Gachon University Gil Hospital Mobile





Comfortable internal condition is the key for happiness

Gastroenterology is the most important medical department that diagnoses and treats various digestive diseases occur in stomach, intestinal tract, liver, biliary tract, and pancreas. Gil Medical Center's Digestive Center introduces state-of-the-art endoscopy equipment, ultrasonography machines, and experienced medical professionals with extensive clinical experience to provide accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for each different field, such as liver disease, gastrointestinal disease or pancreatic biliary disease. In addition, multi-disciplinary consultation on various digestive cancers are available, such as liver cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, biliary tract cancer, and gallbladder cancer.


Liver cancer

Liver cancer has clear risk factors that cause it. Significant number of liver cancer cases are from cirrhosis developed from hepatitis B, hepatitis C or alcoholic liver diseases. Therefore, people with cirrhosis, hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus are at high risk for liver cancer and are subject to regular checkup, such as abdominal ultrasonogrpahy. If a high-risk patient shows significant findings for liver cancer in contrast enhancement CT or MRI, clinical diagnosis can be made by considering the results of blood α-fetoprotein; AFP. As liver cancer treatmtent methods, appropriate one will be chosen depending on patient's cancer stage or residual liver function, which include topical therapy, liver transplantation, TACE, radiation therapy or systemic chemotherapy. Consultation with a liver specialist is necessary for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment method.

Esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, and colon cancer

Esophageal cancer, stomach cancer and colon cancer are significant carcinomas with high incidence and mortality rate. It is important to focus on preventing it, and it is important to detect and eliminate polyps as early as possible, which can be pre-cancerous. At our digestive center, specialists are performing therapeutic endoscopic procedures, such as polypectomy or cancer resection for early stage of digestive cancer.

Pancreatic cancer and biliary cancer

Pancreas is an important organ, located at the back of the stomach that simultaneously performs the exocrine function of secreting pancreatic fluid into the duodenum via pancreatic duct and the endocrine function that secrets hormone into blood vessels. Biliary tract is a tubular structure that secrets bile produced in the liver to the duodenum, and biliary tract cancer is also called bile duct cancer. Pancreatic cancer and biliary tract cancer often have no symptoms at all, so early detection is difficult, and special test methods for early diagnosis are still incomplete. The most common symptoms include abdominal pain, weight loss, jaundice, digestive problems or the development and exacerbation of diabetes. Available diagnosis methods include abdominal ultrasonography, abdominal CT scan, MRI, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic ultrasonography, PET-CT or blood tests. Considering the size and location of cancer, surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy will be decided.

Liver disease

Liver diseases include acute / chronic viral hepatitis (type A, type B, type C), alcoholic liver disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, toxic hepatitis, autoimmune liver disease, and genetic and metabolic diseases, such as Wilson's disease. These can progress to cirrhosis or liver cancer after going through chronic course. It is difficult to recover the hardened liver to its original condition if cirrhosis has progressed significantly, and the prognosis is poor due to complications such as ascites, varicose bleeding or hepatic coma. is. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a liver specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Stomach and intestinal diseases occur in esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine or large intestine. Common diseases include reflux esophagitis, esophageal motility disorder, gastritis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, helicobacter infection, inflammatory bowel disease, polyp or adenoma, and these are very commonly seen that most people experience more than once in their lifetime. In many cases, it is often considered not seriously and people do not intervene early. It left untreated for long time, they can progress to serious diseases, such as gastric cancer or colon cancer, so diagnosis and treatment is necessary. Gil Medical Center's digestive center provides accurate diagnosis and treatment for these via specialists with high expertise and state-of-the-art equipment.

Pancreatic and biliary tract diseases

Pancreatic and biliary tract disease refers to diseases of the pancreas and biliary tract, including gallbladder, biliary tract, and pancreas. Common diseases include gallbladder polyps, gallstones, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, intrahepatic gallstones, papillary adenoma, pancreatitis, pancreatic stenosis, and cystic disease of the pancreas. For diagnosis, various kinds of tests are available, such as ultrasonography, CT scan, MRI, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic ultrasonography, blood test or biopsy. For each disease, treatment is performed after accurate diagnosis or patient will do regular follow-up check to keep track of condition.