong HJ, Park DW, Ryu SY, Chung MH, Pai H. Comparison of the clinical characteristics of diabetic and non-diabetic women with community-acquired acute pyelonephritis: a multicenter study. J Infect. 2014 Sep;69(3):244-251
2014 Seo MR, Kim SJ, Kim Y, Kim J, Choi TY, Kang JO, Wie SH, Ki M, Cho YK, Lim SK, Lee JS, Kwon KT, Lee H, Cheong HJ, Park DW, Ryu SY, Chung MH, Pai H. Susceptibility of Escherichia coli from community-acquired urinary tract infection to fosfomycin, nitrofurantoin, and temocillin in Korea. J Korean Med Sci. 2014 Aug;29(8):1178-1181
2014 Wie SH, Ki M, Kim J, Cho YK, Lim SK, Lee JS, Kwon KT, Lee H, Cheong HJ, Park DW, Ryu SY, Chung MH, Pai H. Clinical characteristics predicting early clinical failure after 72 h of antibiotic treatment in women with community-onset acute pyelonephritis: a prospective multicentre study. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014 Oct;20(10):O721-9
2014 Cho EY, Lee H, Choi EH, Kim YJ, Eun BW, Cho YK, Kim YK, Jo DS, Lee HS, Lee J, Kim MN, Kim DS, Lee HJ. Serotype distribution and antibiotic resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from invasive infections after optional use of the 7-valent conjugate vaccine in Korea, 2006–2010. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2014 Apr;78(4):481-486
2014 Chung-Jong Kim, Hong-Bin Kim, Myoung-don Oh, Yunhee Kim, Arim Kim, Sung-Hee Oh, Kyoung-Ho Song, Eu Suk Kim, Yong Kyun Cho, Young Hwa Choi, Jinyong Park, Baek-Nam Kim, Nam-Joong Kim, Kye-Hyung Kim, Eun Jung Lee, Jae-BumJun, Young Keun Kim, Sung min Kiem, Hee Jung Choi, Eun Ju Choo, Kyung-mok Sohn, Shinwon Lee, Hyun Ha Chang, Ji Hwan Bang, Su Jin Lee, Jae Hoon Lee, Seong Yeon Park, Min Hyok Jeon and Na Ra Yun, The KIND Study group. The burden of nosocomial staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infection in South Korea: a prospective hospital-based nationwide study. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:590
2014 Yoon Soo Park, Il Kwon Bae, Juwon Kim, Seok Hoon Jeong, Seung-sik Hwang, Yiel-Hea Seo, Yong Kyun Cho, Kyungwon Lee, and June Myung Kim. Risk Factors and Molecular Epidemiology of Community-Onset Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli Bacteremia. Yonsei Med J 55(2):467-475, 2014
2014 Yong Seuk Lee, Beom Koo Lee, Won Seok Oh, Yong Kyun Cho. Comparison of femoral tunnel widening between outside-in and trans-tibial double-bundle ACL reconstruction. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc
2014 Suyoung Kim, Kang Lock Lee, Dong Min Lee, Ji Hun Jeong, Song Mi Moon, Yiel-Hae Seo, Chan Jong Yoo, Dongki Yang, Yong Kyun Cho, and Yoon Soo Park. Nocardia Brain Abscess in an Immunocompetent Patient. Infect Chemother 2014;46(1):45-49
2013 Kim B, Kim J, Seo MR, Wie SH, Cho YK, Lim SK, Lee JS, Kwon KT, Lee H, Cheong HJ, Park DW, Ryu SY, Chung MH, Ki M, Pai H. Clinical characteristics of community-acquired acute pyelonephritis caused by ESBL-producing pathogens in South Korea. Infection. 2013 Jun;41(3):603-12
2013 Simalango MF, Kim Y, Seo YT, Choi YH, Cho YK. XDS-I Gateway Development for HIE Connectivity with Legacy PACS at Gil Hospital. Healthc Inform Res. 2013 Dec;19(4):293-300
