Patient-centered Neurosurgery of Gachon University Gil Medical Center

Neurosurgery department has been with Gil Medical Center from the very beginning in 1987, and now we proudly present 15 professors, 7 resident doctors and 6 professional nurses striving for the best recovery and healing of patients with our high expertise. Each professor at his own specialty is doing the best to provide appropriate treatment to patients who were referred from clinics for high-level of treatment.


Gachon University Gil Medical Center's cerebrovascular specialists are ready for all cases of cerebrovascular disease on 24-hour emergency call system. Since 2018, hybrid surgical system (special operation room that allows both conventional craniotomy and surgery via blood vessel to treat brain aneurysm, cerebral arteriovenous malformation or others) was established in order to provide high-grade neurovascular treatment with safety and expertise. In addition, craniotomy or endovascular surgery is performed as accommodating the safety and the needs of patients for diseases found in advance without symptoms. It minimizes complications in vascular treatment and provides the best skills and facilities to prevent recurrence, becoming the nation's leader in cerebrovascular surgery.