2022 | Evaluation of accuracy of 3-dimensional printed dental models in reproducing intermaxillary relational measurements: Based on inter-operator differences. KJO 2022;52:20-28 |
2022 | Three-dimensional morphologic evaluation of the changes in the pharyngeal airway and hyoid bone after bimaxillary surgery in patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion with facial asymmetry: A preliminary study. AJODO 2022;162:42-50 |
2022 | Orthodontic treatment in a patient with Mobius syndrome: A Case report. KJO;52:451-460. |
2017 | Lip line changes in Class III facial asymmetry patients after orthodontic camouflage treatment, one-jaw surgery, and two-jaw surgery: A preliminary study. Angle Orthod 2017;87;239-45. |
2015 | Comparison of cone-beam computed tomography cephalometric measurements using a midsagittal projection and conventional two-dimensional cephalometric measurements. KJO 2015;45:282-288. |
2014 | Three-dimensional cone beam computed tomographic image reorientation using soft tissue as reference for facial asymmetry diagnosis. Angle Orthod. 2014;84:38-47. |
2011 | 낭종성 법랑모세포종으로 인하여 매복된 하악 구치의 교정-외과 치료: 증례보고. 대한악안면성형재건외과학회지 2011;33:435-439. |
2011 | 가천의대 길병원 교정과에 내원한 매복치 환자의 특성과 치료기간 및 방법에 관한 연구(2005년 ~2008년) 대한치과의사협회지 2011;49:211-218. |
2010 | 상악 가철식 보정장치인 circumferential comfortable retainer (CRR)에 대한 불편감 평가. 대한치과교정학회지 2010;40:325-333. |
2010 | Relationship between vertical skeletal pattern and success rate of orthodontic mini-implants. AJODO 2010;138:51-7. |
2009 | 성인 환자에서 구치부 압하를 통한 개방교합의 치료와 유지. 대한치과교정학회지. Vol 39, No 6 2009. |
2009 | 자가결찰 브라켓과 골신장술을 이용한 구순구개열 환자의 치험례. 대한치과의사협회지. Vol 47, No10, 2009, 656-668. |
2008 | 흡연에 따른 간이구강위생지수와 구강환경관리능력지수. J of the Korean Society of Health Information and Health Statistics Vol. 33, No 1, 2008. |
2008 | 성장기 III급 환자에서 MTA(Modified Tandem Appliance)를 이용한 교정치료. 대한치과의사협회지;46(2): 2008, 88-99. |
2008 | Factors associated with the success rate of orthodontic miniscrews placed in the upper and lower posterior buccal region. Angle Orthodontist;78(1):2008,101-106. |
2007 | Modified Nance appliance를 이용한 매복치의 교정치료. 대한치과의사협회지 Vol,45 No.4 2007,p228-p247. |
2006 | 상악에서 발생한 법랑아세포 섬유-치아종의 치험례. 대한구강악안면외과학회지. Vol 32 No.6 2006.p594. |
2006 | Forced eruption of impacted molars with a modified lingual arch appliance. J of Korean Dental association Vol.44 No.2 2006 p123 |
2005 | A case report of alveolar bone change after the forced eruption treatment with surgical luxation of the ankylosed tooth. J of Korean Dental association Vol.43 No.12 2005 p838 |
2005 | "Long term results of ankylosed teeth treated bysubluxation and orthodontic traction method in a growingpatient. J of Korean Dental association Vol. 43, No.3, 2005p212-p217. |
2005 | "Epidemic study of the systemic associated anomalies on Cleft lip and/or cleft palate patients. J of Korean Dental association Vol. 43, No.2, 2005 p110-p118. |
2004 | 순측 만곡치근을 갖는 역위 상악 중절치의 교정적 치험례. 대한치과의사협회지 Vol 42 No 2 2004 |
2004 | A 17-year clinicostatistical analysis of Cleft Lip and/or Palate patients in clinics for Maxillo-oral disorders, Tohoku university dental hospital. J of the Korean Cleft lip and palate association Vol. 7, No. 1, 2004 P35. |
2003 | The orthopedic correction of mandibular protrusion with TTBA in growing patients: report of two cases. J of Korean Dental association Vol. 41, No.10, 2003 p720-p727 |
2002 | Clinical use and failure of Skeletal Anchorage system. J of Korean Dental association Vol. 40, No.1, 2002 p68-p74. |
2001 | A study on the gap between the opinions of various specialties in treating CLP patients. J of Korean Dental association Vol. 39, No.11, 2001 p947-p953. |
2000 | 골유착대구치의 교정적 치험례. 대한치과의사협회지 Vol 38, No10 2000 p962-968. |
2000 | Free gingival graft for Orthognathic surgery patients. J of Korean Dental association Vol. 38, No.79, 2000 p672-p678 |