2013 Mikael Fernandus Simalango, Youngchul Kim, Young Tae Seo, Young Hwan Choi, Yong Kyun Cho. XDS-I Gateway Development for HIE Connectivity with Legacy PACS at Gil Hospital. Healthcare Informatics Research19(4):293-300
2013 S.-H. Wie, M. Ki, J. Kim, Y. K. Cho, S.-K. Lim, J. S. Lee, K. T. Kwon, H. Lee, H. J. Cheong, D. W. Park, S. Y. Ryu. M.-H. Chung and H. Pa. Clinical characteristics predicting early clinical failure after 72 h of antibiotic treatment in women with community-onset acute pyelonephritis: a prospective multicentre study. Clinical Microbiology and Infection
2013 Hae Lim Baek, Yong Kyun Cho, Mi-Seung Shin, Song Mi Moon, Suyoung Kim, Kang-lock Lee, Young Rock Jang, Woo Suk Choi. Isolated Infective Endocarditis on Pulmonary Valve Caused by Aggregatibacter aphrophilus in Patient with Ventricular Septal Defect. Chung-Ang J Med 2013; 38(4): 97-100
2013 daisik Ko, Song Mi Moon, Ji Sung Lee, Yoon Soo Park, Yong Kyun Cho. Risk Factors of Nosocomial Bacteremia of Extended-spectrum beta-Lactamase Producing Escherichia coli. Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2013 Dec;30(2):83-89
2013 Suyoung Kim, Kang Lock Lee, Hae Lim Baek, Seung Jun Jang, Song Mi Moon, Yong Kyun Cho. A Case of Acute Pyogenic Sacroiliitis and Bacteremia Caused by Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Infect Chemother 2013 Dec;45(4):441-5
2013 Junshik Hong, Song Mi Moon, Hee Kyung Ahn, Sun Jin Sym, Yoon Soo Park, Jinny Park, Yong Kyun Cho, Eun Kyung Cho, Dong Bok Shin, Jae Hoon Lee. Comparison of characteristics of bacterial bloodstream infection between adult patients with allogenic and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Vol 19(6)994-999.
2012 H.J.KIM, Y.CHO, S.LEE, Y.KOOK, D.LEE, J.LEE and B.J.PARK. Mycobacterium massiliense outbreak after intramuscular injection, South Korea. Epidemiology and infection. 2012;140(10): 1880-1887
2012 Kyoung-Ho Song, Eu Suk Kim, Young Keun Kim, Hye Young Jin, Sun Young Jeong, Yee Gyung Kwak, Yong Kyun Cho, Joohon Sung, Yeong-Seon Lee, Hee-Bok Oh, Tae Kyun Kim, Kyung-Hoi Koo, Eui-Chong Kim, June Myung Kim, Tae Yeol Choi, Hyo Youl Kim, Hee Jung Choi, Hong Bin Kim, KONIS Study Group. Differences in the Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infection between Total Hip Arthroplasty and Total Knee Arthroplasty in the Korean Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System (KONIS) Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2012;33(11):1086-1093
2012 김병훈, 박진선, 장영락, 김진용, 조용균. Mycobacterium Abscessus에 의한 척추골수염 1예. 대한내과학회지 2012 83(2):277~282
2012 Kyong Ran Peck, Min Ja Kim, Ji Young Choi, Hong Sun Kim, Cheol-In Kang, Yong Kyun Cho, Dae Won Park, Hee Joo Lee, Mi Suk Lee and Kwan Soo Ko. In vitro time-kill studies of antimicrobial agents against blood isolates of imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, including colistin- or tigecycline-resistant isolates . Journal of Medical Microbiology(2012), 61, 353-360
