2020 | Rho Su Yeon, Woon Ki Lee, Yeon Ho Park, Seong Min Kim. Patient Preferences Regarding Bariatric/metabolic Procedures_ A Survey of Korean Obese Candidates for Surgery.Ann Surg Treat Res. 2020 (accepted article) |
2019 | Eun Jung Cho, Seong Min Kim. Revisional Surgery after Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band Complications. Asian J Surg. 2019 Jun;42(6):688-695. |
2019 | Park JY, Heo Y, Kim YJ, Park JM, Kim SM, et al. Long-term effect of bariatric surgery versus conventional therapy in obese Korean patients: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. Ann Surg Treat Res. 2019 Jun;96(6):283-289. |
2019 | Eun Jung Cho, Seong Min Kim. Explantation of Adjustable Gastric Bands: An Observation Study of 10 Years of Experience at a Tertiary Center. Yonsei Med J. 2019 Aug;60(8):782-790. |
2019 | Tae Won Park, Seong Min Kim. Snakeskin appearance of gastric mucosa compressed by adjustable gastric bands: a novel diagnostic marker of band migration. J Metab Bariatr Surg 2019;8(2) (accepted article) |
2017 | Kim SY, Oh KY, Chung JW, Kim YJ, Kim KO, Kwon KA, Park DK, Kim KK, Kim SM. Endoscopic Treatment of Diverse Complications Caused by Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: A Study in Eastern Asia. (조절형위밴드삽입술 후 합병증에 대한 내시경적 치료) Gut Liver. 2017 Jul 15;11(4):497-503 |
2017 | SM HAN, SM KIM. Prospective, Double Center, 1-Year results of adjustable gastric banding with MIDBANDTM (Gastro-gastric suture vs non gastro-gastric suture) Ann Surg Treat Res 2017;92(6):419-422 |
2017 | Yeon Ho Park, Seong Min Kim. Short-term surgical outcome of laparoscopic greater curvature plication and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in obese patients with a BMI of 30-35kg/m2 (체질량지수 30~35kg/m2을 대상자로 시행한 복강경 위주름성형술과 복강경 위소매절제술의 치료효과 비교연구. Yonsei Medical Journal 2017 Sep;58(5):1025-1030 |
2017 | Seok Ha Kang. Seong Min Kim. Re-banding or sleeve gastrectomy. Technical reports and treatment outcomes of two procedures after removal of eroded adjustable gastric band. J Metab Bariatr Surg 2017;6(2):43-48 |
2017 | Jin Woo Jun, Seong Min Kim. Does Contouring of the Sleeve help prevent de novo GERD after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy? A nonrandomized study. J Metab Bariatr Surg 2017;6(2):37-42. |
2016 | Su Bin Kim,Seong Min Kim. Short-Term Analysis of Food Tolerance and Quality of Life for the Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication (LGCP) compared to the Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB) and to the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) (위밴드수술과 위소매절제술과 비교한 위주름성형술 후 식생활 및 삶의질에 관한 단기적 비교분석) Yonsei Med J 2016 Mar;57(2):430-440 |
2016 | Lee SK, Heo YS, Park JM, Kim YJ, Kim SM, Park DJ, Han SM, Shim KW, Lee YJ, Lee JY, Kwon JW. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass vs. Sleeve Gastrectomy vs. Gastric Banding: The First Multicenter Retrospective Comparative Cohort Study in Obese Korean Patients (고도비만 한국인을 대상으로 시행한 위우회술, 위소매절제술,위밴드수술에 대한 후향적 연구분석. Yonsei Med J. 2016 Jul;57(4):956-962. |
2015 | Su Bin Kim,Seong Min Kim. Can the long term complications of adjustable gastric banding overcome? Preliminary results of adding gastric plication for patients with impending gastric band failure.(위밴드수술 후 시행한 위주름성형술) J laparoendoscopy and advanced surgical technique A. 2015 Sep;25(9):702-6. |
2015 | Su Bin Kim, Jun Won Chung, Kyoung Kon Kim, Seong Min Kim. Initial Experiences of Laparoscopic Gastric Greater Curvature Plication (LGGCP) in Korea : A Review of 64 Cases. J laparoendoscopy and advanced surgical technique A. 2015 Oct;25(10):793-9 |
2014 | Woon Ki Lee and Seong Min Kim. Three-Year Experience of Pouch Dilatation and Slippage Management after Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding Yonsei Med J 2014; 55(1):149-156 |
2014 | Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Choi, Seung Ho; Kasama, Kazunori(Eds.) 2014, XI, ISBN 9783642355905(3642355900) Springer Verlag. Chapter VIII Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding |
2014 | Yeon Ho Park, Seong Min Kim. Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy as Revisional Surgery for Adjustable Gastric Band Erosion (위밴드미란 진단 후 위소매절제술로 전환). Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. 2014,Sep;24(9):593-600 |
2013 | Woon Ki Lee, Seong Min Kim. Personal Experience of Fluoroscopy-assisted Bolus Type Adjustment after Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding J Metab Bariatr Surg 2013;2(2):1-00 |
2012 | Chang Ik Yoon, Kyung Ho Pak, Seong Min Kim. Early experience of the diagnosis and management of eroded gastric bands. J Korean Surg Society 2012 Jan; 82(01): 18~27 |
2012 | Won Joon Seo, Kyung Ho Pak, Seong Min Kim. Novel method for port implantation in lap-band surgery - Transumbilical subfascial port implantation. J laparoendoscopy and advanced surgical technique 2012 Volume 22, Number 3: 254-8 |