2000 | A study of post-operative changes in facial height and width of mandibular prognathic patients. Korean J of Orthodontics Vol. 30, No. 3, 2000 p367-p375. |
| 출판 Publication |
2020 | Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics(공저). John Wiley & Sons (출판예정) |
2018 | 多 알려주는 교정치료의 임상(제2판). 대한나래출판사 |
2012 | 多 알려주는 덧니와 돌출의 교정치료, 대한나래출판사 |
2009 | 多 알려주는 교정치료의 임상. 대한나래출판사 |
2008 | 스피드교정. 지성출판사 |
2007 | 매복치 치료를 위한 교정술식, 신흥인터내셔날 |
2007 | 다양한 mini-implant교정치료 (공저)/지성출판사 |
2002 | Clinical use of Skeletal Anchorage System and its failure. Narae Publishing Inc. |
1999 | Color atlas Clinical Orthodontics. 지성출판사. |
| 국제학회 Major Activities at International Societies |
| "3rd Asian-Pacific Orthodontic Conference 1998 at TaiwanSurgical Management of impacted tooth for Orthodontic Treatment""100th AAO 2000Orthodontic treatment for Ankylosed tooth – Table clinic""104th AAO 2004 (Orlando)Success rate according to the Implanted place of Skeletal anchorage system – Scientific PosterbordsClinical use of Skeletal Anchorage system – Table clinic""105th AAO 2005 (SanFrancisco California USA)Clinical use of Skeletal Anchorage system – Table clinicA 17-year clinicostatistical analysis of Cleft lip and/or palate patients – Scientific Posterbords""106th AAO (Las Vegas Nevada USA / May 5-9, 2006)The forced eruption treatment with surgical luxation of the ankylosed tooth-Scientific poster boardEpidemiologic study of the Associated Anomalies on Cleft Patients- Scientific poster boardClinical use of Skeletal anchorage system-Table Clinic""107th AAO (Seattle Washington, USA / May 18-22, 2007 )Clinical use of Skeletal Anchorage System – Table ClinicFactors associated with the clinical success ofMiniscrews – Oral Presentation""108th AAO (Denver Colorado, USA/May 16-20, 2008)Skeletal and Clinical factors associated with the success of mini implant. – Oral presentationOpen bite correction with orthodontic mini-implant. – Table ClinicsEpidemiologic characteristics of impacted tooth – Scientific Poster board""109th AAO(Boston/ May 1-5, 2009)Patient and OMI(orthodontic mini implant) factors associated with the success of OMI.""110th AAO(Washington, DC/ April 30~May 4, 2010)Open bite correction with orthodontic mini-implant. – Table ClinicsSFR(Skeletal Fixed Retainer)-the Open bite retainer – Poster""111th AAO(Chicago, Il/ May 13-17. 2011)Open bite correction and retention with Orthodontic Mini-Implant (OMI) – Table clinicReserch on characteristics of patients with tooth impaction who visited Gachon University Gil Hospital Orthodontic Department (Year 2005-2009) - E-Poster""112th AAO (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA)Application of temporary anchorage device for the open bite correction and retention.-Table clinicPain in Orthodontic Clinic-E poster.""113th AAO (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) Factors associated with orthodontic pain – E-Poster.""13. 114th AAO(New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)The maxillofacial skeletal factors affecting the airway size – E Poster""14. 115th AAO(San Francisco, California, USA)Comparison of 3D CBCT cephalometric measurements using midsagittal projection and conventional 2D cephalometric measurements. –E Poster""15. 116th AAO(Orlando, Florida, USA/ April 29-May 3)Comparison of lip line cant correction between 1-jaw and 2-jaw orthognathic surgery in Class III facial asymmetry patients.""16. 117th AAO(San Diego, California, USA/ April 21-25) Precision of direct digital impression with Trios 3 intraoral scanner –E Poster""17. 118th AAO(Washington DC USA/ May 408, 2018) A study on the clinical usefulness of the RP Model made by using intraoral scan images –E PosterOpen bite correction and retention by using Temporary Anchorage Devices (TAD)-Table clinic""18. 119th AAO(Los Angeles, California, USA) Can the Rapid Prototyping model replace the Plaster model in the Orthodontic Clinic? –E Poster" |