Achievements and Awards
- 2024
Achievement of 500 Kidney Transplants, a First in Incheon
- 2023
Successful Procedure of the Artificial Blood Vessel Anastomosis (Super HeRO), the First in the Gyeongin Region
Achievement of 100 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantations (TAVI), the First in Incheon
Regional Emergency Medical Center, Ranked 1st in the Nationwide Evaluation of Emergency Medical Institutions
Radiation Oncology transfers technology to OncoSoft (Radiation Therapy Dose Gradient Analysis)
Professor Lee, Won-suk's surgical team developed a surgical robotic system for gastroenterological cancer lymph node observation for the first time in the nation
Introduction of the advanced smart CLMA system
In-house development of the smart Mobile Clinic Platform (G-MICS)
Professor Moon, Cheol-hyun's dental team reported the first domestic case of corrective treatment for Möbius syndrome
Installation of the integrated magnet system for 11.74T MRI completed
- 2022
Achieved 1,000 cases of high-difficulty robotic surgery
First successful robotic pancreaticoduodenectomy in Incheon
Achieved 3,000 cases of comprehensive cardiovascular one-stop service
Obtained certification as a reperfusion therapy stroke center
Grade 1 evaluation of appropriateness for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Selection of the institution for conducting cross-species transplantation research and development project under the supervision of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
- 2021
Acquired the 1st grade with a perfect score in all criteria for emergency medical center evaluation
10-year anniversary for Air Ambulance Helicopter service (1,485 dispatches) introduced for the first time in the nation
- 2020
Began to install magnet system for super-ultra high resolution 11.74T MRI at Gachon Brain Valley
Rated as excellent "S" grade in special health screening, National Health Checkup Center
Performed more than 1,000 cases of lung cancer surgery
Performed more than 200 cases of da Vinci Robotic surgery
- 2019
Introduction of Korea's first artificial joint robotic surgery system 'Navio'
First successful artificial heart transplantation in Incheon
Acquired the 1st grade in the 3rd pneumonia treatment evaluation (3 times in a row)
Acquired the 1st certification by Korean Stroke Society as 'Primary Stroke Center'
- 2018
Acquired the 1st grade in quality ICU evaluation
Rated as #1 Emergency Medical Center by National Evaluation
- 2017
Reached 1,000 Cooperation Hospitals by Gil Referral Center
1 Year Anniversary Symposium for A.I. Watson for Oncology Center
Designated as Excellent Hospital Serving Foreign Patients by Ministry of Health
Reached 400 Overseas Children for Free Heart Surgery
Opening of Peritoneal Surface Malignancy & Recurrent Cancer Clinic
Introduction of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy HIPEC procedure -
Successful Pilot Project with Peru for Cooperative Telemedicine Consultation, Especially for Area with
Medical Vulnerability -
Rated as #1 for Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease by National Evaluation
- 2016
Opening of A.I. Cancer Center
Opening of Gachon Brain Valley
Awarded a contract for PET-MRI Commercialization & 11.7T MRI Magnet
Opening of Gachon Brain Health Center
- 2015
Introduction of Scopis navigation system for Otorhinolaryngology department
Established clinical research data warehouse (CRDW) for big data analysis platform
- 2014
Designated as R&D project institution for research-centered hospital development
Primary hospital for athletes village for 2014 Incheon Asian Games
Reached 100 performances of Endoscopic Retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Introduction of Rapid arc, respiration synchronized
Opening of nationally designated regional trauma center
- 2013
Metropolitan Dementia Center, designated by Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare
Dental clinic center for the disabled, designated by Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare
Research-centered hospital, designated by government
No.1 grade in coronary artery bypass graft surgery evaluation, only one in Incheon
Reached 300 children for free heart surgery of children from developing countries
- 2012
Successful treatment for hypertension, by blocking kidney nerve
Designated as excellent hospital for treating liver cancer, stomach cancer, and colorectal cancer by National Health Insurance Assessment Service
Westcoast regional emergency medical center rated at the top for 10 consecutive years
Received No.1 grade in acute stroke and myocardial infarction intervention evaluation from National Health Insurance Assessment Service (only in Kyungin Region)
- 2011
Introduced Air Ambulance Helicopter service since September.
