KiHoon Sung
放射肿瘤学科 KiHoon Sung Favorite Doctor
의료진 진료일정
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Clinical Interests

Breast cancer
Esophageal cancer
Stomach cancer

2018 Gachon University School of Medicine, Ph.D.
2010 Gachon University School of Medicine, M.S.
2001 Yonsei University, Earth System Sciences, M.S.
1995 Yonsei University, Geology, B.S.
2020~ Department of Radiation Oncology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Assistant Professor
2017 Department of Radiation Oncology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Clinical Assistant Professor
2015 Department of Radiation Oncology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Fellow
2011 Department of Radiation Oncology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Resident
2010 Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Intern
2001 Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Researcher
2015 Radiation Oncology Specialist
2010 Medical License
KiHoon Sung
2020 Reducing radiation dermatitis using a film-forming silicone gel during breast radiotherapy: A pilot randomized-controlled trial. In Vivo, 2020. 34(1).
2019 Concordance Rate between Clinicians and Watson for Oncology among Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer: Early, Real-World Experience in Korea. Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2019: p. 8072928.
2018 Dose gradient curve: A new tool for evaluating dose gradient. PLoS One, 2018. 13(4): p. e0196664.
2017 Orbital volume restoration rate after orbital fracture; a CT-based orbital volume measurement for evaluation of orbital wall reconstructive effect. Eye (Lond), 2017. 31(5): p. 713-719.
2017 Cardiac risk index as a simple geometric indicator to select patients for the heart-sparing radiotherapy of left-sided breast cancer. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol, 2017. 61(3): p. 410-417.
2015 Clinical applicability of biologically effective dose calculation for spinal cord in fractionated spine stereotactic body radiation therapy. Radiol Oncol, 2015. 49(2): p. 185-91.
2014 Cardiac dose reduction with breathing adapted radiotherapy using self respiration monitoring system for left-sided breast cancer. Radiat Oncol J, 2014. 32(2): p. 84-94.
2014 Establishment of linear accelerator-based image guided radiotherapy for orthotopic 4T1 mouse mammary tumor model. Lab Anim Res, 2014. 30(2): p. 64-72.
2012 Clinical application of RapidArc volumetric modulated arc therapy as a component in whole brain radiation therapy for poor prognostic, four or more multiple brain metastases. Radiat Oncol J, 2012. 30(2): p. 53-61.