2010 | Seong Min Kim, Hye Kyung Chang, Mi Jung Lee, Kyu Won Shim, Jung Tak Oh, Dong Seok Kim, Myung Joon Kim, Seok Joo Han. Spinal Dysraphism with Anorectal Malformation: Lumbosacral MRI Evaluation of 120 Patients. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2010; 45(4):769-76 |
2010 | Seong Min Kim, Hye Kyung Chang, Jae Woo Song, Hong Koh, Seok Joo Han. Agranular platelets as a Cardinal Feature of ARC Syndrome. Journal of pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2010; 32(4):253-8 |
2010 | Kim SM, Richards WO. Long-term follow-up of the metabolic profiles in obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Annals Surgery.2010; 251(6):1049-55. |
2010 | Kim SM, Park YJ, Ahn SM, Oh JT, Han SJ. Infantile vulvar abscess with a normal anus: a suspicious sign of rectovestibular fistula. Yonsei Medical Journal. 2010; 51(5):717-21. |
2010 | Kim SM, Shin JH, Chang EY, Chang HK, Oh JT, Han SJ. Slide thyrocricotracheoplasty for the treatment of high-grade subglottic stenosis in children.Journal of Pediatric Surgery.2010;45(12):2317-21. |
2009 | Hye Kyung Chang, Youn Joon Park, Hong Koh, Seong Min Kim, Ki Sup Chung, Jung Tak Oh, Seok Joo Han. Hepatic fibrosis scan for liver stiffness score measurement: a useful preendoscopic screening test for detection of esophageal varices in postoperative biliary atresia pediatric patients. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. 2009;49:323-328. |
2008 | Seong Min Kim, Seok Joo Han, Hong Sik Choi, et al. Slide thyrocricotracheoplasty: a novel surgical technique for congenital laryngeal atresia. Pediatric Surgery International. 2008 Mar;24(3):383-386 |
2008 | Seong Min Kim, Ki Chung Park, Seok-Joo Han. Et al. The effect of the selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor meloxicam on liver fibrosis in rats with ligated common bile ducts. Hepatology Research. 2008 Aug; 38(8): 800-809. |
2007 | Seung Hoon Choi, Seong Min Kim, Jung Tak Oh, et al. Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas: a multicenter study of 23 pediatric cases. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2006;41(12):1992-1995 |
2007 | Seong Min Kim, Jung Tak Oh, Seok Joo Han, et al. Anterior Sagittal Transrectal Approach (ASTRA) for Urethrovaginal Fistula after Total Repair of Persistent Cloaca: 1 Case Report. J Korean Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2007 Jun; 13(1):76-80. Korean. |
2007 | Seong Min Kim, Yoon Joon Park, Seok Joo Han, et al. Congenital Microgastria: Treatment with a Hunt-Lawrence Pouch. J Korean Surg Soc. 2007 Oct; 73(4):350-354. Korean. |
2007 | Seong Min Kim, Seok Joo Han, Jung Tak Oh, et al. Acute Appendicitis in Children: Comparison between Present and 10 Year Ago. J Korean Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2007 Jun;13(1):45-51.Korean |
2007 | Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas. Pediatric Oncology-surgical and medical aspects. Devendra K Gupta, Robert Carachi. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers(P) Ltd. 1st ed. 2007.pp 437-443 |
2007 | Long term follow-up of Wilms’ tumor. Pediatric Oncology-surgical and medical aspects. Devendra K Gupta, Robert Carachi. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers(P) Ltd. 1st ed. 2007.pp 627-633 |
2006 | Seong Min Kim, Chuan Dong Sun, Ki Chung Park, et al.: Accumulation of β-Catenin Protein, Mutations in Exon-3 of the β-Catenin Gene and a Loss of heterozygosity of 5q22 in Solid pseudopapillary Tumor of the Pancreas. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 94(5):418-425; 2006 |
2006 | Seong Min Kim, Sang Won Han, Seung Hoon Choi. Left colonic antegrade continence enema(LACE): Experience gained from nineteen cases. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2006; 41(10):1750-1754 |
2006 | Seong Min Kim, Dae youn Kim, Sang Yoon Kim, et al. Trend of repair of inguinal hernia in children in Korea: A national survey by the Korean association of pediatric surgeons in 2005. Korean J of pediatric surgery 12(2), 155-166: 2006 |
2006 | Seong Min Kim, Jung Tak Oh, Seok Joo Han, et al. Single center experience of treatment and follow-up of Wilms’ tumor Korean Journal of Surgery 2006; 71(3): 202-209 |
2006 | Seong Min Kim, Jung Tak Oh, Seung Hoon Choi, et al. Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas in children. Korean J of pediatric surgery 2006; 12(2): 221-231 |
2006 | Seong Min Kim, Seung Hwan Kim, Jung Tak Oh, et al. The Usefulness of trans-saphenous tunneled IVC catheter in pediatric patient. Korean J of pediatric surgery 2006; 12(2): 167-174 |
2006 | Seong Min Kim, Ju Hee Kim, Ji Na Kim, et al. Modified Seldinger’s method for reinsertion of accidentally dislodged gastrostomy tube. Korean J of pediatric surgery 2006; 12(2):155-166 |
2005 | Seong Min Kim, Seong Hoon Kim, In Kyu Kwon, et al. Laparoscopic treatment for superior mesenteric artery syndrome with follow-up of the patient with 3D reconstructive CT scan-case report. Korean J of pediatric surgery. 11(2), 180-185: 2005 |
2005 | Seong Min Kim, Seung Hoon Choi, Seong Hoon Kim, et al. Treatment experience of type A esophageal atresia. Korean J of pediatric surgery. 11(2), 157-164: 2005 |