Gachon University newly launched after mergence of Kyungwon University and Gachon University School of Medicine.
Opened Pediatric Emergency Department.
Opened Cancer Center.
- 2010
Gachon Brain Health Center was accredited by JCI(not currently accredited).
- 2009
Introduced state-of-the-art radiation system for cancer therapy, Novalis TX, for the first in Korea
- 2008
Introduced the latest digital mammography system
Consecutively succeeded 25 cases of liver transplantation
- 2005
Introduced 64 slice MDCT which even allows imaging moving organs.
- 2004
Introduced and adapted a new therapy for spinal disorder (lumbar spinal stenosis, spinal instability)- Interspinous-U.
Succeeded the 1st artificial cervical disc replacement surgery in the Gyeong-In area.
Succeeded removal of renal calculus with a single operation by using angiography Korea’s first laparoscopic urinary surgery with minimal scarring.
- 2003
Exceeded 10,000 cases of echocardiography for adults on an annual basis Introduced and succeeded in replacement surgery of Prosthetic Disc Nucleus (PDN)
- 2002
Introduction of artificial disc replacement by the neurosurgery department
The latest cardiovascular operation cases completed at the Heart Center including Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) and directional coronary atherectomy, etc.
- 2001
The first Korea’s successful new and non-invasive surgery for urinary diseases including urinary stone, congenital ureter stenosis, etc.
Developed a surgery method drastically improved full recovery rates of women’s urinary incontinence
Newly developed a non-invasive surgery method for urinary stone, as the first in Korea
Introduced the genetic testing method to evaluate sudden infant death, for the first in Korea
- 2000
The first successful chondrocyte transplantation surgery in Incheon area(Dongincheon Gil Hospital)
Adapted the helmet aspiration system as the first in Korea (Dongincheon Gil Hospital)
Conducted “Fragile X-Syndrome Test” for the fetus, as the first in Korea
Established Korea’s first medical intranet at Gachon University of Medicine and Science
Succeeded in heart transplantation for the heart failure patient by transporting with a helicopter
- 1999
Korea’s first live monitor broadcast of the arthroscopic surgery
The first successful non-surgical occlusion for ventricular septal defects in Korea/ a successful painless cavity therapy by using laser.
Korea’s first live Internet broadcast of a minimally invasive surgery method Introduced the method of “Percutaneous Vertebroplasty”
Established the Korea’s first organ donation campaign office and jointly operated with ‘Korea Tissue Bank”
Performed a surgery of partial left ventriculectomy for the terminal patient suffering from chronic heart failure, for the first in Korea
Introduced and adopted the “Laser Cavity Therapy System”, for the first in Korea
- 1998
Developed metal guiding device for angulus mandibulae
- 1997
Korea’s first Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for a pediatric tachycardia patient
The first surgery of intractable epilepsy patient in Incheon area by Epilepsy Therapeutic Team Presented a minimally invasive surgery method for the first in Korea
Korea’s first simultaneous heart-lung transplant (on an 11-year-old girl)
Surgery for tetralogy of Fallot (a congenital combination of four specific heart abnormalities) on Korea’s oldest patient
- 1996
Korea’s first bloodless heart transplant
The first successful ventricular reconstruction surgery in Asia
Korea’s first bloodless heart transplant
Korea’s first successful myocardial surgery for the heart failure patient
- 1995
Started to provide the telemedicine system for cardiovascular angiography and intervention (hosted the international medicine symposium)
Established the Korea’s first remote medical service system (between Joongang Gil Hospital and Bakryong Gil Hospital)
- 1994
Korea’s first joint medical services combined with western and oriental medicine
Korea’s first introduction of “NaYag Laser” system for the dental clinic
Korea’s first successful coronary atherectomy and laser angioplasty
Succeeded in the brain transplantation of the embryo for the Parkinson disease patient
- 1993
Korea’s first successful non-surgical coronary transluminal angioplasty
- 1992
The first successful in-vitro fertilization in Incheon area
- 1991
Korea’s first successful rotablator atherctomy and anterograde atherectomy
- 1990
The first successful open heart surgery in Incheon
- 1988
The first successful microsurgery in Incheon area