2020 | Pin-site Scar Revision with Subcision and Acellular Dermal Matrix |
2018 | Analysis of Gluteal Subcutaneous and Muscle Thickness in Infants and Children for Application to Intramuscular Injection, Autologous fat Grafting, and Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap |
2018 | Effectiveness of Double Tie-over Dressing Compared with Bolster Dressing |
2017 | Managing a Seroma with Wireless Mobile Ultrasound Device |
2017 | B-Cell Lymphoma in a Patient With a History of Foreign Body Injection |
2017 | Influence Factor in Thickness of Cyst Wall of Epidermal Cysts |
2016 | Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Applied to a Meshed Split-Thickness Skin Graft |
2016 | A Nipple Splint using a Textile-like Thermoplastic Cast |
2014 | Non-pulsatile periorbital mass prominent on crying. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2014;67:e280-e281 |
2014 | Reconstruction of a Columellar Defect With a Nasolabial Island Flap. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol 2014;7:142-144 |
2012 | A Subcutaneous Pedicled Propeller flap: New alternative technique for lower eyelid reconstruction after excision of Basal cell carcinoma. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery |
2012 | Thickness of Rectus Abdominis Muscles and Abdominal Subcutaneous Fat tissue in Adult Women: Correlation with Age, Pregnancy, Laparotomy, and Body Mass Index. Archives of Plastic Surgery |
2012 | Bilateral Circular Xanthelasma Palpebrarum. Archives of Plastic Surgery |
2012 | Multiple Large Cysts Arising from Nevus Comedonicus. Archives of Plastic Surgery |
2012 | 필러 시술 후 발생한 귀의 가성 낭종. 대한미용성형외과학회지 |
2011 | 복부흉터에 발생한 자궁내막종. 대한성형외과학회지 |
2009 | 눈대상포진이 병발된 얼굴의 경미한 화상. 대한성형외과학회지 |
2009 | 다발성 낭종을 동반한 면포모반. 대한구개안면성형외과학회지 |
2009 | 엄지손가락의 다지증과 세마디가락증의 빈도. 대한성형외과학회지 |
2008 | 결정성 변화를 동반한 포도주색 반점의 치료. 대한두개안면성형외과학회지 |
2007 | 귓바퀴 후방에 발생한 피부모양 기형낭. 대한두개안면성형외과학회지 |
2007 | Electrophysiologic change and facial contour following Botulinum toxin A injection in square faces, J plast Reconstr Surg. |
2007 | 눈썹사이 주름을 만드는 근육들에 분포하는 얼굴신경의 국소해부학. 대한미용성형외과학회지 |
2004 | Innervation of the Corrugator Supercilii muscle, Annals of Plastic surgery, |