2012 Eu Suk Kim, Hong Bin Kim, Kyoung-Ho Song, Young Keun Kim, Hyung-Ho Kim, Hye Young Jin, Sun Young Jeong, Joohon Sung, Yong Kyun Cho, Yeong-Seon Lee, Hee-Bok Oh, Eui-Chong Kim, June Myung Kim, Tae Yeol Choi, Hee Jung Choi, Hyo Youl Kim, a for the Korean Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System (KONIS). Prospective Nationwide Surveillance of Surgical Site Infections after Gastric Surgery and Risk Factor Analysis in the Korean Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System (KONIS). Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol(SHEA) 2012;33(6):572-580
2012 김영근, 김효열, 김의석, 김홍빈, 진혜영, 이지영, 성주헌, 어영, 조용균, 이영선, 김의종, 우준희. 전국 수술부위감염 감시체계 결과보고: 2010년 7월부터 2011년 6월까지. 대한병원감염관리 2012;17(1)1-12
2011 Sun Young Kyung, Yong Kyun Cho, Yu Jin Kim, Jeong-Woong Park, Sung Hwan Jeong, Jae-Ik Lee,
2011 Yon Mi Sung, Sang Pyo Lee. A Paragonimiasis Patient with Allergic Reaction to Praziquantel and Resistance to Triclabendazole:Successful Treatment after Desensitization to Praziquantel. SCI(E) - Korean J Parasitol 2011;49(1)73-77
2011 박은숙, 진혜영, 정선영, 권오미, 유소연, 박신영, 김성란, 홍혜경, 김옥선, 김경미, 윤성원, 정재심, 용동은, 김명수, 박대원, 조용균, 오향순, 염준섭, 김의종. 중소병원의 의료관련감염 감시. 대한병원감염관리 2011;16(2)54-62
2011 곽이경, 조용균, 김진용, 이미숙, 김효열, 김영근, 박은숙, 진혜영, 김홍빈, 김의석, 정선영, 엄중식, 김성란, 이지영, 홍혜경, 성주헌, 어영, 이영선, 오희복, 김의종, 전국병원감염감시체계. 전국병원감염감시체계 중환자실 부문 결과 보고 : 2009년 7월부터 2010년 6월. 대한병원감염관리 2011;16(1)1-12
2011 허애정, 곽이경, 김의석, 이꽃실, 염준섭, 조용균, 김창섭, 박재원. Parasitemia Characteristics of Plasmodium vivax Malaria Patients in the Republic of Korea. SCI-J Korean Med Sci 2011; 26: 42-46
2010 Yoon Soo Park, Hyukmin Lee, Kkot Sil Lee, Seung Sik Hwang, Yong Kyun Cho , Hyo Youl Kim ,Young Uh, Bum Sik Chin, Sang Hoon Han, Seok Hoon Jeong, Kyungwon Lee, June Myung Kim. Extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii: risk factors for acquisition. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 36:430-435,2010
2010 조용균, 김영근, 김효열, 김의석, 김홍빈, 어영, 정선영, 진혜영, 김의종, 이영선. 2009년 전국 수술부위감염 감시체계 결과보고. 대한병원감염관리학회 2010;15(1)1~13
2010 조용균, 곽이경, 김진용, 이상오, 김효열, 김영근, 박은숙, 진혜영, 최희정, 정선영. 전국병원감염감시체계 중환자실 부문 결과보고 : 2008년 7월부터 2009년 6월까지 1년간 결과와 3년간 전국 중환자실 병원감염발생률의 분석. 대한병원감염관리학회 2010;15(1)14~25
2010 김의주, 서미령, 박성근, 이지원, 김진용, 김수연, 조용균. Raoultella ornithinolytica에 의한 괴사근막염 1예. 감염과 화학요법 2010;42(6):411-414
2009 Park YS, Yoo S, Seo MR, Kim JY, Cho YK, Pai H. Risk factors and clinical features of infections caused by plasmid-mediated AmpC beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Int J Antimicrob Agents 34(1):38-43, 2009
2009 Hyo Youl Kim, Young Keun Kim, Young Uh, Kum Whang, Hye Ran Jeong, Hee Jung Choi, Hee Jung Son, Hye Young Jin, Soon Im Choi, Hong Bin Kim, Eu Suk Kim, Yoon Soo Park, Yong Kyun Cho, Shin Yong Park, Young Goo Song, and June Myung Kim. Risk Factors for Neurosurgical Site Infections after Craniotomy: a Nationwide Prospective Multicenter Study in 2008. Korean J Nosocomial Infect Control 14(2):88-97, 2009
2009 Lee SY, Kim JY, Kim JH, Kim SY, Park C, Park YS, Seo YH, Cho YK. A case of primary infective endocarditis caused by community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a healthy individual and colonization in the family. Yonsei Med J 28;50(1):152-5, 2009
2009 Park YM, Won IS, Kim JI, Cho HJ, Seo JG, Kim JY, Kim EY, Park SH, Park YS, Seo YH, Cho YK. A Case of Central Nervous System Actinomycosis Presenting as Brain Abscess.
