2020 | Gene Signature for Sorafenib Susceptibility in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Different Approach with a Predictive Biomarker. Kim CM, Hwang S, Keam B, Yu YS, Kim JH, Kim DS, Bae SH, Kim GD, Lee JK, Seo YB, Nam SW, Kang KJ, Buonaguro L, Park JY, Kim YS, Wang HJ. Liver Cancer. 2020 Apr;9(2):182-192. |
2020 | Exogenous 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine ameliorates liver fibrosis through the inhibition of Rac1-NADPH oxidase signaling. Shin SK, Kim KO, Kim SH, Kwon OS, Choi CS, Jeong SH, Kim YS, Kim JH, Chung MH. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Jun;35(6):1078-1087. |
2019 | Durability of Sustained Virologic Response and Improvement of Fibrosis Markers after Daclatasvir and Asunaprevir Treatment in Genotype 1b Hepatitis C Virus-Infected Patients: a Real Life and Multicenter Study. Shin SK, Lee JW, Ra H, Kwon OS, Shin JB, Jin YJ, Lee S, Han KJ, Kim YN, Kim TH, Kim YS, Kim JH. J Korean Med Sci. 2019 Oct 28;34(41):e264. |
2019 | A Model to Predict 1-Month Risk of Transplant or Death in Hepatitis A-Related Acute Liver Failure. Kim JD, Cho EJ, Ahn C, Park SK, Choi JY, Lee HC, Kim DY, Choi MS, Wang HJ, Kim IH, Yeon JE, Seo YS, Tak WY, Kim MY, Lee HJ, Kim YS, Jun DW, Sohn JH, Kwon SY, Park SH, Heo J, Jeong SH, Lee JH, Nakayama N, Mochida S, Ido A, Tsubouchi H, Takikawa H, Shalimar, Acharya SK, Bernal W, O'Grady J, Kim YJ. Hepatology. 2019 Aug;70(2):621-629. |
2018 | Characteristics of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in distinguishing small (≤3?cm) hepatocellular carcinoma from intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Shin SK, Choi DJ, Kim JH, Kim YS, Kwon OS. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Oct;97(41):e12781 |
2018 | Chronic Hepatitis B Infection Is Significantly Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease: a Population-based, Matched Case-control Study. Kim SE, Jang ES, Ki M, Gwak GY, Kim KA, Kim GA, Kim DY, Kim DJ, Kim MW, Kim YS, Kim YS, Kim IH, Kim CW, Kim HD, Kim HJ, Park NH, Baik SK, Suh JI, Song BC, Song IH, Yeon JE, Lee BS, Lee YJ, Jung YK, Chung WJ, Cho SB, Cho EY, Cho HC, Cheon GJ, Chae HB, Choi D, Choi SK, Choi HY, Tak WY, Heo J, Jeong SH. J Korean Med Sci. 2018 Sep 12;33(42):e264. |
2017 | Effect of Rifaximin on Hepatic Fibrosis in Bile Duct-ligated Rat Model. Shin SK, Kwon OS, Lee JJ, Park YH, Choi CS, Jeong SH, Choi DJ, Kim YS, Kim JH. Korean J Gastroenterol. 2017 Nov 25;70(5):239-246. |
2017 | Contrast-enhanced ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation in inconspicuous hepatocellular carcinoma on B-mode ultrasound. Kim EJ, Kim YS, Shin SK, Kwon OS, Choi DJ, Kim JH. Turk J Gastroenterol. 2017 Nov;28(6):446-452. |
2017 | Peritumoral decreased uptake area of gadoxetic acid enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and tumor recurrence after surgical resection in hepatocellular carcinoma: A STROBE-compliant article. Shin SK, Kim YS, Shim YS, Choi SJ, Park SH, Jung DH, Kwon OS, Choi DJ, Kim JH. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Aug;96(33):e7761. |
2017 | Characterization of small (≤3?cm) hepatic lesions with atypical enhancement feature and hypointensity in hepatobiliary phase of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI in cirrhosis: A STARD-compliant article. Shin SK, Kim YS, Choi SJ, Shim YS, Jung DH, Kwon OS, Choi DJ, Kim JH. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Jul;96(29):e7278. |
2017 | Rapid Alanine Aminotransferase Normalization with Entecavir and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Hepatitis B Virus-Associated Cirrhosis. Kim EJ, Yeon JE, Kwon OS, Lee HN, Shin SK, Kang SH, Byun KS, Kim JH, Kwon SY, Suh SJ, Yim HJ, Kim YS, Kim JH. Dig Dis Sci. 2017 Mar;62(3):808-816. d |