2009 Infect Chemother 41(4):249-252, 2009
2009 Won IS, Park YM, Cho HJ, Kim HS, Seo JG, Kim JY, Nam DH, Park YS, Seo YH, Cho YK. A Case of Syphilitic Uveitis in an Immunocompetent Patient. Infect Chemother 41(4):233-235, 2009
2009 Cho MS, Lee SY, Ahn HD, Kim JY, Park YS, Park CW, Cho YK. A brain abscess caused by Porphyromonas gingivalis. Korean J Med 77(Suppl 1):S226-S229, 2009
2009 Yoon KH, Lee JH, Han WJ, Cho MS, Kim JY, Park YS, Cho YK. A perinephric abscess caused by Streptococcus agalactiae. Korean J Med 76(Suppl 1):S220-S223, 2009
2009 Lee SY, Kim JY, Kim JH, Kim SY, Park C, Park YS, Seo YH, Cho YK. A Case of Primary Infective Endocarditis Caused by Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a Healthy Individual and Colonization in the Family. Yonsei Med J 50(1):152-155, 2009
2008 Hee Jung Choi, Ji Young Park, Sun Young Jung, Yoon Soo Park, Yong Kyun Cho, Shin Young Park, Ji-Hea Kang, Jang Wook Sohn, Sung Eun Lee,Hong Bin Kim, Ja Hyun Kang, Tae Yeal Choi. Multicenter Surgical Site Infection Surveillance Study about Prosthetic Joint Replacement Surgery in 2006. Korean J Nosocomial Infect Control 13(1):42-50, 2008
2008 Park YS, Kim SY, Park SY, Kang JH, Lee HS, Seo YH, Cho YK. Pseudooutbreak of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteremia in a general ward. Am J Infect Control;36(1):29-32, 2008
2008 Kim YS, Kim JY, Park SM, Kim SY, Park YS, Seo YH, Cho YK. A case of gas gangrene caused by Streptococcus constellatus. Korean J Med 75(1):119-121, 2008
2007 Kim JY, Kim HO, Ko KI, Kim YS, Kim KH, Kim SY, Park YS, Seo YH, Cho YK. A Case of Spondylodiskitis Caused by Injection Site Infection with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Infect Chemother. 39(6):323-326, 2007
2007 inetobacter spp. Bacteriuria Confirmed by 16S rRNA Gene Sequence Analysis. Infect Chemother. 39(4):208-212, 2007
2007 Kim HO, Kim JY, Ko KI, Kim YS, Kim SY, Park YS, Seo YH, Cho YK. A Case of Adult Hemorrhagic Varicella with Pneumonia. Infect Chemother 39(6):318-322, 2007
2007 Kim SY, Kim JY, Lee HS, Park C, Park YS, Seo YH, Cho YK. A Case of Acute Pyelonephritis Caused by Community Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Infect Chemother 39(2):100-103, 2007
2006 Jang Wook Sohn, Seung Chul Park, Young-Hwa Choi, Heung Jeong Woo, Yong Kyun Cho, Jin Soo Lee, Hee-Sun Sim, Min Ja Kim. Atypical Pathogens as Etiologic Agents in Hospitalized Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Korea: A Prospective Multi-Center Study. J Korean Med Sci 21:602-7, 2006
2006 Yong Kyun Cho, Sang-Oh Lee, Shin Young Park, Eun Sun Lee, Sue-Yun Kim, Yiel-Hae Seo. Can Multiple Short-Term Surveillances Replace Long-Term Surveillance for Estimating Nosocomial Infection Rate? Korean J Nosocomial Infect Control 11(1):21-26, 2006
2006 Hwa Jung Kim, Nam-Kyung Choi, Seung-Mi Lee, Seon Ha Kim, Hong-Ji Song, Yong Kyun Cho, Byung Joo Park. Smoking and colorectal cancer risk in the Korean Elderly. J Prev Med Public Health 39(2):123-129, 2006
2006 Joo-Han Lim, Seung-Yong Lee, Jin-Soo Lee, Saerown Choi, Eun Sil Kin, Moon-Hyun Chung, Jae-Seung Kang, Hun Jae Lee, Yong Kyun Cho, Sang-Oh Lee. A preliminary report on the clinical efficacy of telithromycin for the treatment of scrub typhus. Infection and Chemotherapy 38(1):39-44, 2006
2005 YK Cho, J Lee, SO Suh, S Kim, J Jang, SG Kim, YK Yoon, WJ Lee, MJ Kim. A randomized, controlled, open, multicenter clinical trial comparing ertapenem versus ceftriaxone plus metronidazole for the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections in adults. Infection and Chemotherapy 37(6):330-336, 2005
2005 Uk Sun Chang, Sue-Yun Kim, Yoon Soo Park, Yiel-Hae Seo, Min Ju Kim, Yong Kyun Cho. A case of community-acquired infective endocarditis due to Flavimonas oryzihabitans. Infection and Chemotherapy 37(5):303-306, 2005
2005 Min Ju Kim, Sue-Yun Kim, Yoon Soo Park, Yiel-Hae Seo, Uk Sun Chang, Yong Kyun Cho. A case of bacteremia due to Gemella morbillorum. Infection and Chemotherapy 37(4):226-229, 2005
2005 Serowoon Choi, Eun Sil Kim, Joong Sik Moon, Jin-Su Lee, Moon-Hyun Jung, Su Mi Kim, Yiel-Hae Seo, Sang-Oh Lee, Yong Kyun Cho. Clinical and epidemiologic features of meningococcal infections in Incheon, Korea. Infection and Chemotherapy 37(3):119-126, 2005
2005 SK Min, YH Park, YK Cho, JW Park, YH Koh, TS Seo. Lemierre’s syndrome: unusual case of jugular vein thrombosis-a case report. Angiology 56(4):483-487, 2005
2004 Sang-Oh Lee, Eun Sun Lee, Shin Young Park, Sue-Yun Kim, Yiel-Hae Seo, Yong Kyun Cho. Reduced use of third-generation cephalosporins decreases the acquisition of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 25(10):832-837, 2004
2004 Sang-Oh Lee, Yong Kyun Cho, Sue-Yun Kim, Eun Sun Lee, Shin Young Park, Yiel-Hae Seo. Comparison of trends of resistance rates over 3 years calculated from results for all isolates and for the first isolate of a given species from a patient. J Clin Microbiol 42(10):4776-4779, 2004
2004 Mi Ra Lee, Sang-Oh Lee, Sue-Yun Kim, Sun Mee Yang, Yiel-Hae Seo, Yong Kyun Cho. Brain abscess due to Gemella haemolysans. J Clin Microbiol 42(5):2338-2340, 2004
2004 Eun Sun Lee, Shin Young Park, Sue-Yun Kim, Yong Kyun Cho, Yiel-Hae Seo. Infection control activities in Gil Medical Center. Korean Journal of Nosocomial Infection Control. 9(1):49-56, 2004
2004 Jin-Soo Lee, Eun-Sil Kim, Moon Hyun Chung, Yong Kyun Cho, et al. National questionnaire survey on managing patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome, 2003. Infection and Chemotherapy 36(3):132-138, 2004
2003 J.W. Park, S.H. Park, J.S. Yeom, A.J. Huh, Y.K. Cho, J.Y. Ahn, G. S. Min, G.Y. Song, Y.A. Kim, S.Y. Ahn, S.Y. Woo, B.E. Lee, E.H. Ha, H.S. Han, K. Yoo, J.Y. Seoh. Serum cytokine profiles in patients with Plaxmodium vivax malaria: a comparison between those who presented with and without thrombocytopenia. Ann of Tropic Med and Parasitol 97(4):339-344, 2003
2003 Yong Kyun Cho. Infectious diseases in musculoskeletal system. Korean Journal of Medicine 65(suppl.2):553-566, 2003
2003 Yong Kyun Cho. Systemic new antifungal agents. Korean J Medical Mycology 8(4):147-156, 2003
2003 Seung Ki Jeong, Sue-Yun Kim, Jeong Min Bong, Eun Ki Paik, Kyu Hoon Lee, Sang-Oh Lee, Yiel-Hae Seo, Yong Kyun Cho. A Case of psoas abscess due to Candida albicans. Infection and chemotherapy 35:325-328, 2003
2001 Byung Joo Park, Yong Kyun Cho, Sun Ah Kim. Construction of the Korea Elderly Pharmacoepidemiologic Cohort; Drug utilization review of cephalosporins in geriatric inpatients. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 10: 487-492, 2001