2015 | Improvement of liver function and non-invasive fibrosis markers in hepatitis B virus-associated cirrhosis: 2?years of entecavir treatment. Shin SK, Kim JH, Park H, Kwon OS, Lee HJ, Yeon JE, Byun KS, Suh SJ, Yim HJ, Kim YS, Kim JH. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Dec;30(12):1775-81. |
2015 | Contrast-enhanced ultrasound for the differentiation of small atypical hepatocellular carcinomas from dysplastic nodules in cirrhosis. Shin SK, Kim YS, Choi SJ, Shim YS, Jung DH, Kwon OS, Choi DJ, Kim JH. Dig Liver Dis. 2015 Sep;47(9):775-82. |
2015 | The factors associated with longitudinal changes in liver stiffness in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Yo IK, Kwon OS, Park JW, Lee JJ, Lee JH, Won IS, Na SY, Jang PK, Park PH, Choi DJ, Kim YS, Kim JH. Clin Mol Hepatol. 2015 Mar;21(1):32-40. |
2015 | [Prevalence, risk factors and clinical characteristics in patients with genotype 6 chronic hepatitis C: a single institute experience]. Shin SK, Park SY, Jung YK, Kim EJ, Lee HN, Lee JJ, Kwon OS, Choi DJ, Kim YS, Kim JH. Korean J Gastroenterol. 2015 Feb;65(2):105-11. |
2014 | [Clinical features of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in cryptogenic hepatocellular carcinoma]. Rim MY, Kwon OS, Ha M, Kim JS, Ko KI, Kim DK, Jang PK, Han JY, Park PH, Jung YK, Choi DJ, Kim YS, Kim JH. Korean J Gastroenterol. 2014 May;63(5):292-8. |
2014 | Survey of perinatal hepatitis B virus transmission after Korean National Prevention Program in a tertiary hospital. Kim JH, Kim JS, Lee JJ, Kim JH, Kim SY, Jung YK, Kwon OS, Kim YS, Choi DJ, Kim JH. Korean J Intern Med. 2014 May;29(3):307-14. |
2014 | Efficacy and safety of tenofovir-based rescue therapy for chronic hepatitis B patients with previous nucleo(s/t)ide treatment failure. Lee CI, Kwon SY, Kim JH, Choe WH, Lee CH, Yoon EL, Yeon JE, Byun KS, Kim YS, Kim JH. Gut Liver. 2014 Jan;8(1):64-9. |
2009 | 자연파열을 동반한 간의 원발 상피모양혈관내피종 1예 대한간학회지 15 : 510-516 |
2009 | Risk of Gastric Cancer Development in Korean Patients with Chronic Atrophic Gastritis; Highly Predictable with IL-1β Polymorphisms Compounded with H. pylori Infection and Alcohol Drinking 대한암예방학회지 14 : 359~366 |
2009 | Early development of clevudine resistance during clevudine therapy in a patient with chronic hepatitis B who received prior lamivudine therapy LIVER INTERNATIONAL 29 : 950~951 |
2008 | HBsAg 음성, anti-HCV 음성인 알코올간경변증에서 anti-HBc 양성 혹은 B형간염바이러스 잠재감염이 간세포암종 발생에 미치는 영향 대한간학회지 14 : 67-76 |
2007 | 급성 신기능상실이 합병된 급성 A형간염의 임상상 대한간학회지 13(2) :166-173 |
2007 | B형 간염바이러스, 음주, 그리고 B형 간염바이러스와 음주의 중복 원인에 의한 간경변증에서 간세포암종 발생에 관한 단면 비교연구 대한소화기학회지 49(6) : 369-375 |
2007 | 병합형 간세포-담관암종 1예 대한간암연구회지 7:98-102 |
2007 | Diagnostic utility of interleukin-6(IL-6) for primary bile duct cancer and changes in serum IL-6 levels following photodynamic therapy Am J Gastroenterol 102(10): 2164-2170 |
2007 | 위정맥류 치료에서 Histoacryl(R) (N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate) 주입술의 장기성적 보고 -10년 경험- 대한소화기학회지 49(5):320-326 |
2007 | Clevudine is highly efficacious in hepatitis B e antigen- negative chronic hepatitis B with durable off-therapy viral suppression Hepatology 46(4):1041-1048 |
2007 | Twenty-four-week clevudine therapy showed potent and sustained antiviral activity in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B Hepatology 45(5):1172-1178 |
2006 | 간경변증 환자의 생존율 예측에 있어 ΔMELD 측정의 유용성 대한간학회지 12(4):530-538 |
2006 | 만성 C형 간질환에서 간내 HCV RNA 농도 측정의 임상적 의의 대한간학회지 12(4):515-523 |
2006 | COX-2 억제제 투여 중 완전 관해된 원발성 간세포암종 1예 대한간학회지 12(3):449-454 |
2006 | HBsAg 음성인 간질환 환자에서 간조직내 HBV DNA의 검출 대한간학회지 12(2):201-208 |