2001 Jeong Sun Lee, Soo-Mee Bang, Ki Tak Joo, Jeong Yeal Ahn, Yong Kyun Cho, Eun Kyung Cho, Dong Bok Shin, Jae Hoon Lee: Cytarabine and Idarubicin induction chemotherapy in patients with acute myelocyte leukemia. Korean J Hematol 36:129-135, 2001
2000 Hyun Ju Choi, Yong Kyun Cho, Seong Jong Lee, Myung Hee Lee: A case of fungal arthritis by Blastoschizomyces capitus. Korean Journal of Infectious Diseases 32(2):167-170, 2000
2000 Jin Han Lee, Choon Kwan Kim, Yong Kyun Cho, Yong Ho Rho et al: A case of Pichia ohmeri fungemia related to the central venous catheter. Korean Journal of Infectious Diseases 32(3):252-255, 32(3):252-255, 2000
1999 Choi SY, Cho YK, Bai IG, et al.: Pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor presenting as FUO. Korean Journal of Infectious Diseases 31(5):435-438,1999
1999 Bai IG, Cho YK, Hong SS, at al.: A case of liver abscess with sepsis caused by Clostridium perfringens. Journal of Korean Society for Chemotherapy 17(3):239-244, 1999
1999 Yong Kyun Cho, Byung Joo Park, Kui Oak Jung, Hye Won Koo, Dae Sung Kim, Jong Myon Bae. Drug utilization review of antibiotics in geriatric inpatients in Korea. Journal of Korean Society for Chemotherapy 17(1):11-23, 1999
1999 Jae Hyeong Park, Yong Kyun Cho, Mi Suk Lee, Jiso Ryu et al. A case report of superior mesenteric vein thrombosis associated with diverticulitis. Korean Journal of Medicine 57(1): 114-118, 1999
1999 Jaejung Jang, Ho Jung Lee, Inchul Lee, Yong Kyun Cho, Hyun Jo Kim, Kwang-Hyun Sohn. The first imported case of pulmonary coccodioidomycosis in Korea. Journal of Korean Medical Science 14(2):206-209, 1999
1998 Sun Young Won, Doo Ryeon Chung, Joo Kwang Ro, Mi Suk Lee, Yong Kyun Cho, Eun Ok Kim, Yang Soo Kim, Jun-Hee Woo, Chik Hyun Pai, Jiso Ryu. A case of Neisseria elongata subsp. nitroreducens endocarditis. the Journal of the Korean Society for Chemotherapy 16(2):105-109, 1998
1997 Yong Kyun Cho, Jun-Hee Woo. Drug interaction on antimicrobial therapy. Journal of the Korean Medical Association 40(6):707-712, 1997
1997 Cho YK, Yang SY, Chung DR, Kim EO, Kim MN, Kim YS, Woo JH, Pai CH, Ryu JS. Two Cases of Salmonella typhi liver abscess after transarterial-chemoembolization. Korean Journal of Infectious Diseases 29(5): 447-451,1997
1997 Lee SS, Yang SY, Cho YK, EO Kim, YS Kim, JH Woo, JS Ryu, JI Chae. An imported case of Babesiosis. Korean Journal of Infectious Diseases 29(1):49-52, 1997
1997 Lee SO, Lee MS, Yang SY, Cho YK, Kim EO, Kim YS, Woo JH, Ryu JS, Pai CH. Clinical manifestation of bacteremia with non-typhi Salmonella and resistance of antibiotics. Journal of the Korean Society for Chemotherapy 15(1):59-68, 1997
1997 Jun-Hee Woo, Yong Kyun Cho, Yang Soo Kim. Clinical manifestation, management tactics of enterovirus meningitis in adults. Journal of the Korean Society for Chemotherapy 15(1):1-6, 1997
1996 Kim YS, Yang SY, Cho YK, Kim B, Chung DR, Kim E, Song JH, Woo J, Ryu J, Pai CH. Prophylaxis with tosufloxacin during periods of granulocytopenia in patients with acute leukemia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of the Korean Society for Chemotherapy 14(1):91-98,1996
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